6th Grade Lions Team Newsletter
Announcements & Reminders
- Sept. 23: Mid-Quarters go home
- Students will bring mid-quarter reports this day. Please remember, this is only a snapshot of what was in the gradebook on Thursday, Sept. 19. As expected, missing assignments negatively affect grades. Fortunately, this is only a grade check and missing work can still be submitted for full credit. You and your child can check current grades at any time in Canvas. If an assignment shows a zero or a dash, then that assignment is missing. If you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email us.
- Oct. 7th: Fall Picture Day
- Oct. 11th: Color Run
- Our annual color run is coming up! Please donate to the cause here. More information regarding this event will be sent home in the coming weeks. You can also keep up to date by following the Wilson's Creek PTA on Facebook.
What We're Learning!
- Math: We are continuing in Desmos Unit 2, Introducing Ratios. We are learning many strategies to find equivalent ratios. Students are also working in Khan Academy towards their Course Mastery Goal.
- ELA: We are continuing our novel study over Hatchet. We will be using reading skills such as: finding character traits, using evidence to support our answers, inferencing and more!
- Science/SS: We started our first social studies unit this past week! We started with practice of basic Map skills and how to create timelines. Over the next two weeks we will study the beginning of civilizations and the first ancient civilization Mesopotamia.
PRIDE of the Lions Team
Contact Information
Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time throughout the year with questions or concerns. The best way to reach us is by email.
Mrs. Keller (Science/SS): makeller@spsmail.org
Mrs. Stafford (Math): sstafford@spsmail.org
Mrs. Levy (ELA): allevy@spsmail.org
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