Counselor Newsletter
High School - October 2024
Welcome Fall!
Fall is my favorite season! The weather, the decor, the colors, the smells, everything!
Seven weeks into school and we are going strong. There is so much to look forward to. Thank you for taking time to read this newsletter.
The Senior class attended the NETCAT College Fair on the Texas A&M - Commerce campus.
Upcoming Events
October 9th: Coffee with the Counselor (For Parents/Guardians) - 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
October 17th: Juniors take the PSAT on campus
Oct 29: Red Ribbon Week
November 6th: Juniors and Seniors attend the Boles ISD CTE Career Fair on campus
Dress Themes
Tuesday - Camo Day - "Hide From Drugs"
Wednesday - PJ Day - "Wake Up Drug Free"
Thursday - Neon Day - "Too Bright For Drugs"
Friday - Wear Red - "Be Drug Free"
Filling out the FAFSA application is now a graduation requirement!
As of now, the Federal Government is hoping to launch the new application on or before December 1st. The student AND their parent/guardian must set up an FSA ID BEFORE you can fill out the actual FAFSA form. Setting up your FSA ID can be done right now.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. It can be really tough for parents and guardians to deal with their student being bullied. Students are often reluctant to tell their grown up or any adult what is going on. The website https://www.stopbullying.gov/ has a TON of resources for parents and guardians from information about how to look for the warning signs to what you can do about it.
There has been a significant uptick in Cyberbullying. Click on the links below to find out what you can do to help.
Adolescence can be exciting and challenging at the same time. It’s when teens undergo many changes in their bodies and try to establish their independence and identity. This life stage makes them prone to experiencing strong and negative feelings.
During difficult situations, coping skills for teens will minimize their stress. Coping healthily helps them feel better, function well at home and in school, and transition successfully into adulthood.
These are the mental health awareness days for October 2024
How To Help A Friend Who Is Being Bullied
Boles ISD is honored to partner with TCHATT. This service is provided to families in Boles ISD FREE of charge. You can meet with a mental health counselor (LPC) for free through telehealth. This means that you can meet with a counselor over a Zoom meeting. There is no need for travel.
Email Ms. Clifton for more details and to obtain the consent forms.
1. Graduation Toolkit - https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/news-and-multimedia/brochures/14grad-toolkit-booklet.pdf
2. CCMR with Ms. Thrash - https://www.ccmrwithmsthrash.com/college
3. Local Scholarship List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sMGfCK5LNVIByBti-T2eMJQAH9JJ7c3t40bvzZVJdiM/edit?usp=sharing
4. Carevide Pediatrics - https://carevide.org/pediatrics/
5. Raffa Family Center - https://www.raffafamilycenter.org/
6. Hunt County Shared Ministries - https://www.hcsmfish.org/
7. Community SEEDS - https://sites.google.com/cseeds.org/refresh/home?authuser=0
8. Mental Health Resources in Spanish - https://mhanational.org/recursos-en-espanol?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=95b8a4e0-4c04-4cbc-baf9-80ae442b7f16
Brandy Clifton, School Counselor
Email: bclifton@bolesonline.com
Website: https://www.bolesisd.com/524535_3
Phone: 903-883-4464
See the Counselor Link: https://forms.gle/G3rqijrCX2bMTF9g9