SLMS Titan News
Week of September 23, 2024
Principal Update
SLMS Parents and Guardians,
Please take a look at the calendar for the upcoming weeks. There are several days where students have a holiday. Please plan ahead.
Updates to the newsletter:
- Band Poinsetta Fundraiser
Dr. Latoya Garrett
At SLMS WE model the TITAN WAY
October Calendar is Coming Soon....
Parent Information About Attendance
Counseling Corner
SchooLinks is back this year and is our hub for College and Career Readiness in FBISD. All SLMS students will be reintroduced to SchooLinks in September during our first classroom visits. As a parent/guardian, we want you in on the action too! Please see the flyer, “Onboarding for Guardians” so you can have access to you children in SchooLinks!
LEVEL CHANGES (down or up from an AAC level course)
Level Changes may begin following PR1. Please reach out to your child’s subject-area teacher and they can guide you through the process. There will be a form for you to sign to initiate the change. It is not guaranteed to be a change that only affects that certain class period. Changes are determined by class availability at the time of the change.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please reach out to your child’s grade level counselor:
Nafecia Brinson-6
Eleni Smith-7
Kimberly Seright-8
SLMS Football Schedule
SLMS Volleyball Schedule
Athletic Information for 2024-2025
Attention Student-Athletes!To play sports, you must be GREEN in Rank One.
Upcoming Events
- October 4: Student/Teacher Holiday
- October 10-14: Student/Teacher Holiday
- October 15: Teacher Planning Day/No School for Students
- November 1: Student/Teacher Holiday
PTO Updates
A Message from the SLMS PTO
Happy September Titan Families!
We enjoyed meeting some of you who were able to stop by our table at Open House! Our PTO Board held their first meeting of the school year this past August and we have a full calendar of hospitality, fundraising and volunteer events planned.
Helpful PTO Links & Dates
- Become a PTO Member - membership is free and includes access to our monthly newsletter
- Become an approved Volunteer - all volunteers must complete an annual district background check
- Make a one time donation via Cheddar Up or a recurring donation via PayPal.
- Purchase Spirit Items through our Cheddar Up Store
- Purchase a Happy Birthday Marquee Greeting through our Cheddar Up Store
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and bookmark our website: http://www.slmspto.weebly.com
- Donate used clothing & toys to the Textile Bin located near the bus ramp. Please do not place oversized items at the bin.
- Become a Community Business Sponsor
Upcoming Spirit Nights - Mark Your Calendar!
- 10/29 Kona Ice - at the SLMS Trunk or Treat
- 11/19 Lopez Mexican Restaurant
Thank you to all the parents and Titan staff who have joined/renewed their membership and donated to support our efforts! Questions? Contact us at slmsmembership@gmail.com. Volunteer questions? Contact us at slmstitansvips@gmail.com
Together we are TITANS!
Monthly Donations to PTO
Support our students and staff by setting up a monthly donation to PTO. You can set this automatic donation starting at a few dollars. Remember that every dollar helps our PTO do AMAZING things for our community.
Reference Information
2024-2025 School Year
When a new badge is printed for a student, a fine will be assessed in Skyward. Theh parent will receive an email with a link to pay Revtrak. The standardized fee of $5 will be placed on the Skyward account for the student.
Student ID Badge Information
Dress Code
Students must comply with the following dress and grooming standards, including in online learning platforms.
SLMS Cell Phone Information
Sugar Land MS Cell Phone Expectations
- Phones must be powered off and stored in the students' backpacks during the instructional day (8:20 AM - 4:10 PM).
- When students arrive on campus in the morning, they will report to their assigned area (commons or gyms). Students will be permitted to use their phones on occasion at lunch and after dismissal.
- Students may not use their phones or devices to access and use any social media at any time while students are on campus, including before and after school activities.
- Students may not use their phones to take photos or videos at any time while they are on campus unless they have special permission.
- Phone use in the locker room or restroom is considered a severe violation and will be considered the fourth offense.
- If the cell phone rules are broken or if a student misuses their own instructional device, the following steps will be taken:
- First Offense—The device is confiscated and delivered to the front office for end-of-day student pickup. The student receives a Skyward referral.
- Second Offense—Same as the first offense.
- Third Offense—The offense is recorded in Skyward with a referral, a $15 fine is assessed and the parent/guardian will need to pick up the phone. (per policy in the current FBISD Student/Parent Handbook).
- Fourth Offense or Severe Violation—Student receives a $15 fine, a parent must pick up the phone, and a referral submitted to their administrator.
- If a student needs to call home for any reason, they can use the phone in the office or in the classroom with permission.
- FBISD schools are not responsible for the loss or theft of student-owned devices per district policy. The student is responsible for retrieving the phone at the end of the day for the first and second offense.
Frequently asked questions:
- So what are SLMS cell phone expectations? When students enter SLMS until the end of the instructional day, students will turn off their cell phones and keep them in their backpacks. Students who do not follow the expectations will have their cell phones confiscated per the district parent-student handbook.
- What if I need to contact my student during the school day? If a parent needs to contact their student during the instructional day regarding transportation or for emergencies they may call 281-634-3080.
- What if my student is not responding to my text messages? This is a great way to see if your student is following the school expectations. As long as they are not responding between 8:20 AM and 4:10 PM, be proud that your student is following the school rules.
- How will my child tell me that they forgot something at home and need for me to bring it up to school? At Sugar Land, part of our mission is to develop independence. You can help us by allowing your child to experience the natural consequence of forgetting something at home. If it is schoolwork, then they receive the late work points taken off. If it is shoes for PE, then they may have to sit out. If it is their lunch, then they receive a meal from the cafeteria at no cost to them this year.
- What if my child sends me a text from the restroom. Phone use in the locker room or restroom is considered a severe violation and will be considered the fourth offense. Fourth Offense or Severe Violation means that the student is fined, a parent must pick up the phone, and a referral is submitted to their administrator.
Support and talk with your child ahead of time about our Sugar Land Cell Phone Policy to help ensure they follow the rules and do not get their cell phone taken up. For some students this will not be a big deal, for others, they will need to understand following school rules is important.
Important Contact Information
Sixth Grade
- Associate Principal - Monika Martin (monika.martin@fortbendisd.gov)
- Counselor - Nafecia Brinson (nafecia.brinson@fortbendisd.gov)
Seventh Grade
- Assistant Principal - Dawn Rogers (dawn.rogers@fortbendisd.gov)
- Counselor - Eleni Smith (eleni.smith@fortbendisd.gov)
Eighth Grade
- Assistant Principal - Luster Goodwin (luster.goodwin@fortbendisd.gov)
- Counselor - Kim Seright (kimberly.seright@fortbendisd.gov)
Counselor Clerk - Asia Stewart (asia.stewart@fortbendisd.gov)
Assistant Principal Secretaries
- 7th and 8th Grade - Tina Garcia (diamantina.ibarragar@fortbendisd.gov)
- 6th Grade - Mayra Morales (mayra.morales@fortbendisd.gov)
Attendance - Mary Beth LaVergne (mary.lavergne@fortbendisd.gov)
Registrar - Tandi Phillips (tandi.phillips@fortbendisd.gov)
Nurse - Gwendolyn Davis (gwendolyn.davis@fortbendisd.gov)
Clinic Aide - Cathy Tekrouri (cathy.tekrouri@fortbendisd.gov)
Executive Assistant to Principal - Mary Connealy (mary.connealy@fortbendisd.gov)
Principal - Dr. Latoya Garrett (latoya.garrett@fortbendisd.gov)
Sugar Land Middle School
49th Year at SLMS
Inspiring and equipping the young men and women of our community for futures beyond what they can imagine since September 2, 1975.
SLMS Campus Mission Statement
Working collaboratively, the Sugar Land Middle School Professional Learning Community will commit to creating a safe environment with high expectations leading to physical, social, emotional, and academic success for all Titans.
Office Hours
8:20-4:20 PM
Email: latoya.garrett@fortbendisd.gov
Website: www.fortbendisd.com/slms
Location: 321 7th Street, Sugar Land, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 634-3080
X: @SLMSTitans
Principal of Sugar Land Middle School in Sugar Land, TX. Home of the Titans!