Swansboro Elementary Newsletter
SchoolStore Program
Last week your child brought home a Book Buddy Lanyard letting you know about a safe and easy way for our school to raise funds for essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed.
The SchoolStore Program is 100% online so there is NO face-to-face selling, handling money, or delivering products. Your participation will take less than 12 minutes, and there are exciting prizes to make it fun for the students.
Here is all you need to do to participate:
1. Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000168351 to sign up.
2. Send form emails inviting family, friends and co-workers to support your child.
3. Return the Book Buddy Lanyard with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun participation prize.
Be sure to ask your child for the Book Buddy Lanyard tonight. Your participation will make a difference for our school and teachers!
E-Team Newsletter
📚Guest Readers for Read Across America Week📚
We would love to have our community to come visit during Read Across America Week to share your favorite stories with our SBES Pirates! If you would like to visit a classroom during Read Across America Week (March 3-7, 2025), please complete the form linked below and we will contact you to discuss specifics. Thank you so much! https://forms.office.com/r/FHz80WrPJS
💜Purple Up! T-Shirts for Month of the Military Child
April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to honor the 1.6 million military children who face unique challenges due to their family’s service.
Show your support by ordering a Purple Up! t-shirt for Purple Up! Day on April 11, 2025!
- Order online: https://www.lifesspecialtees.com/purpleuponslow/shop/home (once you click on the website, find products at the top of the page).
- Order deadline: February 19, 2025 (no late orders accepted).
- Include your child’s first and last name in the order details.
- Select your child’s school in the delivery section.
- Save a copy of your receipt.
T-shirts will be delivered to schools the week of March 24, 2025. If you have questions, please contact Danielle Merrell at danielle.merrell@onslow.k12.nc.us.
Thank you for your support!
Notes from the Nurse
Happy New Year! I just wanted to remind everyone that taking care of yourself is very important. We are entering prime respiratory illness time, and we currently have norovirus circulating.**If you or a student has a temperature of 100 F or greater, is vomiting or having diarrhea, please STAY home until they have no fever of 100 F or greater or no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. We are no longer quarantining for Covid. Please refer to OCS Board Policy 4023.5. Staying home when you are sick helps prevent the spread of illness.
Here are some things to remember when dealing with colds, flu, Covid, and pneumonia:
Prevention is key!
CDC recommends that all people use core prevention strategies. These are important steps you can take to protect yourself and others:
- Stay up to date with immunizations.
- Practice good hygiene (practices that improve cleanliness) cough into your elbow, wash hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer-especially before eating.
- Take steps for cleaner air-open windows, go outside.
- When you may have a respiratory virus:
- Use precautions to prevent spread.
- Seek health care promptly for testing and/or treatment if you have risk factors for severe illness; treatment may help lower your risk of severe illness.
Norovirus is a highly contagious gastrointestinal illness.
Wash your hands well.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially:
- After using the toilet or changing diapers.
- Before eating, preparing, or handling food.
- Before giving yourself or someone else medicine.
Be aware that:
- Hand sanitizer does not work well against norovirus.
- You can use hand sanitizers in addition to hand washing, but hand sanitizer is not a substitute for handwashing, which is best.
Per our State Health Department: You should seek emergency medical attention for any of the following:
o Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
o Persistent pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen.
o Persistent dizziness or confusion.
o Severe muscle pain, weakness or unsteadiness.
o Not urinating o Fever or cough that improve but then return or worsen.
o Worsening of chronic medical conditions o In children, fever above 104° F, bluish gray skin color, lack of responsiveness, extreme irritation, dehydration (no urine for 8 hours, dry mouth, no tears when crying), or ribs pulling in with each breath.
o Any other symptom that is severe or concerning.
School Fees
Supplemental Reader: $6.00
Technology: $25.00 Usage Assessment Fee (not insurance, rental fee)
Field Trip T-Shirt: $7 (This is for safety purposes while on class field trips.)
*Music: Recorder fee of $5 for 4th & 5th grade only or students can bring in a recorder from home.
- All school fees can be paid online through School Cash Online: https://www.schoolcashonline.com/. You must register for this service and will need your student's identification number. If you already have an account from last year, use will be able to use that account.
Technology Fee: https://onslow.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/21216/250/False/True
- Supplemental Reader: https://onslow.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/21213/250/False/True
Student's Lunch Account: https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/
Menus: https://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=1501179229405&page=menus
Breakfast $1.25
Lunch $2.50
Free/Reduced Meals Application: https://www.lunchapplication.com/
- If you cannot afford these fees, you may request a fee waiver by emailing school administration (lauren.simpson@onslow.k12.nc.us or elizabeth.wilsey@onslow.k12.nc.us). These will be reviewed by administration and you will be notified once approved.
📝Required Registration Documents
- Birth Certificate
- Updated Immunization Records
- Photo ID of Legal Parent/Guardian
- Proof of Residency (Electric or Water Bill)
📝School Start Dates/Times
8:10am - School doors open (stay in car until staff opens car door)
8:30am - Tardy bell rings
3:00-3:40pm - No student checkouts during dismissal.
3:15pm - Car riders dismissed
3:30pm - Bus riders dismissed
If your child is eating breakfast, they will need to arrive close to 8:10am to allow enough time to eat breakfast in the cafeteria and still make it to class by 8:30am. We know that the first week of school may be a little tricky with everyone learning the new procedures. Please be assured things will smooth out given a little time and a lot of patience.
Please anticipate delays the first few of weeks of school. Do not contact the school unless the bus is over an hour late for the first couple weeks. Beyond one hour or throughout the year, for emergency bus situations, please email lauren.simpson@onslow.k12.nc.us and elizabeth.wilsey@onslow.k12.nc.us, as phone lines will often be tied up. Bus routes and driver concerns need to be directed to the Swansboro Transportation Coordinator, Allison Downey at 910.326.1436. Our staff thanks you in advance for your understanding!
🔑Communication is Critical
Here are a few tips:
- The teacher is always the first point of contact. If you cannot resolve an issue after meeting with the teacher, please schedule an appointment to meet with administration.
- Contact our data manager, Lori Jones to sign up for Parent Portal. This gives you access to up to date info on student attendance for your children and third through fifth grade assignments.
- Pay attention to the weekly ALL CALL/EMAIL that is sent out every Friday evening. If you don't want to listen to the message, the email contains the transcript. If you are not receiving the call and/or email, please contact Lori Jones (lori.jones@onslow.k12.nc.us) so we can make sure your information on file is current. This is the method that we will use to communicate with parents in the event of an emergency, so you need to make sure that you are receiving these calls.
- Check out our school website: https://sbes.onslow.k12.nc.us/
- Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/swansboroelementaryschool/
- Remember, for safety reasons, we do not give out student information over the phone and all changes in transportation must done in School Dismissal Manager (SDM) by the parent/legal guardian.
- If there are custody issues, we must have a copy of the current custody paperwork on file with a judge's signature. If not, both parents have equal access to the student and their educational records.
🍎School Dismissal Manager
Swansboro Elementary will continue to use School Dismissal Manager (SDM), an online dismissal management system. It is dependable, easy-to-use, and can be updated by parents and guardians from the convenience of their smart phones, tablets, and PCs. Through the online dismissal management system, you can: • Report student absences and late arrivals • Schedule early departures from school • Make transportation changes as late as 1:30pm (or 9:30am on early release days) on the current day and so much more! We will begin using SDM for dismissal on the first day of school (Aug. 26). We will provide you with additional information through an email that will be sent to you directly from SDM prior to school starting (we will make a social media post on the date this occurs). The email from SDM will contain important instructions and your personal login credentials. Once you receive your credentials, please use them to log into the new system so that you can begin to familiarize yourself with it and set up your child’s default dismissal and routine. All students (whether bus or car rider) need to set up a School Dismissal Manager account. All students will need a default dismissal selected. “Default dismissal” simply means what mode of transportation will your child typically take. If you need to change this for a particular day, you will need to login to SDM and make an “exception.” All transportation changes must be made through SDM. We do not make any transportation changes over the phone. If you utilized the School Dismissal Manager App last year, please uninstall this App. Below you can find directions on how to install the new SDM App that is free and will work with both Apple and Android.
IMPORTANT: Returning parents need to UNINSTALL last year’s App from their phone before installing the new App
The Apps are no longer available in the App Stores. New/Incoming parents will need to add the SDM App to a smartphone, tablet, or web browser via this link. The app is compatible with Android and Apple devices and is free.
a. Android – Open a Chrome browser window, go to www.schooldismissalmanager.com, and login. Then click the three stacked dots at the top right corner, scroll down and click on Add to Home Screen, and follow the onscreen instructions to install the app.
b. iPhone – Open a Safari browser, go to www.schooldismissalmanager.com, and login. Then click on the box with the arrow pointing up, scroll down, and click Add to Home Screen. Type in (or click on if auto-filled) SDM and then tap Add to install the app
Car Riders - If you don't want to wait in long lines, please make sure PRIOR to Orientation, you log into your school dismissal manager account and you set your child's default transportation. Memorize your PIN number now because we will be asking for it, if you have any difficulties with checking in. 🙂If you are a bus rider, you will need to wait until OCS bus routes are available to complete setup.
🦺Safety Reminders
Please remember our OCS policy of not arriving on campus more than 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Cars should not be parking for car rider dismissal prior to 2:45pm. Painted parking spaces are reserved for staff members. A valid photo ID is required to check out your child. There will be no student checkouts between 3:00-3:40pm. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
🔅Car Rider Arrival Procedures
Staff members will be out front to unload morning carpool students at 8:10am. Please use ALL lanes for drop-off (not grade specific in AM), except far left is reserved for buses. Students should stay in the car until a staff member opens the door for them. Please wait to pull forward until your lane is dismissed by a staff member. Do not change lanes as this jeopardizes student safety. Please drive slowly and constantly scan for students. If your child is having difficulty getting out of the car calmly and safely, you will be asked to pull into a parking spot and wait until carpool is over before attempting to enter the building, as safety is of our upmost importance.
🚗Car Rider Dismissal Procedures
Lanes are grade specific according to the diagram below. Please slowly pull into lane of your youngest child’s grade level. Please park (do not idle) and use the SDM app to self-check in by clicking on the blue check in button. You will be prompted to enter your PIN. Do not click the blue check in button until you are physically in the loading zone (after the parking lot entrance). SDM will not let you check in your child until 3:00Ppm. Do not block other lines or entrance/exits. Do not cut through business parking lots. If you are having trouble with checking in, please wave a staff member down or call the main office (910-326-1501). Please stay in your car and we will send your child to you when it is safe to do so. Please wait to move forward until your lane is dismissed. If your child does not come out promptly, you may be directed to loop around for the next loading group or asked to park. You cannot scan in until AFTER 2:45pm. Please ensure you arrive no earlier than 2:45pm in the school’s parking lot and no later than 3:25pm. As you know our parking lot is unique and the event we need to utilize that space during the day, it makes it challenging if cars are parked earlier 2:45pm. Arriving earlier than necessary does not make the process any quicker for our staff and presents obstacles in the event we would need to evacuate the building. It is imperative you refrain from logging in to School Dismissal Manager prior to physically arriving in the school parking lot. The cut off time for car riders is 3:30pm. If you arrive after 3:30pm, you will be asked to park in one of the diagonal parking spaces, experience a wait time, as we do not conduct checkouts between 3:00-3:40pm. Additionally, you must bring your photo ID and come in the office to check out your child. Thank you for your continued patience as we work to ensure our students are escorted off campus as safely and efficiently as possible. Please note OCS Policy: For the safety of our students, no vehicles are allowed to arrive more than 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Therefore, vehicles should not be entering our parking lot prior to 2:45pm.
🔐Parent Portal
All parents are encouraged to sign up for Parent Portal. You can monitor attendance within the Portal and you can see your child's grades, assignments & due dates for students in grades 3-5. Click this link to sign up: https://onslow.powerschool.com/public/. You can contact the data manager Lori Jones at lori.jones@onslow.k12.nc.us to help with this process. She can look up your child's ID number when you email her the completed form and copy of your ID.
📆Upcoming Dates
2/10-2/14 Access Writing Testing for Grades 1-3
2/11 1st Grade Music Concert at 6pm
2/12 Early Release Day for Students at 12:15pm
2/12 SIT Meeting at 3:45pm
2/14 Caps for Kids
2/17 Workday/No School
2/24 Interim Reports for 3rd 9 weeks
2/24 School Spelling Bee
3/3-3/7 Read Across America Week
3/5 Tornado Drill
3/12 Early Release Day for Students at 12:15pm
3/12 SIT Meeting at 3:45pm
3/17 Workday/No School
3/27 End of Grading Period
3/27 2nd Grade Music Concert at 6pm
April - Month of the Military Child
4/3 Report Cards
4/4 Spring Pictures
4/4 Spring Carnival 6-8pm
4/7 Red, White, and Blue Day
4/8 Pirate Day
4/8 PTO Meeting
4/9 Camo Day
4/9 Early Release Day for Students
4/9 SIT Meeting at 3:45pm
4/10 Hat Day
4/10 EC Meeting
4/11 Purple Up Day
4/14-4/18 Spring Break
4/21 Workday/No School for Students
4/24 K-2 Field Day
4/25 3-5 Field Day
5/2-5/22 End of Year Assessments for K-5 DIBELS and iReady
5/2-5/4 Dreamers Club Musical - Mary Poppins at 6pm
5/5-5/9 Staff Appreciation Week
5/6 Interim Reports
5/13 PTO Meeting at 8:45am in Cafe
5/14 SIT Meeting at 3:45pm
5/23-6/6 NC Extend I Window
5/26 Memorial Day/No School
5/28 3rd Grade ELA EOG & 5th Grade Science EOG
5/30 3rd, 4th, 5th Math EOG
6/3 4th and 5th ELA EOG & 3rd RTA Test (select students)
6/6 Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony at 9am
6/6 Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony at 11am
6/6 Last Day of School! Report Cards/End of Grading Period
6/9 -6/12Workdays
6/11 SIT Meeting at 9am
Box Tops
You can earn 50 bonus Box Tops ($5) for SBES when you connect your Box Tops and Walmart accounts. This ends 8/31!
When you connect, it automatically adds Box Tops to your account when shopping at Walmart! No scanning of receipts required! This is the easiest way to help earn money for our school and you can share this with anyone in the country. Just have them create a Box Tops account and select our school!
🥪Lunch Visitors
Due to our growth in student population, we are no longer able to provide a place in our cafeteria to accommodate lunch visitors. If you would like to join your child for lunch, we will have an outdoor eating area available in the courtyard. Please sign in at the office and we will get your child for you. You will need to be mindful of the weather when planning a lunch visit. :) Also, please keep in mind you are only allowed to eat with your child and if a grandparent or special guest is coming to eat with a student, we must have a note from the parent granting permission. This is to ensure student safety and confidentiality. Thanks for understanding!
📦We love Box Tops!
Join us in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need - equipment, supplies or experiences the kids love! Download the Box Tops for Education app here: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=NQGY5JLL
Email: lauren.simpson@onslow.k12.nc.us
Website: https://sbes.onslow.k12.nc.us/
Location: 118 School Road, Swansboro NC
Phone: 910-326-1501
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swansboroelementaryschool