Shoultes Shark News
November 2022
Shoultes Contact Info
** 12:40 dismissal for Conference Week: Oct 31 - Nov 4.
** 12:40 dismissal on Wednesday 11/23.
Website: https://www.msd25.org/o/shoultes-elementary-school
Location: 13525 51st Avenue Northeast, Marysville, WA, USA
Phone: 360-965-1400
Facebook: facebook.com/shoultes
Twitter: @shoultes_sharks
Principal Message
Shoultes Families,
Wow! It’s almost November… Time sure is flying. I have a couple things that everyone should know for the coming month.
First, Conferences are this week. I know our staff is excited to have you visit and is prepared to discuss your child’s progress. It has been a great start to the year and we are excited to talk about it. Also, don’t forget while you’re here this week for conferences to stop by the library for the Scholastic Book Fair. There will be lots of great options to help grow your child’s love of reading!
Veterans Day is just around the corner. This year we will be honoring our country’s veterans with a presentation from the Marysville Pilchuck High School’s NJROTC Color Guard. This special assembly is on November 10th at 2:45. Families are welcome to come to honor those who have given so much for our country.
Finally, please welcome our newest full time staff member, Katheryn Bradshaw. Ms. Bradshaw comes to us most recently from Liberty Elementary where she worked in their LAP program. Ms. Bradshaw will be the teacher in our new kindergarten/first grade split classroom which opens on Monday October 31st. Welcome Kat, we’re glad you’re here!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns for me, please don’t hesitate to reach out, my door is always open.
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday October 31, 12:40 dismissal
Monday October 31, Book Fair family shopping 1:00-4:00
Tuesday November 1, 12:40 dismissal
Tuesday November 1, Book Fair family shopping 1:00-6:00
Wednesday November 2, 12:40 dismissal
Wednesday November 2, Book Fair family shopping 1:00-4:00
Thursday November 3, 12:40 dismissal
Thursday November 3, Book Fair family shopping 1:00-4:00
Friday November 4, 12:40 dismissal
Wednesday November 9, Individual Picture Retake Day
Friday November 11, NO SCHOOL ~ VETERANS DAY
Friday November 18, early release Friday
Wednesday November 23, 12:40 dismissal
Thursday November 24, NO SCHOOL ~ THANKSGIVING
Friday November 25, NO SCHOOL
We will hold our fall book fair during conference week in the Library. Students will get to look at the fair during their library times, and shopping times will be after school and on Tuesday evening. Students will need to leave campus after school as usual and return with a family member to shop.
10/31- Monday 1:00-4:00
11/1- Tuesday 1:00-6:00
11/2- Wednesday 1:00-4:00
11/3- Thursday 1:00-4:00
Please visit our Book Fair Website to:
- Sign up to volunteer
- Create an eWallet
- Shop the book fair online from Oct. 31st - Nov. 13th
See you at the book fair!
Mrs. Larson
Stay tuned ~ Fall fundraiser goods
Picture Retakes
Have your child bring their original picture envelope if you'd like a retake picture to be done.
Welcome Ms. Bradshaw
- Stay informed
- Support your school
- Get to know other parents
- Be a role model
- Make a difference
- Discounts ~ Ask us about it!
- Have a say in what happens
- Volunteer opportunities: Popcorn Friday, Donuts with Grown Ups, Movie Nights, and more!
Email: shoultesptsa7.4.25@gmail.com
Website: https://mp.gg/9whee
Location: Shoultes Elementary School, 51st Avenue Northeast, Marysville, WA, USA
Facebook: facebook.com/ShoultesElementaryPTSA7.4.25
- November 4, Movie Night
- November 17, General PTSA Meeting
- November 18, Popcorn Friday
- November 29, 30, December 1, Holiday Shoppe
Spirit Wear
Pick up at Action Sports or ship to your home.