SSD.Normandy Communication
Family and Staff Newsletter August 2024
Greetings Families & Staff
Welcome to the 24.25 school year!
It is my pleasure to introduce to you my amazing leadership team. Listed above are our administrative assistants Salena Todd and RiQionna Goines, instructional coach, Katie Purcell, and facilitator, Angie Holmes. Your special education administrators are Melissa Logan who will support the Early Learning Center (KDG), Normandy Middle at Lucas Crossing, Normandy High School, and CASA, and Dr. Barbara Champagne who will support Barack Obama, Bel-Nor, Jefferson, and The Leadership School (Charter). I will support Washington again this year. (Click the CONTACT US image for additional information).
School begins on Monday, August 19th. Listed below are the school hours for each site:
The Early Learning Center 9:00a-4:10p
Barack Obama Elementary 9:00a-4:10p
Bel-Nor Elementary 9:00a-4:10p
Jefferson Elementary 9:00a-4:10p
Washington Elementary 9:00a-4:10p
Normandy Middle School at Lucas Crossing 8:10a-3:20p
Normandy High School/CASA 7:10a-2:30p
Registration is currently open for new and returning families. You may access registrations through Normandy's website at normandysc.org.
As always, should questions or concerns arise, please don't hesitate to let one of us know. In addition, if any SSD staff member has made a positive impact on you or your student, let us know by submitting a Cause for Applause!
In partnership,
Dr. DeAndria Player, Director of Special Education, dmplayer@ssdmo.org, (314)989-8422
Dr. Barbara Champagne, Special Education Coordinator, bachampagne@ssdmo.org, (314) 989-8198
Mrs. Melissa Logan, Special Education Coordinator, mjlogan@ssdmo.org, (314) 989-8683
Beyond the Backpack is on Saturday, August 10th from 10am-2pm at The Early Learning Center and Lucas Crossing Complex located at 7855 Natural Bridge Road.
Parent Advisory Council
The SSD Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is comprised of families advising and collaborating to improve the education, confidence and social outcomes of each student served by SSD.
The PAC consists of five parents or guardians – one member and four alternates – from each of the 22 St. Louis County school districts and from each of the five SSD special education schools. The parents or guardians of students receiving special education services in that district or school elect SSD PAC member.
- Network and communicate with other parents of children who receive special education services
- Become as informed as possible about special education services
- Improve communication between your local school district and SSD
- Create a positive understanding and awareness of students with disabilities
- Establish a network of advocacy for local, state and national disability issues
Special School District Upcoming Events
August 2024
August 13: Board of Education Work Study Meeting 5:45p
August 19: First Day of School
August 20: PAC Meeting 7p
August 27: Board of Education Business Meeting 5:45p
Follow SSD on Instagram!
SSD launched a new Instagram account in October and would love for you to follow. The District will be sharing photos and updates from all across the District, including our students and staff in partner districts. Follow us to stay connected and see what we are up to: www.instagram.com/ssdstlco/
Special School District
Email: dmplayer@ssdmo.org
Website: www.ssdmo.org
Location: 12110 Clayton Road, Town & Country, MO, USA
Phone: 314.989.8100
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SSDStLCo
Twitter: @SSDDStLCo
Normandy Schools Collaborative Upcoming Events
August 2024
August 5-16: Staff Professional Development
August 10: Beyond the Backpack 10a-2p
August 13: JEGB Board Meeting 6p
August 19: First Day of School
Normandy Schools Collaborative
Website: https://www.normandysc.org/
Location: 3855 Lucas and Hunt Road, Normandy, MO, USA
Phone: 314-493-0400