Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.

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April 8, 2024
8 de abril de 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Hilhi Families,
Spring is here! I hope you all had a chance to reconnect and rest during Spring Break, as we have a busy 2 months remaining in this school year!
The end of third quarter is fast approaching, and we have no school on Friday, April 12 so teachers can calculate grades. We'll mail home report cards for students with D's and Incompletes, and everyone can log onto ParentVue/StudentVue next week and to view grades. Please plan time to check in with your Spartan about how their semester is going and what they can do to finish strong.
Families with seniors, our time together is getting short! Make the most of each day you have left at Hilhi by arriving on time and getting to all of your classes. We are committed to helping every senior graduate, so please ask for help if you need it. We look forward to celebrating with in less than two months on June 6.
My Best,
Cary Meier
HSD Family Engagement
2023-2024 Family Engagement Calendar: Please see the upcoming PAC and Family Engagement Dates.
Family Engagement
Dear Parents,
I'm Nancy Medel Mota, the new family liaison at Hillsboro High School. Please review the brochures below. I am very happy to work with many of you to support your students and families. If you have any questions, please contact me by Phone: (971)246-7233 or by Email: medelmon@hsd.k12.or.us
Active Parents of Hilhi can join the WHATSAPP to be informed of important announcements and events!
Virtual coffee with the principals
All parents with students at Hilhi High School and South Meadows Middle School are cordially invited to the “Virtual Coffee with the Principals” sessions offered on the last Thursday of each month, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. The next session will be Thursday, April 25, 2024. These are open sessions so that parents can bring their questions, comments, opinions and feedback about their experiences, and those of their children, in our schools.
Volunteers needed!
Open door housing works is looking for volunteers to help out with the foodbank. Please click the volunteer link below.
Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Parents
There are many ways parents can encourage emotionally intelligent behavior in their children. Check out this guide to resources for learning more about character development.
By Edutopia
Whether it's called "social and emotional learning" or "emotional intelligence," most people understand it's critical to pay attention to the development of the whole young person, including character education. Parents have a dual role to play in raising a self-aware, respectful child who knows how to manage his or her emotions, make responsible decisions, and resolve conflicts non-violently. At home, you should strive to create an environment of trust, respect, and support. Remember that modeling "emotionally intelligent" behavior at home is the first step in nurturing emotionally intelligent children. At school, you can work with other members of your school community to create a climate that supports social and emotional learning - in and out of the classroom.
Here are some specific steps you can take to nurture an emotionally intelligent child, and additional resources you can use to learn more about social and emotional learning.
Strategies At Home
Be a good listener: Joshua Freedman, Chief Operating Officer at Six Seconds, a nonprofit organization supporting emotional intelligence in families, schools, corporations, and communities, describes listening as a "core competency skill." Unfortunately, it's not always practiced by parents or children. For a list of strategies and activities for building listening skills, read Freedman's article on the subject, one of the many useful parenting resources at KidSource Online.
Model the behavior you seek: Whether it's apologizing when you're in the wrong or treating others with respect and kindness, children learn a great deal about relationships from observing the behavior of their parents. In the words of Maurice Elias, co-author of two books on emotionally intelligent parenting, parents should remember the "24K Golden Rule: We should always think about the impact of our actions on kids, and be as particular in what we do with our kids as we would want others to be with our kids." Check out an Edutopia interview with Elias about the role of social and emotional learning at home, as well as a video of him talking about why SEL should be an integral part of academic life. Elias is also a regular blogger for Edutopia on the topic of social and emotional learning.
Nurture your child's self-esteem: A child with a good sense of self is happier, more well-adjusted, and does better in school. Strategies for fostering self-esteem include giving your child responsibilities, allowing her to make age-appropriate choices, and showing your appreciation for a job well done.
Respect differences: Every child has his or her own unique talents and abilities. Whether in academics, athletics, or interpersonal relationships, resist the urge to compare your child to friends or siblings. Instead, honor your child's accomplishments and provide support and encouragement for the inevitable challenges he faces.
Take advantage of support services: Seek the advice and support of school counselors or other social services during times of family crisis, such as a divorce or the death of a close friend or family member. Remember that no matter how close you are to your child, she may be more comfortable discussing a troubling family situation with another trusted adult.
IB Exams
PIN codes were sent on 3/11 to all students registered for IB exams this May. This information is used to access exam results in July. Students MUST store this information somewhere other than their inboxes!
Hiring Sprint
Nutrition Services is Hiring! Part time work is available in school kitchens! Vacancies are currently posted. Kitchen positions can offer a little extra income and the convenience of working on the days kids are in school.
To apply, go to https://hillsboro1j.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx and type “nutrition” in the Job Listings search box.
College & Career News
Noticias Universitarias y Profesionales
The Application for Financial Aid has had glitches in the first few months.
Do not panic if a glitch happens - come back to it later that day or a few days later, they constantly work to fix technology glitches. Patience and persistence is the key.
All students considering education after high school (college, university, community college, trade schools) should fill out either the FAFSA or ORSAA as soon as possible.
Accounts must be made before completing the application
It can take up to 3 days for the account to activate - so do it now!
The form should be fairly easy to do, but if you need help come see us in the College and Career Center
Not sure which form to fill out for your situation? - check here
PCC Next Steps
Are you going to PCC or is it still an option you are considering? Meet with PCC representatives in April in the Hilhi College and Career Center to confirm your application, find out about placement testing, when to register for fall classes, etc. - Fill out this Google Form to make sure you are invited to a session in April.
Looking for scholarships for education after high school?
There are many scholarship search engines that can be helpful. (www.Fastweb.com, www.Scholarships.com, www.scholarshipsamerica.com)
The College and Career Center keeps a database of scholarships that we know about; check out the 2023-24 HHS Scholarship List (linked here) to see many national, regional, and local scholarship opportunities. This list is updated weekly. This link is also in the class of 2024 Google Classroom.
Check on a consistent basis, see scholarships that are currently open and scholarships that will open throughout the school year
A number of local scholarships have recently opened (all can also be found on the HHS scholarship linked above or in the Class of 2024 Google Classroom):
- Tuality Healthcare Foundation: Flo Rhea Health Careers & Dr. Marvin Robb Memorial For a graduating senior furthering education in human healthcare-related careers beginning Fall 2024, min GPA 3.5
- Margaret Fry Scholarship For well-rounded Hilhi students involved in community and school
- Heinz Tuebner Scholarship For advanced language students with contributions to the community and Hilhi.
- Gene Doty Scholarship For someone majoring in STEM that is a "renaissance" man/woman at Hiihi
- Elden Kellar Track and Cross Country Scholarship Hilhi Track and Field or Cross Country participant during high school.
- Alpha Upsilon Scholarship This scholarship is for a graduating senior that has overcome an obstacle or challenge which has made reaching education goals more difficult or challenging.
- Trevor Peterson Memorial Scholarship for Siblings of Students with Special Needs This scholarship is for a graduating senior in the Hillsboro School District who has a sibling with special needs that is currently on, or has been on, an IEP or 504 plan
- Trevor Peterson Memorial Scholarship for Student with Special Needs Must be a graduating senior or equivalent student in the Hillsboro School District that is currently on or has been on an IEP or 504 plan
- Ross Mathews Scholarship Have a 3.3 unweighted Grade Point Average majoring in human health or mortuary science.
OSAC Scholarship Application is Open!
The OSAC Scholarship Application provides current and future Oregon students one easy application to apply for multiple scholarships at one time. OSAC awards more than $10 million in scholarships annually through more than 600 scholarships. See a list curated by the College and Career Center for Hilhi Students here
April 1, 5pm PST: Final Deadline.
Grade Level Goals
11th Grade
Complete a CRLE this year for part of your career development credit.
10th Grade
Start thinking about your Career & College Pathway
9th Grade
Start thinking about your Career & College Pathway
Upcoming Events
Finance & Investments | Wed. April 10, 9:30-11:30 AM | Location: Washington County Chamber or Zoom
Criminal Justice | Thu. April 11, 1-2 PM | Location: Zoom
Information & Tech (Artificial Intelligence) | Tue. April 16, 10AM - 12PM | Location: Washington County Chamber or Zoom
Important Dates
Senior Project Night | May 20, 2024
Student Check In at 4:30, Presentation of Projects 5-7, This is a mandatory event for all seniors (senior project is a graduation requirement)
Senior Awards Night | May 30, 2024 6-8 PM in the Hilhi Auditorium
Awards include College and Career Pathways, National and Academic Organization Awards, Chancellor’s Diploma, Valedictorian, Salutatorian, IB Diploma Candidates, Honors Graduates, Athletic Awards, Local Scholarships, First Generation High School Graduates and More. Students will be notified a few days before if they are receiving awards.
Grad Night Fundraisers
Recaudación de fondos para la noche de graduación
Dates to Know
Fechas para Saber
- Thursday, April 11 | Last day of Quarter 3 - 'D' and 'I' grades mailed home
Friday, April 12 | No School, Grade Prep
Saturday, April 13, 10am-4pm | Spring Bazaar
Friday, April 19 | Spring Recognition/Spring Fling Assembly
Saturday, April 20, 8-11pm | Spring Fling Black Light Dance
Friday, April 26 | Virtual Elections Assemblies by class during Advisory
Saturday, April 27 - Dia de los Ninos celebration
Tuesday, May 7 - Hilhi hosts HSD Dual Language Celebration, 6:00-8:00pm
Saturday, May 18, 8-11pm | Prom
May 20-24 | May Fete Week
Monday, May 20 | Class Assemblies, Senior Exhibition Night, Community Assembly 7-8pm
Tuesday, May 21 | Hilhi Takeover Night @ the Hops Game
Monday, May 27 | No School, Memorial Day
Thursday, May 30 | Senior Awards Night
Friday, May 31 (tentative) | Talent Show
Tuesday, June 4 | SpartQuake & Seniors Last Day
Wednesday, June 5 | Senior Breakfast & Graduation rehearsal
Thursday, June 6 at Hillsboro Stadium | GRADUATION!
Thursday, June 13 | Last Day, grades 9-11, early release, end semester 2
Friday, June 14 | Last Day for Licensed Staff - Grade prep and check out
See the Hilhi Calendar for updated events.
The Hilhi Sports Marketing class is partnering with the Hillsboro Hops for a HILHI takeover night! The class will also be helping design and lead the in-game activities. Come join us on May 21st for a fun and exciting night! Click the image above to get your tickets now!
Performing Arts
Congratulations to Hilhi Jazz for qualifying for State!
Congratulations to Amaya Johnson who was also selected Honorable Mention All League in Girls’ Basketball.
Congratulations to Boys’ Wrestling who had the 13th ranked Academic All State Team, Girls’ Basketball had our highest team GPA at 3.42 and Cheer also had a cumulative GPA over 3.0 at 3.23.
Spring sports are in full swing. Baseball went to Arizona where they played teams from Colorado, Arizona and California. Softball played in the Adrienne Nelson Invitational. Track & Field participated in the Sam Barlow Spring Spectacular Invitational. They have had a great start to the season.
Important Information Archive
Archivo de Información Importante
2024 Grad Party
The 2024 Graduation Party Committee is busy planning fundraisers to throw an epic all-night grad party! We could use your help to make this year a success.
Contact us at:
Facebook: Hilhi Class of 2024