Lake ES -School Replacement Project
September 2024

Project Updates - September 2024
Lake Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Thank you to all who came out to celebrate the opening of the first buildings. It is great to have school in session in new buildings, and we look forward to adding the kindergarten complex, cafeteria, and playgrounds in our next construction phase.
Construction Activity
- Demolition of underground utilities and decommissioned electrical service
- Soil preparation and grading
Project Overview
- Project Scope: The primary purpose of this project is to replace the school campus. Campus will be occupied during the duration of this project. The project has two main construction phases. The first phase included new buildings and site work on the East half of the campus and the second phase will include new buildings and remaining site work on the West half of the campus. Project design started in August 2021 and the first phase of construction is complete. Phase 2 is scheduled through Fall 2025. This project is an investment in our community through the use of taxpayer bond dollars.
- Architect: Quattrocchi Kwok Architects - QKA
- Anticipated Completion: Fall 2025
Join the CBOC!
We are accepting applications to join the Citizens' Bond Oversite Committee (CBOC). The CBOC reviews bond-funded school projects and informs the public about bond expenditures and uses.
Sign up here: bit.ly/CBOCWCCUSD23
Project Website
Additional information and past newsletters can be found on the project website. To receive an email of this monthly newsletter or ask a project question, please email: askfacilities@wccusd.net