Tiger News
News & Information for Tiger Families
Letter from the Principal
Tiger Families,
As the school year ends, I want to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of you.
Thank you for trusting us to provide your child with their educational and spiritual needs this year. It has indeed been an honor and privilege. As teachers, we’re delighted with our students’ progress, and confident they leave as more knowledgeable and independent learners. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication throughout this school year. We have felt your constant and consistent commitment behind the scenes.
Thank you for choosing St. Teresa Catholic School to share in your family’s growth! We are extremely grateful and thankful that you are part of the Tiger Family!
I look forward to seeing everyone back on August 8th at Open House and August 15th our 1st Day of School. Until then, stay safe and have a wonderful summer.
As always, we thank you for sharing your student with us. We appreciate your trust, support, and partnership.
Nicole Green
Our 2023-2024 School Board Award recipients were recognized before Mass on Pentecost Sunday. Congratulations to our recipients, and thank you for all you do for our St. Teresa community. Pictured (L to R): Bonnie Gonzales for St. Teresa Lifetime Achievement Volunteer, Chris Boivin for Heart of St. Teresa - Faith Formation, Lindsey O'Dell for Heart of St. Teresa - Academic Excellence, and Katie Wemhoener for St. Teresa Distinguished Alumna (award accepted by Barbie Duncan on Katie's behalf).
Congratulations to our 2024 High School Graduates - St. Teresa Alums of 2020
Once A Tiger, Always A Tiger
Althoff Valedictorians
We are excited to announce that the CANTS process has moved to an electronic format. Now when you need a CANTS check or need to update the CANTS check, I will initiate a link via the DCFS portal that will be delivered to your email address. This will come from the email address Dcfs.CFS689BackgroundCheck@illinois.gov. Instructions will be included in the email so that you can verify your information and authorize the request. If you see anything incorrect with what I have included, please let me know before you proceed with the authorization, so that I can correct the information and resend you the link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Jackie
Want to stay up-to-date on what is happening at St. Teresa but not sure how.
Check out the St. Teresa School Parent Calendar. Click on the link below to check it out!
St. Teresa Catholic School Google Calendar
3rd ~ Spruce up the School Day 11am - 4pm
8th ~ Kindergarten Signing 4pm - 5pm
8th ~ Open House 5pm - 8pm
11th ~ Backpack Blessing 11am Mass
15th ~ WELCOME BACK - Early Dismissal 11:30am
23rd ~ NO SCHOOL - Teacher Institute Day
24th ~ Parish Picnic
2nd ~ Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
11th ~ Grandparents Mass 8:30am
11th ~ Early Dismissal 11:30am
13th ~ 1st Quarter Progress Reports
23rd ~ Beginning of IOWA Testing
25th ~ See You At The Pole 7:30am
27th ~ Fall Picture Day
Parish Picnic Planning Meeting
Several stands are being chaired for the last time this year
and we are seeking new people to "shadow" this coming Parish Picnic.
Parish Picnic is August 24, 2024!
Questions please contact Kevin Bouse at 618-410-1047
Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 06:00 PM
St. Teresa Parish Center
Do you have something to share?
We love to show all the great things St. Teresa Tigers do at school and in the community!
Diocesan Facebook Page
Here is the link to the new page:
Name: Catholic Diocese of Belleville
Camper and Volunteer Applications
St. Teresa PTO Happenings!
“Important Upcoming Dates:”
Contact us:
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StTeresaPTO
Email: PTO@StTeresaTigers.org
BoxTops for Education – Did you know our school has earned over $23,000 from BoxTops?!?!
Whether you're ordering groceries for delivery or pickup–or if you requested an email receipt at checkout–you can still submit any digital receipt containing participating products and earn Box Tops for your school.
St. Teresa PTO meets the SECOND Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is welcome!
PTO meeting dates 2023-2024:
TBD – Summer Planning Meeting – Location is TBD
Contact us:
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StTeresaPTO
Email: PTO@StTeresaTigers.org
St. Teresa Ladies of Perpetual Help ~ Happenings
*We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the St. Teresa Parish Center. All ladies of St. Teresa School/Church are welcome to attend!
Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stteresaperpetualhelp
Child Care is available.
St. Teresa Spotlight
Know of a St. Teresa Alumni to Spotlight email nicole.green@stteresatigers.org
Althoff Catholic High School
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
- 7th & 8th graders- Schedule a Crusader for a Day Shadow visit. Call us at (618) 235 1100 ext. 115
Upcoming events, more information at https://www.althoffcatholic.org/admissions/visit.cfm