Model UN Newsletter
March 8, 2025
- Andrew Duncan
- Elina Hart
- Owen Kunce
- Eva Gerhart
- Nolan Meier
- Rohan Tatlow
- Sophie Katz
- MJ Webb
Ms. Trenkle, Advisor: amy.trenkle@k12.dc.gov
All students, 6th-8th grades, novice or veteran, curious or expert, academically or socially motivated, are invited to participate in Model UN. We meet on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:20 pm (but NOT the third Wednesday of each month). We meet in the Cafeteria.
Upcoming Meetings
Please NOTE!!!! Our location has changed! Weekly meetings have moved from the Reno Multipurpose Room to the CAFETERIA!!! Please join us in the cafeteria on Wednesdays, from 3:30-4:20 pm (just not the third Wed. of each week due to staff meetings).
3/12: Meeting: What is Ad Hoc?
3/14: Meet with delegates from Guadalajara (see info below)
3/15: ADMUN Conference (Come join the Deal Only Committee!! See below!)
3/19: No MUN--Staff Meeting
What is MUN?
Model UN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more. Through public speaking, critical thinking, and in-depth research, the Model UN experience allows students to cultivate skills and enrich their global affairs knowledge.
MUN at Deal
Model UN at Deal has had a rich and successful history. Students have been active in the club locally and nationally. Some students want to learn about global topics and countries while others like to hone their conference skills of speaking, writing, collaborating, and researching. In 2017 middle school students at Deal planned and executed their first run-by and for middle schoolers conference. This was not only the first in the area, but one of the first in the country! When the pandemic hit, the secretariat took their planning virtual and for both of our 2020 and 2021 conferences, hosted an online conference. We hope to host our conference again this April and hope you will be a part of it!
Conference Updates!
PAHO--March 7
Congratulations to the 24 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who participated in the Global Classrooms DC Winter Training Conference at the Pan American Health Organization on Friday, March 7. Students discussed the Opioid Crisis in a UNSC committee and the Global Mental Health Crisis in the World Health Organization committee. Deal students were leaders in both committees and received numerous compliments on their skills from chairs, topic experts, other teachers, and conference staff! This was the first conference for a good number of our students and they were superstars! Congratulations to the students who earned awards:
WHO Committee: Verbal Commendation: Eddie Williams and Nasser Sabahi
Outstanding: Hannah Lopez and Iris Dodson-Green
Best Delegates: Stella Johnson and Leila Schatz
UNSC Committee:
Outstanding: Alex Elton-Melzi
Best Delegate: Evelyn O’Flaherty-Horr
Upcoming Opportunity!
Meet up with Students from Guadalajara
We will have a chance to meet/talk with and share with students coming from the American School Foundation of Guadalajara (Mexico) for ADMUN, a day before our conference, on March 14 from 2 pm to 4:30 pm with dinner at Seoul Spice afterwards (walking to Seoul Spice together). Please arrange to be picked up from Seoul Spice in Tenleytown at 6 pm. Students will need to bring money for dinner. There is no school scheduled for March 14 for DCPS student
We have introductions, games, pi day activities, and more planned! Come meet our friends from Mexico and have fun with other Deal MUNners!
To confirm if you're signed up please check the Sign Up Genius.
Upcoming Conferences
District MUN, Saturday, April 5, 2025
THIS CONFERENCE IS FULL! Positions have been received. I must submit students for each position no later than Friday. All registrants must also complete the Student Information Form (link below) by 2/28. Please make sure you do if you haven't already!
District Model United Nations is a Model UN conference held for middle school students by the International Relations Club of Georgetown University in partnership with the Georgetown International Relations Association, Inc, which organizes NAIMUN, the largest student-run conference in the world. DistrictMUN is organized and staffed by Georgetown University students, many of whom compete on the Georgetown Model UN team.
The District MUN Secretariat is asking if any students are interested in a Spanish-English bilingual committee at DistrictMUN. This is an option they are really hoping to offer...if you are interested, please talk to Ms. Trenkle ASAP.
The cost of this conference is $35 which includes registration and lunch. We have 20 spots.
Each individual student must fill out this Student Information Form with a guardian. This form includes questions concerning accommodation requests, dietary restrictions, and emergency contact information, as well as the signing of our Student Code of Conduct. Forms must be completed by February 28.
General Assembly Committees (30-50 delegates per committee)
- UNEP (double delegations)
- UNESCO (double delegations)
- Commission on the Status of Women
CRISIS (15-20 delegates per committee)
- UK National Health Service Strikes, 2022
- 65th FIFA Congress, FIFA Corruption Case 2015
- JCC Space Race NASA 1958
- JCC Space Race Soviets 1958
APRIL 5th, 2025
8:00am - 9:00am Check-In
9:00 a.m - 9:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies
9:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Session I
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Session II
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closing Ceremonies
Position Papers
All position papers must be submitted before the conference to be eligible for an award. To submit your position paper use this link. Also, please review all position paper requirements PRIOR to writing and submitting your position paper! https://districtmun.modelun.org/position-papers
Participants (as of 1/31):
2. Evelyn OH
3. Nasser
4. Andrew D.
5. Reuven W
6. Simon M
7. Lena Voss
8. Nolan M.
9. Rohan T.
10. Lillian B
11. Eva G.
12. Bryce Katzen
13. Liam Stockton
14. Danil Smolar
15. Zeren B.
16. Leila S.
17. Leila L
18. Cole Epstein
19. Hannah Lopez
20. Alex EM
Assignments are in! Please let Ms. Trenkle know your assignment preference!
Link to District MUN Background Guides
ADMUN--Deal Only Committee
Join our Deal hosted conference and participate in our Deal only committee!
ADMUN Conference on Saturday, March 15
Please read this all the way through and take this home!
Delegates should arrive to Deal on Saturday, March 15, between 9:30 and 9:45 am…..The Opening ceremony starts at 10 am! Delegates should report directly to the auditorium and check in at the table in front of the auditorium to receive their registration folder.
Delegates should wear Western Business Attire—this means: girls should wear a dress, blouse and skirt, or blouse and dress pants and boys should wear pants, button down shirt, and optional tie/jacket. No jeans, tshirts, or hoodies.
Bring your research, background guide, two printed copies of your typed position paper. You will receive your country placard in committee.
Use of phones and computers during committee is prohibited. Students should not expect to be able to use them for research in committee. Students however, can print any material at home that they would like to bring with them and have the printouts in committee.
Bring a water bottle! We are working to be as green as possible! Please plan on hydrating with your own reusable water bottle!
Lunch is provided—it is a pizza lunch (from Domino’s), with a bag of chips, and cookies. If you are vegan/lactose intolerant and/or gluten free, please see Ms. Trenkle in W104 by 3:30 on Wednesday, March 12 to let her know.
Parents/guardians are welcome to attend closing ceremonies. We will move to closing ceremonies at 2:30 pm. Closing ceremonies will be held in the auditorium.
Pick up from Deal is at 3:00 pm (not 3:30 like the permission slip said!). Students should be picked up from the front of Deal.
Questions? Please see Ms. Trenkle in W104 after school.
We are looking forward to hosting you as a delegate at ADMUN!
Mark your Calendars!
Conference permission slips will be available and announcements in club and in this newsletter will be made about a month prior to each conference.
Deal MUN Tshirt--More Tshirts ordered!
The people have asked! If you missed out on ordering our MUN Tshirt for SY 24-25, you can now purchase one for $25.00. Ms. Trenkle ordered 4 small shirts, 4 medium, and 2 large. These tshirts are in her room and have this re-order has arrived!
Shirts are in! If you ordered one and didn't get it at Wednesday's meeting see Ms. Trenkle in W104 after school.
Link for Photos of MUN SY 24-25
Find a recap of our meetings, conferences, and events in our MUN photo album!
Download the MUN Binder!
Ready for the next steps? Get your binder! Download the contents here---table of contents provided and all handouts (in order). Print, punch holes, assemble, and be ready to MUN! :)
HIGHLY recommended---and a great start for our in-club mini sim!
Sign up for Remind Notices for MUN
As students are across all three grade levels and I do not always have access to contact information for all delegates, please consider signing up for Remind push notification. What will be shared in Remind? Remind will be used to remind of upcoming MUN meetings, conference deadlines, position paper writing workshops, and any last minute changes prior to a conference or during a conference.
To sign up, please follow this link: https://www.remind.com/join/ke9c692
Students and parents may sign up!
Please know that Remind is largely used for conferences. The best way to receive information is this newsletter!
Steps from Sign up to Conference
1. Choose country and committee
2. Read background guide
3. Do country research
4. Complete position paper draft
5. Type position paper final
6. Put in list of citations at end of position paper
7. Get binder for MUN
8. Get final conference updates
Conference Materials for Prep
Attire for all MUN Conferences is business casual. This means that one should wear khakis or dress pants, a button down shirt, a tie, and you may wear a jacket. Or one could wear a skirt or dress pants and a button down shirt and nice shoes. In MUN students do NOT dress in clothing from the country they are representing.