The Cardinal Connection
April 9th, 2024
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
April 11th: Open House @10AM
April 11th: Last Day of After-School Programming
April 13th: Black Health Matters Spring Health Summit & Expo 8:30AM-3:30PM
April 15th-April 19th: Spring Break...No School for Teachers and Students
April 16th: DC Day of Play @RFK 12PM-4PM
April 22nd: After-School Programming Resumes
May 3rd: Cardinal Auction Night 6PM-10PM
May 17th: The Cardinal Drama Players present Willy Wonka, Jr @7:30PM
May 18th: The Cardinal Drama Players present Willy Wonka, Jr @ 1PM & 5PM
No After-School Programming of Friday, April 12th Update!
April 2024 JOW Calendars
Upcoming PTA Meetings
Virtual PTA General Body Meeting TONIGHT, Tuesday, April 9, at 6 p.m.
Ms. Stephenson will join us to answer questions about how busing will work during modernization construction starting next school year. We will also be discussing the upcoming Cardinal Auction Night, PTA Board elections (see below for more information), Teacher Appreciation Week, and more!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 2507 2113
Passcode: 958131
Events and Fundraising Committee Meeting TONIGHT at 8 p.m.
All are welcome to join us and learn how you can help with planning Cardinal Auction Night on Friday, May 3.
Virtual meetings are scheduled for Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on April 23 and 30.
Here is the link to join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 0025 0095
Passcode: 458803
Save the Date: PTA General Body Meeting, Tuesday, May 14, at 6 p.m.
At our May meeting, we will hold PTA Board elections for the following positions:
2nd Vice President
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Fundraising Director
Membership Director
These positions each have a two-year term. Any J.O. Wilson parent, grandparent, guardian, or staff member is eligible to be nominated for these positions. Additionally, we will hold elections for LSAT parent representatives (4 openings) and W6PSPO representatives (2 openings), each of which have a one-year term. Know someone who would be a great candidate? Please submit your nomination(s) here! Also, feel free to reach out to the PTA info@jowilsonpta.org to learn more about the positions.
🌟 April Attendance Adventure at J.O. Wilson Elementary School! 🌟
April Attendance Adventure!
This April, J.O. Wilson Elementary kicks off the April Attendance Adventure! We're making school attendance exciting with special events and activities. We need your help to promote this campaign. Please encourage our students and their families about its importance through Dojo and any other communication platforms you use. Your enthusiasm is key to making this initiative a success. Let's make this month unforgettable! Thank you for your support! See below for just a "few" of the items on our agenda!
"Attendance Pop Ups"
Last week's attendance "Pop Up" was a success. Students received bouncy balls for being at present and on time. This week we will have a hallway "AttenDANCE" party for the designated "Pop Up". Look out for more information on this event by Wednesday. Please continue to encourage your students to be present and on time every day.
Attendance 4-In A Row
The "4 in a Row" Attendance Initiative has officially kicked off this week! We met with our chronically absent students to share that we are challenging them to step up and commit to attending school four days in a row. Students will be rewarded for every 4 consecutive days of attendance and every 4 times they are present for 4 consecutive days.
Agenda of Events
🕺 Attend"DANCE" Party: Get ready to show off your best moves and groove your way into fun, as attendance brings us together for a dance party like no other!
🎁 Attendance Pop-Up Surprise Days: Surprise! Just by being present, you could be the lucky recipient of mystery gifts that pop up when least expected. Every student present is a potential winner, making every day a surprise adventure!
🎟 Gift Card Giveaways & Exciting Raffles: Keep your attendance streak, and you might just find yourself holding a winning ticket! We're giving away gift cards and hosting raffles for bigger, more exciting prizes for students who show remarkable attendance improvements and for those who consistently shine with great attendance.
🍕 Pizza Party Prizes for Classes: The adventure includes a tasty challenge for classes too! Show the best attendance, and your class will celebrate with a delicious pizza party. It's a tasty incentive to be present and participate fully in our school community.
This April, make sure to "pop-in" and join the adventure. Your journey to winning with attendance starts now. Let's make everyday count!
Autism Acceptance Month
On April 2, we kicked off Autism Acceptance Month here at JO Wilson! Thank you to everyone who wore their rainbow colors. Shout out to our amazing Ms. K Johnson, social worker, and her friends, Cassidy and Leo from 2nd grade for speaking about autism acceptance and kindness over morning announcements. Your related service providers have set up a sensory bulletin board by the school's front doors. We invite you to explore it appropriately with your students and use it as a tool to start conversations about autism. This board celebrates the differences in the way that autistic people sense and perceive the world.
We have also prepared and distributed kits that include lesson plans, social stories, and fidget toys for each classroom. Fidgets can be effective tools to support attention and on task behaviors. Check out this https://nationalautismresources.com/fidgets-in-the-classroom/ on their benefits and how to introduce them in your classroom. We highly encourage you to find time this month to teach your students about autism, then collectively sign the kindness pledge and post it up on your classroom door. You can use the grade-specific lesson plan and the social story https://researchautism.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Whats-Up-with-Nick-Story-Booklet.pdf to facilitate your discussion. Alternatively, here are some cool short videos that you can use as well:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuV8AddbXIs for younger kids
- https://youtu.be/Ezv85LMFx2E?feature=shared for older kids
Lastly, our wonderful occupational therapist, Dr. Crousset, has curated several sensory tools that can be easily used in your classroom for all students. They are currently displayed at the parent conference center for you to check out on your free time. Your good friends and SLPs, Ms. Berlin, Ms. Beazer, and Ms. Hernandez will also add other resources and visual supports for communication in the classroom. All of these resources will be put together as a lending library for all school staff. Please look out for additional instructions in the future on how to borrow materials. If you are interested in any additional supports with holding lessons or implementing strategies in your classroom, please feel free to reach out to any of your related service providers in the building. We are entirely grateful for you and your work in building an inclusive and safe learning community here at JO Wilson! We can all rally around kindness and be neurodiversity allies!
Your related service providers 😄🌈
Black Health Matters Spring Health Summit & Expo
Join us on Saturday, April 13th, for the Black Health Matters Spring Health Summit & Expo, hosted by Monica B Perry. This no-cost event takes place at the Kellogg Conference at Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Avenue, NE, Washington, D.C., and is also accessible online. The summit will run from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM EST. Secure your spot by registering at: https://bhmspring2024summitandexpo.vfairs.com/ We encourage the J.O. WILSON community to participate, especially since it's conveniently nearby. Let's aim for a strong turnout to emphasize the importance of health within our community. #BlackHealthMatters
Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education on May 2
To commemorate and build on this milestone anniversary, please join the Century Foundation’s Bridges Collaborative, the National Coalition on School Diversity, and the AIR Equity Initiative at the American Institutes for Research, on the evening of Thursday, May 2, at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Advocates, parents, educators, policymakers, and students will convene to examine perspectives on Brown's promise––both fulfilled and unfulfilled––and imagine how, together, we might build a collective vision for what truly integrated, equitable, and thriving schools look like. The event will take place from 6:30 to 10 p.m. and will include a reception (with food and drinks provided), followed by programming and an opportunity to explore the museum’s galleries. Tickets are free. Reserve your ticket here.
DC CAPE Calendars!
Hello Cardinal Families!! IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!! DC CAPE testing is in full swing. Please see below calendars for upcoming dates for grades 3-5. Please remember to ensure your scholars are well-rested and ON TIME for EACH one of their testing dates. As you know, breakfast is available DAILY, and snacks will be provided during the testing sessions. If you have any questions regarding DC CAPE testing, please reach out to the main office. We appreciate your support with making our DC CAPE Testing successful! LET'S GO J.O.!! 🎉
Recycle Your Eclipse Glasses!
Astronomers Without Borders has set up a glasses recycling program at all Warby Parker locations nationwide to collect and reuse this year's glasses for cities with future eclipses. If you don't want to keep yours or ended up with extras, please recycle them. More info is available here: https://astronomerswithoutborders.org/programs/solar-glasses-distribution. A map of local Warby Parker locations is here: https://www.google.com/maps/search/warby+parker+dc+locations/
Need More J.O. Wilson Cardinal Swag?
The PTA will be ordering a limited number of black and gray kids t-shirts. Pre-order your J.O. t-shirts today at bit.ly/swag-preorder.
Day of Play at RFK - Tuesday, April 16, from Noon to 4 p.m
Join Events DC at Day of Play at RFK for a free, community-oriented afternoon of games, food and music for families and guests of all ages at The Fields at RFK Campus.. The event coincides with DCPS spring break and offers children and adults the opportunity to participate in organized activities and sports and enjoy complimentary food, beverages and live entertainment! While the event is free, registration is required. All youth must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18.
Registration and items are first come, first served. For more information, go to https://playrfk.splashthat.com/.
The District E-bike Incentive Program!
The District E-Bike Incentive Program within the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) helps residents buy electric bicycles (e-bikes) and supports bicycle businesses in the District.
The application window will be open from April 1 to April 15. Applications may be submitted at any time during this window. DDOT will select voucher recipients from the entire pool of applicants, regardless of when, between April 1-15, the application was submitted. Apply here: https://form.jotform.com/DDOTebikeincentive/2024
DC CAPE Spirit Week...April 22nd-26th
Get ready for a week of MARVELOUS fun at J.O. Wilson! Join us for our SPIRIT WEEK extravaganza from April 22nd to 26th.
- Monday (4/22): Dress to impress for Getting FLY for C.A.P.E Day!
- Tuesday (4/23): Shine bright in neon for Our FUTURES are BRIGHT Day!
- Wednesday (4/24): Show your college spirit on College Day by wearing your favorite college gear!
- Thursday (4/25): Swap roles on Teacher Student Swap Day!
- Friday (4/26): It's Superhero Day—wear your favorite superhero attire (just leave the masks and capes at home)!
Let's celebrate our school spirit and get energized for testing, which begins on April 30th for grades 3rd-5th. Families, students, and teachers—let’s make this week unforgettable!
DC CAPE has Taken Off!
Summer Acceleration at J.O. Wilson
SOAR SET is Landing!
The SOAR SET Program at J.O. is wrapping up for the year! A heartfelt thanks to everyone who took part in the 2023-2024 journey. Our final session soars to a close on Friday, April 26th. Remember to arrange for your scholars' pickup at 3:30 PM daily starting April 29th, as there won't be aftercare available. We reopen post-spring break on Monday, April 22nd. Let's make these last days as smooth as our takeoff!
PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS for Cardinal Auction Night - Friday, May 3!
Organized annually by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Cardinal Auction Night celebrates our school's achievements and raises funds for the upcoming academic year. We warmly invite you to join us for an evening filled with excitement, camaraderie, and philanthropy to benefit the Cardinal community.
Tickets are on sale now! Each auction ticket includes food and drinks.
**Venue capacity is limited so purchase your ticket(s) today!**
Early-bird rate: $30/person, through April 19
Regular pricing: $45/person, April 20-May 2
Day-of pricing: $50/person (if capacity allows)
Teacher/Staff: $25 for 2 (or $12.50/person)
**FREE CHILDCARE -- for current J.O. Wilson students only -- will be offered at school from 6 to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, May 3, so that parents and guardians can gather and enjoy a night out in support of the kids — without the kids! Space is limited to 25 students. Pizza and snacks will be provided.
To reserve auction night childcare, please go to https://tinyurl.com/JOCAN24Childcare and complete the registration form no later than Wednesday, May 1.
This event is one of the PTA’s biggest fundraisers of the year and we rely heavily on volunteers to make the evening a success. To learn how you can get involved with planning, please email info@jowilsonpta.org or attend a planning meeting each Tuesday through April 30 (except for April 16) from 8 to 9 pm. You can also sign-up to help with set-up and logistics at the event.
While we rely heavily on sponsorships and donations from local businesses, we also seek contributions from within our school community. We welcome items big and small – ideas include tickets to sporting events or concerts, bookings for vacation properties, gift cards, artwork or photographs, or themed baskets of items. Please reach out if you have questions or ideas you’d like to propose! The PTA is happy to provide receipts for any in-kind contributions.
The Cardinal Drama Players Present...Willie Wonka, Jr.
Join the J.O. Wilson Cardinal Drama Players for a delectable adventure into the world of pure imagination with our Spring Musical, "Willy Wonka, Jr."! Indulge your sweet tooth and your love for theater on May 17th at 7:30 PM, or catch one of our two magical performances on May 18th at 1 PM or 5 PM. Meet the infamous Gloop family and a colorful cast of characters as they embark on a tour of Willy Wonka's whimsical chocolate factory. Tickets are your golden ticket to a world of enchantment—reserve your spot in this fantastical journey! 🍫✨🎭
Career Day at J.O. Wilson is Coming May 31
Mark your calendars for Career Day at J.O. Wilson ES on May 31! We're on the lookout for inspiring presenters. Interested or know someone who'd be a great fit? Get in touch with massiell.guzmanfrias@k12.dc.gov or victoria.winter@k12.dc.gov. Join us in shaping futures!