Old Trail Intermediate Summer News
July 29th, 2024

Honoring our Veterans
The Old Trail Intermediate School is asking for your help. We are creating a slideshow of individuals from our extended OTIS families who have served in the military or are currently serving in any branch of the Armed Forces. This includes those who received an honorable discharge from the military or individuals currently serving on active duty. Old Trail family members include any parent, guardian, sibling, uncle, aunt, or grandparent that is currently serving or who has served in the capacities mentioned above.
The information you provide will be used to create a slideshow in our cafeteria for our special Veterans Day lunch on November 11th, during all lunch periods. If you have anyone in your family that fits our description, please complete the bottom portion of the attached letter and return it to your child’s teacher no later than November 6th, 2024. We would like to know the service members name, branch of service, years of service, any awards or additional information, and a picture.
Also on November 11th, 2024, we would like to invite any family service members to come in and eat lunch with their student during their student’s lunch period. During this time, you may order a school lunch, or bring in a special lunch for your student. We ask that if you bring in a special lunch, we only bring it in for your student and not any additional friends. We will use the upper level cafeteria eating for those service members and their students. Additionally, during the lunch period, we will ask that the student introduce their Veteran to their peers with the information listed above!
Scholastic Book Fair - November 1-8
The Scholastic Book Fair will be running at Old Trail from November 1-8th.
- The book fair will be open all day (7:55-3:10) Friday, November 1 during conferences.
- The book fair will also be held Monday, November 4 from 6-8 p.m.
- The book fair will be available for teachers and students Monday, November 4 - Thursday, November 7 during school hours.
Students of the Month
In October each of our teachers nominated a student for demonstrating our character trait of the month, RESPONSIBILITY. These students will be honored at our PBIS assembly and are highlighted in the showcase by the gym. Congratulations to all our responsible students!
School Social Media Accounts
We will be managing the following social media accounts this year...
Instagram- OTPatriots
X (Twitter)- @OTPatriots
Facebook (managed by PTO)- Old Trail Intermediate School PTO
Please follow, like, and watch as we will post OTIS happenings throughout the year!
Important upcoming dates!
Below are some important upcoming dates:
Friday, November 1 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 19 OTIS PTO meeting at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, November 20 McTeacher Night st Etters McDonalds from 4:00 to 7:00 pm
Wednesday, November 27 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Thursday, November 28 NO SCHOOL
Friday, November 29 NO SCHOOL
Friday, December 6 Trimester 1 ends
PTO Info
The Old Trail PTO is already up an running and are very appreciative of the parents who stepped up to take on the huge task of starting a PTO from scratch. Thank you also to all our families who have participated in our family events and community night fundraisers. Our next PTO meeting will be held Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30 pm in the Old Trail Learning Commons (library). (This is a change from the date in the district calendar.) We will also have a ZOOM option for those who cannot attend in person. We hope many of you will join us to learn more about the events planned for this school year!
Mc Teacher Night - November 20 from 4:00 - 7:00
Join us at the Etters McDonalds as your favorite teachers and staff work at McDonalds. We will be taking orders, running food, handling drive thru and whatever else they challenge us with. In return our PTO will be earning a portion of the total sales for those 3 hours. Please come out and support our efforts!