CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
September 29, 2023
Information from Principal Santa
Friday, September 29th~ PTO Movie Event at the Westwood Movie Theatre
Saturday, September 30th~ CDW Grade 8 Clothing Drive 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Sunday, October 1st~ CDW Grade 8 Car Wash and Bake Sale 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Monday, October 2nd~ BOE Meeting in the BOE Conference Room at 8:00 PM
Tuesday, October 3rd-Friday, October 6th~ 7th Grade Overnight Trip
Friday, October 6th~ Marking Period 1 Mid-Point
Monday, October 9th~ 12:30 PM Dismissal for Students; Professional Development for Staff
Friday, October 13th~ Interim Reports via Parent Portal at 12:00 PM
Tuesday, October 17th~ Picture Day
Thursday, October 19th~ Grade 8 Fundraiser: Chick-fil-A Lunch
Thursday, October 19th~ PTO Meeting in the CDW Media Center at 7:30 PM
Monday, October 23rd~ BOE Meeting in the BOE Conference Room at 8:00 PM
Tuesday, October 31st~ Halloween
The CDW Clothing Drive will remain on Saturday, September 30th from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM. Please bring bags of clothes, shoes, handbags, linens, stuffed animals.
The CDW Car Wash and Bake Sale has been moved to Sunday, October 1st from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM.
Please use the following links to sign up to volunteer:
Car Wash Bake Sale Donations
Car Wash Volunteers (Along with the 8th graders, 7th graders are welcome to help out!)
Clothing Drive & Bake Sale Volunteers
Important Update: Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-Up
- Please use the established drop-off location(s) in the morning and pick-up location(s) in the afternoon. Unfortunately, many vehicles are coming in through the teachers' entrance on Old Tappan Road and driving perpendicular to the traffic pattern exiting Interschool Drive. The merge of vehicles presents a danger, especially during inclement weather. Please continue to use Interschool Drive as the primary drop-off and pick-up location.
- Please do not pull into staff parking spots during drop-off or pick-up since it is causing traffic to flow in an unsafe manner.
- Unless your child is reporting to a scheduled morning activity (e.g., OTBN, Student Council, extra help session, etc.), they must continue entering the Rossi Gym (Grades 7 and 8) and the Lynch Gym (Grades 5 and 6) during indoor arrival.
Thank you for your continued partnership!
CDW Picture Day Order Information
Please click the link below, enter the access code below, and choose your packages/products.
Photo Day Prepay Shop Link:
There is a deadline of October 17th to place your order!
CDW Clubs for the 2023-2024 School Year
- Drama Club with Ms. Osbahr
- Homework Club with Ms. Cimorelli and Ms. Huster
- Math/Science Club with Ms. Osbahr
- OTBN with Mr. Johnson (already started)
- School Newspaper with Mr. Johnson
Please use this link to find out specific information as to when the club starts and meets throughout the year. Other clubs will be starting throughout the year and will be added to the list.
*These clubs are in addition to PTO Clubs.
OTBN is Back on the Air!
Grade 6 Design Thinking
Walk to School Week 2023 starts Monday!
Fall Sports
The soccer team played a great game Thursday beating Northvale 5 to 2. Jason Jun scored two goals, Kyle Gagliano, Justin Lee, and Matt Kosmark each scored one to lead the offense. The defense was anchored by Zach Kim, Christine Hong, and Sahana Trivedi. In goal, Jake Totten played his first game and recorded the win. Great team effort Knights and Coach Gagliano! The next game is Monday at Harrington Park.
With an undefeated record of 4-0, Coach Ferrara and the team have shown resilience and passion throughout the early part of the season. Led by a large number of veteran 8th graders, no moment is too big for this team. The energy, effort, and one-point-at-a-time mentality has been the keys to their success. They look forward to a challenging schedule in the upcoming weeks, with an away game against Harrington Park on Monday.
Although the boys' volleyball team fell short in a few close matches, Coach Brancatelli is proud of their progress since the season started. With each game, the team improves and most of all has fun!
Please click here for the Fall Sports Schedules.
Ms. Adamo's Counselor Corner
6th grade information:
On September 28th, Ms. Adamo continued the Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E. program with the sixth grade. As a reminder, The Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E. program started last January when the students were fifth graders. These monthly lessons focus on helping students learn more about themselves, building confidence, and setting and achieving goals. SHINE stands for: S: self; H: heart; I: inspire; N: navigate; E: exceptional.
On October 5th, Ms. Adamo will begin teaching conflict resolution classes to the sixth grade. These monthly lessons are geared toward teaching students how to communicate effectively to help lessen conflicts with their peers.
Reminders for all grades
Wellness Wednesday lunches:
Grades 5 and 6 lunch with Ms. Adamo is in room 414.
Grades 7 and 8 lunch with Dr. Polizotto is in room 308.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s academic, social or emotional needs, please contact me at or 201-664-1475 ext. 2203.
PTO Updates
Pizza Mondays
Pizza Mondays started on Monday, 9/18! Please use these links to sign up to serve pizza at TBD and CDW.
For TBD, signs ups will be restricted to 2 per child for the next few weeks.
Spirit Wear
Both stores offer different merchandise. Links are on or see below:
SHORT TERM: Charles DeWolf Middle School Old Tappan Spirit Wear 2023
LONG TERM: Charles DeWolf Middle School
CDW Class of 2024 Discount Card
Candy and Ice Pop Sale
Every first Friday of the month, the Class of 2024 will be selling candy and ice pops at dismissal for an afternoon treat. Students in Grades 5-8 can go to the Lynch Gym to purchase their treat of choice! Treats will be between $1-3 and will include, but will not be limited to: lollipops, M&M's, Twizzlers, Gummy Bears, Sour Patch Kids, etc. See the flyer below for more information.
Dates of Sales: October 6th, November 3rd, December 1st, January 5th, February 2nd, March 1st, April 5th, May 3rd, June 7th
ATTENTION: 8th grade parents, please sign up HERE to volunteer for future Candy and Ice Pop Sales!
Join the PTO!
Volunteers play a huge part in the PTO and what we are able to offer our students and teachers. Without volunteers, many of the programs that students, teachers, and families enjoy will not be able to happen. Volunteer descriptions can be found at: under "More Info" and then "Flyers."
If you have interest in joining the PTO Board, joining or running a committee, or just want to learn more- please reach out to the PTO by visiting and selecting "Contact Old Tappan PTO" under the Help tab.
On Thursday, January 11th, 2024 (Snow date: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024) from 3:30-4:30 PM, Charles DeWolf Middle School will be offering all sixth through eighth grade students the opportunity to take part in the AMC 8 Math Competition. All interested middle-school students are welcome to join us on that date.
Additional information about both the AMC 8 Test and The AMC Advantage can be found on their website, and please use this form to sign your child up for the competition.
Dress Code Reminder
Students are expected to dress in clean, neat clothes and in a manner that will not detract from the teaching and learning experience in any way. They are also expected to adhere to reasonable health and safety standards in personal hygiene. Suitable footwear should be worn at all times. Prudent judgment should be exercised in the selection of school clothing or accessories that may be considered disruptive to the school environment or that may present a safety hazard to the student or others.
In general terms, clothing should cover the torso and legs to the mid-thigh. Examples of clothing that would be considered unacceptable in a school setting include but are not limited to halter tops, tube tops, tank tops, bare midriff tops, bathing suits, short skirts or short shorts, baggy/sagging pants (pants must not fall below waist), wallet chains, and any clothing advertising drugs, 6 weapons, alcohol, tobacco, vulgarities, or violence. Outdoor clothing, such as coats, jackets, and hats, are encouraged during the appropriate seasons since students may spend part of their day outside. Unless otherwise directed, students may not wear hats or hoods in the building
Grade 6 Information from the Health Office
The State of New Jersey now requires all students born after January 1, 1997 and entering 6th Grade to receive a booster dose of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DPT) vaccine as well as one dose of meningococcal vaccine.
If your child has received these shots, please provide Mrs. McCarthy, the school nurse, with a copy of the dates from the doctor if you haven’t already done so. If your child has not had these shots, please make arrangements with your doctor and let Mrs. McCarthy know that there is an upcoming, scheduled appointment. This is a state requirement for all students entering 6th Grade, and the state only allows for a 30 day grace period; therefore, students will not be allowed in the building after October 1st unless this paperwork is submitted, or you have spoken to Mrs. McCarthy about an upcoming appointment.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. McCarthy at 201-664-1475 ext. 2103 or
CDW Band Spirit Wear
If you’re interested in ordering, click HERE. There are different garment styles and colors available. Orders are due by Friday, October 20th.
Chromebook Insurance Information
New to our insurance policy this year is that all Chromebooks must be in cases or the insurance will not cover any claims.
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
Picture Day
*Grade 8 students: This will be the picture that is used for the 2024 Yearbook.
Membership in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) at Charles DeWolf Middle School is open to any seventh grade student who meets all the following membership requirements at the end of the third marking period in 2024:
- Has a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.70 in academic subjects (social studies, language arts, math, science and Spanish) subjects, with no grade below a B- in any subject (including cycle classes) for ALL marking periods of the 2023-2024 school year.
- Demonstrates outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship.
- Accumulates no more than six unexcused tardies. Tardies will only be considered excused if a doctor's note is submitted to the School Nurse.
- Accumulates no detentions related to behavior in violation of the CDW Code of Conduct.
- Performs eight hours of documented community service from a recognized nonprofit, community, or education organization from 9/1/2023-4/12/2024. Virtual service hours will no longer be accepted. Please note that there will be no extension of this date. Students should provide documentation on the organization’s letterhead when submitting their applications in April.
- Completes at least three marking periods of the 7th grade year at CDW (unless a student moves into district and has been inducted as a member in another district).
At the end of April, eligible students will be identified and invited to apply for admission to the NJHS by email. An email will also be sent to parents of eligible students. The induction ceremony will be held during the week of May 13, 2024 (subject to change).
CDW Staff Flowchart
It is important to remember that our school is full of staff members who are here to help you and your child(ren) all year long. In some cases, you may not be sure whom to contact for specific information. For questions about your child(ren)'s classes, please utilize the teacher as a primary resource before implementing the flow chart.
Ms. Jennifer Santa, Principal:; phone extension 2101
Mr. Sabatino Lauriello, Student Manager:; phone extension 2104
Ms. Jenni Adamo, Counselor:; phone extension 2203
Lunch at CDW
Students should either bring their lunch from home each day, or parents may order through one of the approved vendors for delivery to CDW. If you order lunch from an approved vendor for delivery, please make sure the vendor knows your child's first and last name and grade level. This will help to ensure your child receives their lunch on time. At times, we understand that a parent/guardian may need to drop off lunch at school. All lunches need to be placed on the table with the green tablecloth in the vestibule. We will make sure that it's delivered to your child.
5th/6th Grade Lunch ~ 11:27 AM-12:01 PM
7th/8th Grade Lunch ~ 12:10 PM-12:44 PM
You can find the Lunch Vendors on the Old Tappan School District Website, or refer to the flyer below.
- Drop-off is on Interschool Drive.
- For the safety of all students, we ask that you stay in your vehicle at drop-off and dismissal.
- Please do not use the upper faculty parking lot for drop-off/pick-up/or exiting of school grounds during school hours. CDW faculty and BOE-approved bus companies are the only vehicles permitted in the upper lot.
- Please do not park in any staff parking spots when dropping off or picking up students.
- Please do not exit your vehicle and leave your vehicle unattended on Interschool Drive.
- There will be adult supervision starting at 8:00 AM, and the doors will open at 8:20 AM. If there is inclement weather, students will be ushered into the school gymnasiums at 8:00 AM.
- The students in Grades 5 & 6 will line up on the blacktop in the back of the school near the basketball courts.
- The students in Grades 7 & 8 will line up on the blacktop by the 7th and 8th Grade Wing Exterior Door.
- Once you pull up to the cones on Interschool Drive, please have your child(ren) exit the vehicle. This allows many students to be dropped off at the same time and allows the line to move quickly.
- Please arrange a meeting area with your child(ren) so that you can locate them efficiently.
- Please do not park and/or exit your vehicle regardless of your child(ren) being at TBD or CDW.
- Please do not block designated emergency lanes that connect TBD and CDW.
- Please use BOTH LANES on Interschool Drive for Pick-Up. A staff member will be available to cross your child(ren).
General Traffic Rules Regarding Parking
- Never park in a "No Parking, Fire Lane." These lanes are designated with yellow paint in diagonal lines on the pavement along with the words, "No Parking Fire Lane."
- Never park along a curb that is painted yellow and leave your vehicle unattended.
- Do not double park (park your vehicle beside another vehicle that is in a designated parking space).
Working Papers
The New Jersey Department of Labor (NJDOL) process for the application and approval of
working papers was made digital effective June 1, 2023, and is available online at the New Jersey Department of Labor website.
Old Tappan 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Twitter: @OldTappanSD