May 2018
"Everyone teaches, everyone learns." -Anonymous
Table of Contents
- Important Upcoming Dates
- Spring 2018 Dean's List
- Spring 2018 Graduates
- Spring 2018 Cord Ceremony
- TRiO FESP Abroad
- Teacher Job Fair
- Is Social Media Stressing You Out?
Important Upcoming Dates
- May 7th- Summer 1 Classes Begin (Tuition/Fees Due)
- May 11th- Last Day to Drop/Add Classes
- May 14th- Last Day for 100% Refund
- May 15th- $100 Late Add Fee Begins
- May 18th- Teacher Job Fair
- May 28th- Memorial Day, No School
- June 4th- Last Day to Withdraw from Summer 1 Classes
- June 27th- Summer 1 Semester Ends
Spring 2018 Dean's List
- Jeremy Bergeron
- Elisha Castle
- Alexis Chie
- Destiny Edwards
- Matthew Garret
- Mayra Moreno (4.0)
- Allison Jannenga
- Heather Jones
- Stephanie LePoudre
- Ray Littrel
- Dominique Lloyd
- Bridgette Louwers
- Magali Martinez
- Autumn Massie
- Emily Neher
- Kaelyn Pace
- Jessica Parshall
- Audra Pickett
- Niang Siam
- Alexandra Smith
- Kylie Taft (4.0)
- Ashley Watson
- Katelyn Wybenga
4.0 Only
- Kristina Allen
- Hannah Kolito
- Jamie Marcyan
- Michelle Glidden
Spring 2018 Graduates
Congratulations to all the Spring 2018 Graduates! We wish you well on your future endeavors!
Spring 2018 Cord Ceremony
This year, TRiO FESP held their Graduation Cord Ceremony alongside TRiO SSP to recognize the Spring and Summer 2018 graduates. This is a great time for the graduates to share their intimate moment with their parents, family and friends.
TRiO FESP Participants Abroad
Lauralee Perrine
This past semester, I took the opportunity to complete my final teaching internship in New Zealand. This experience has been a whirlwind, and I have learned so much about becoming a better educator. In addition to learning how to adapt to a completely new educational system, I was able to learn about different cultures and how to integrate those cultures into my teaching. I also learned a lot about various models of differentiated instruction, and how to use those in my classroom. In addition to being in the classroom, I had the chance to travel all around the country. I've climbed volcanoes, hiked to the top of waterfalls, sailed on the Pacific Ocean, and interacted with people from around the world. Studying abroad has been both one of the most challenging and rewarding opportunities I have had, and I would definitely recommend this experience!
Teacher Job Fair
Kalamazoo Public Schools will be having a Job Fair on May 18th, from 4 to 6 pm. The Job Fair will be held in the West Main Professional Development Center.
1627 W. Main St, Kalamazoo, Mi, 49006
Is Social Media Stressing You Out?
Do you have trouble concentrating? Do you feel inadequate compared to your friends? If you feel stressed, lonely, or tired all the time, social media may be to blame. Click the button below to read about the 20 ways social media is stressing you out.
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Click here to learn more about the stresses of social media.