Riverside Updates
At RES, we dream believe and achieve in order to succeed!

Dates to Remember
Monday 1/13- Kick Off for Read with Malcom Reading Bowl...Wear your favorite jersey or team colors!
Friday 1/17- Early Dismissal at Noon
Monday and Tuesday 1/20-1/21- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and No School for Students
Friday 1/31- 1st Semester Merit and Honor Roll Awards Assembly for Upper Grades
- 5th Grade 8 am
- 4th Grade 9 am
- 3rd Grade 10 am
Our RES Family Values
At RES, we are family. As a family we keep our community safe and protect our learning.
9 Family Values
Kindness: being generous, considerate, and friendly
Integrity: doing the right thing no matter what
Growth Mindset: belief that you can get better at something by dedicating
time, effort, and energy
Initiative: doing what needs to be done without being asked
Self-Advocacy: being able to voice your needs, thoughts, and feelings
Awareness: being aware of what is going on around you and responding
Accountability: accepting responsibility for your actions
Responsibility: doing what you are expected to do
Work Ethic: believing that hard work matters and helps you grow
Perseverance: not giving up when something is hard
Free Breakfast and Lunch
We will not be able to accept Door Dash or Uber Eats food deliveries. You may bring food to your child, but for safety reasons we cannot accept deliveries.
Menu Items Subject to Change Based on Availability
Monday, January 13
Chicken Tenders, PBJ
Tuesday, January 14
Beef Nachos, Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Pizza Lunchables
Wednesday, January 15
Cheesy Bites, Chicken Filet Sandwich, PBJ
Thursday, January 16
Chicken Filet Sandwich, Chicken Noodles, PBJ
Friday, January 17
Cheese Pizza, Grilled Cheese, PBJ
Upcoming Title I Family Night for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade Families
What is the 3rd Grade Read to Succeed Law? How will it affect my child? What can we do at home to prepare? If you are looking for answers to any of these questions, join us on Thursday 1/16 from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm for a parent workshop and a goodie bag with sight word flashcards, comprehension questions, and a snack to enjoy while reading with your child at home. Please be on the lookout for an RSVP flyer so that we can plan for how many goodie bags to make.
Read with Your Child at Home
Reading is a key part of each child's day at Riverside Elementary. In order to reinforce reading skills at home, please ensure that your child is reading nightly. Whether they read with you or are able to read on their own, taking the time to read for enjoyment and then discuss what they read is a great way to show your child that reading is important!
Here is a link to the Department of Education's Website "Supporting Your Child's Reading at Home." It gives support by age level that includes activities and videos.
This article "7 Important Questions to Ask Your Child During Story Time," is a great resource to support thinking as a reader and writer for our younger students.
This article from Lexile.com entitled "21 Questions to Ask Your Child About a Book" has a variety of before, while and after reading questions for fictional text.
If non-fiction is more of your child's style, "Questions to Ask Your Child While Reading Non-Fiction," from the Florida Department of Education, may be for you!
24-25 RES Parent Student Handbook
This was distributed at the beginning of the year and includes information related to:
Welcome, Our Vision, Mission and Mantra
Visiting The School/Volunteering
Family Values
Student Behavior
General Policies
Student Services
Safety Plans
Transportation Changes
Attendance Policies
Please visit the HCS website linked HERE for more information regarding attendance and tardy policies.
Excused Absences
· An absence is considered excused if a valid medical doctor's written note (with the date & time the student was seen) is provided within 3 school days after the absence. Online Medical visits with medical notes and/or screenshots that contain the student's name, date of birth, and results of the online visit (prescription, number of days out before the student's return to school, etc.)
· An absence for bereavement, due to a death in the student's immediate family, may be excused if an obituary or program of service verifying the death is provided to the attendance clerk within 3 school days after the student returns to school.
· An absence for a nationally recognized religious holiday of the student's faith may be excused if a request is made in writing to the principal and written approval is received prior to the absence.
A parent may request approval of an absence for a hardship, in writing, utilizing the Request for Approval form. This form may be obtained from the school's attendance office. The form must be completed and submitted prior to the absence (if the parent has prior knowledge), or within 3 days following the absence.
Students with greater than 10 unexcused absences in a school year may be up for retention as per South Carolina state law.
Early Dismissal Procedures
PowerSchool Changes
If you need to make a PowerSchool change throughout the year, please do so using the following directions:
The Year Round Update link has been added to the Parent Portal.
- There are three links (English, Spanish and Portuguese).
- Login to PowerSchool through www.horrycountyschools.net
- On the bottom left hand side, you will find the "year round update" option
- Once you click it, you will be redirected to the info snap registration link which will allow you to make changes
- Any changes to residence will require a proof of residence (This should be either a utility bill, lease agreement, or your deed to your purchased property.)
School Safety Information
While academics and a positive school culture are focuses at RES, ultimately your child's safety is our top priority. We practice a variety of drills monthly (see more details about our drills below) and our faculty participates in additional "what if" scenarios during our faculty meetings in order to more extensively prepare for situations that we pray never happen.
Thank you for reassuring your child(ren) that they are safe at RES! Your positivity and reassurance helps them to continue to focus on their academics while at school. Please continue to remind your child that if they see something, then they need to say something to an adult as soon as possible so that we can work with law enforcement to find the source of the threat. Thank you all again.
Title I Participation
We will hold our next Tile I/SIC Planning Meeting at the end of the month. Date and time TBD soon.
We would love to have your feedback. You may complete our Title I Survey electronically by clicking HERE. Paper copies will be sent out at the beginning of September.
Our Vision
Our Mission
At Riverside Elementary, our mission is to foster a community where everyone feels loved, respected, and encouraged in order to develop to their full potential!
Our Commitment
We are a family. As a family, we keep our community safe and protect our learning.
*All staff emails can be found on our website under the directory.
Riverside Elementary School Website
If you have a specific questions about assignments, grades, or
in-class concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
Contact Us:
Location: 1283 Highway 57 South, Little River, SC, USA
Phone: (843) 399-8800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063689706722