EISD School Board Insights
April 24, 2023
It was an evening filled with incredible recognitions at our monthly scheduled school board meeting. From our star athletes who inspire us with their dedication and hard work, to a quick thinking fearless mother, to the scholars who are excelling in their studies and paving the way for a brighter future, at EISD we are surrounded by greatness!
Individuals like Ms. Berachia Oatis, a special education teacher at Wrenn Middle School; Ms. Martha Sosa, science teacher at Kennedy High School; and Ms. Adriana Searcy, a counselor at Roy Cisneros Leadership School for Boys. All three individuals were named Leader of the P.A.C. for the month of April. Thank you for helping to make our District so special. Keep being awesome!
Also acknowledged at the meeting was Ms. Linda Marie Silva. The mother of a Roosevelt Dual Language student, Ms. Silva called police after seeing a suspicious individual on campus. Her quick action and fearlessness received a standing ovation from the audience. Thank you for your bravery, Ms. Silva.
Social Studies Resources Approved
At the monthly scheduled board meeting the EISD School Board approved the renewal of Texas Studies Weekly in the amount of $39,584.25. A social studies platform, Texas Studies Weekly, is used by students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade. The platform will provide a student-friendly social studies curriculum focused in areas of government, geography, economics, and history.
Additional platform features include:
- Audio reader in Spanish and English with tracker as each word is read aloud
- Primary Source videos in Spanish and English
- Customizable, weekly online assessments that are STAAR 2.0 inspired
- Ability to make assignments online
- Face-to-face Training Session
Renewal Approved for Learning.com
The EISD School board also approved the renewal of Learning.com. A web-based curriculum, Learning.com will be available for grades kinder through 8th.
The program will continue to engage students in interactive modules that use real-life situations to help develop and master critical technology skills such as keyboarding, computer fundamentals, online safety, Internet usage and so much more.
Consent Agenda Items
The following items were approved at the Edgewood ISD School Board Meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2023.
A. Consideration and approval of the Lone Star Governance Quarterly Board Progress Tracker for April 2023 - Twenty-Fifth Quarter
B. Consideration and approval of the adoption of two puberty videos, Puberty: A Girl's Journey Through the Physical, Emotional, and Social Changes and Puberty: A Boy's Journey Through the Physical, Emotional, and Social Changes for grades 4 and 5
C. Consideration and approval to purchase MyPerspectives English Language Arts Student Edition Consumables in the amount of $30,384.90 from SAVVAS Learning Company utilizing Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment Funds
D. Consideration and approval to purchase supplemental instructional materials for Texas Social Studies Materials in the amount of $21,947.45, Texas High School Math Digital for Algebra 2, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus in the amount of $12,689.73 and Texas Chemistry Digital in the amount of $5,395.80 for grades 9-12 from McGraw Hill, utilizing Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment Funds
E. Consideration and approval of the renewal of Texas Studies Weekly for grades K-5 to include online platform from Studies Weekly in the amount of $39,584.25, utilizing Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment Funds
F. Consideration and approval to purchase the Edgenuity Digital Libraries Comprehensive All Site Licenses and professional development for Kennedy High School, Memorial High School, and Fine Arts STEAM Academy from Imagine Learning, in the amount of $123,955.00, utilizing Federal Funds
G. Consideration and approval to renew the Learning.com contract for the instructional materials for grades K-8 state-required Technology Application TEKS, including the Internet's EasyTech Inquiry Bundle, implementation training, setup support, and a dedicated coordinator, in the amount of $59,250.00, utilizing Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment Fund
H. Consideration and approval to purchase STEMscopes Science Instructional Resources for grades K to Biology, Physics, and Chemistry in the amount of $170,828.54 and STEMscopes Math Instructional Resources for grades K to Algebra 1 in the amount of $217,041.83 from Accelerated Learning, Inc utilizing Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment Funds
I. Consideration and approval to purchase SpringBoard materials in Mathematics for grades 6-8, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus, and SpringBoard English Language Arts (ELA) for grades 6-10 from the College Board in the amount of $43,357.05 utilizing Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment Funds
J. Consideration and approval of the 2023-2024 Allotment and TEKS Certification Form
K. Consideration and approval of the agreement with Big Rock Educational Services for Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary, Loma Park Elementary, Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary, and Wrenn Middle Schools in the amount of $360,000.00, utilizing ESSER III Funds
L. Consideration and approval of the March 2023 donations in the amount of $8,500.00
M. Consideration and approval of the Quarterly Investment Report for the period of October 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022
N. Consideration and approval for a one-year extension of the following Request for Proposals (RFPs): 21-002, 21-003, 21-003S, 21-009, 22-001, 22-002, and 22-003
O. Consideration and approval regarding specific personnel matter(s). Section 121.105 deals with Probationary Contract and Section 21.106 Term Contract abandonment
P. Consideration and approval of the second and final reading of policies recommended by the Texas Association of School Board (TASB) for Policy Update 120 - CB (Local) - State and Federal Revenue Sources, CKC (Local) - Safety Program/Risk Management Emergency Plans, FNG (Local) - Student Rights and Responsibilities Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances, and FO (Local) - Student Discipline
Q. Consideration and approval of the resolution for vouchers education savings accounts, taxpayer savings grants, and other mechanisms that reduce public education funding
Next School Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 06:00 PM
1930 Herbert Ln. San Antonio 78227
Edgewood Independent School District
Website: www.eisd.net
Location: 5358 West Commerce Street, San Antonio
Phone: 210-898-2000
Facebook: facebook.com/eisdofsa
Twitter: @eisdofsa