Emerson Middle School News
December 20, 2024
Emerson Middle School
Email: em-office@d64.org
Website: https://www.d64.org/ems
Location: 8101 North Cumberland Avenue, Niles, IL, USA
Dear Emerson Families,
As we approach the winter break, we want to take a moment to thank you for your support and partnership throughout the first part of the school year. It's been a busy, productive season filled with learning, growth, and plenty of memorable moments.
We hope the upcoming holiday season brings your family peace, joy, and quality time together. Whether you're relaxing at home, traveling, or enjoying time with loved ones, we wish you all a restful and rejuvenating break.
We'll see you back in the new year, ready to tackle the next chapter of the school year with renewed energy and excitement!
Happy Holidays from all of us at Emerson Middle School!
All the Best,
Monday 1/6 - Math Room 301, LA Room 109
Tuesday 1/7 - Math Room 301, LA Room 102
Thursday 1/9 - Math Room 301, LA Room 202, Science/Social Studies Room 203
In ASSP, you can get help in math, language arts and miscellaneous (science and social studies) with a teacher from 3:05-4:00 PM. Come to ASSP if you need to:
prepare for a test
get questions answered from your homework
review a concept that you missed or confuses you
finish that writing assignment
7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Tryouots
Please fill out this google form if you are interested in trying out
Volleyball Tryouts will be over 2 days for each grade level team. We ask that all athletes make an effort to be at BOTH days of tryouts. Tryout dates will be after winter break. Please be sure that: a current physical and a interscholastic form are uploaded to Powerschool BEFORE tryouts begin.
Dates for Tryouts:
7th Grade: 1/8 (4-5:30pm) AND 1/9 (6:45am-8:00am)
8th Grade: 1/7 (6:45am-8:00am) AND 1/10 (6:45am-8:00am)
Questions: Contact Coach Dieden or Coach Gaggiano
7th Grade: Coach Dieden-Room 209 - edieden@d64.org
8th Grade: Coach Gaggiano-Room 303 - ngaggiano@d64.org
Young Authors
Is your student an aspiring author? Here's a chance to let their creativity shine! The Young Authors Contest is a districtwide program for students interested in writing and publishing their work for others to read. It is running now through March 1st. Please see the guidelines for details and contact Mrs. Prokos with any questions.
Submissions are accepted through February 28th! We can’t wait to read our student's submissions. Best of luck to everyone in writing the winning manuscript!
PowerSchool Parent Portal Password Update
District 64 cares about the security of your student's personal information. Effective December 13th, we will be requiring all parents to create a minimum 12-character password for their PowerSchool Parent Portal account. Strong passwords are of the utmost importance - they protect your electronic accounts and devices from unauthorized access, keeping your sensitive personal information safe. The more complex the password, the more protected your information will be from cyber threats and hackers.
The District 64 Green Team - Tips for a Greener Holiday Season!
- Recycle your old holiday lights at the Public Works Service Center, 400 Busse Highway, now through March 7th from 7 AM to 3 PM.
- Niles & Park Ridge both provide Christmas tree curbside pickup. Park Ridge picks up the week of January 5th on your regular garbage day. Niles picks up through January. Trees over 6 feet must be cut in two. All residents should place their trees on the parkway next to the curb the night before their regular garbage collection day.
- Only plain cards and wrapping paper can be recycled (no glitter, fluff, ribbon, 3-D decorations, or batteries in musical cards). Flatten paper and cardboard boxes so they fit inside your cart with the lid closed. Materials need to stay dry.
- Give the gift of composting. Park Ridge residents have a discounted plan with Collective Resource Compost.
- Check out this link for other ideas on how to give green gifts and reduce your holiday waste.
Rainbows Student Peer Groups
Rainbows for All Children provides peer groups for kids in 1st - 8th grade. These groups provide a safe space for them to share their experiences associated with loss of a loved one and/or a changing family dynamic due to divorce, deployment, etc. Trained facilitators help encourage communication while identifying, navigating and discussing feelings amongst the group. Our next session begins on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025. This free program meets every Tuesday, from 5:30 - 6:30 pm, at the Park Ridge Community Church.
Please use this Google Form link to register your child/children and/or to be added to our communications list. Any general questions or interest in volunteering to become a facilitator, please contact rainbows64@att.net . For more general info please visit https://rainbows.org/
December SOARS Update
Not only does winter bring about another round of MAP Testing but also the holiday season. To prepare for MAP Testing, it’s important for students to charge their chromebooks, get extra sleep, eat breakfast, get to school on time, and keep a positive attitude. Aside from MAP Testing, students had time during the extended homeroom to do some good for others. They made holiday cards for the local nursing homes. Residents enjoy receiving mail, and our students have so much creativity to share with them. This project is a way for students to think about others and lift them up during the holiday season.
Vocal Music Notes
Emerson PTO
Upcoming Events
7th Grade Mid of Mid Party – Friday, Jan 24th 3-4:30pm More details next week! Volunteers sign up here! Donate $5/$10 Gift Cards to raffle off. Drop off at the front office or at the Selah house 300 N Dee Rd, Park Ridge. Sign up to volunteer at the event: https://emersonmspto.membershiptoolkit.com/open_forms
Next PTO Meeting – Jan 7th 6:30 pm Zoom link: https://zoom.us/s/4091204929?pwd=K1drNHltMWZSb2h3K2dmQ1poSkxhUT09#success ID: 409 120 4929 |Password: Eagle
Spiritwear Store Great Holiday Present ideas! There are sales posted every week with flat rate shipping regardless of order size. Check out our updated store.
Not a PTO Member Yet or WANT TO VOLUNTEER?
Join the Emerson PTO for the 2024-25 school year and stay connected! Sign up here.
Interested in getting more involved with the PTO? Email ems.pto.64@gmail.com and let us know!
Happy Holidays!
Emerson PTO