Mrs. Rosa Johnson
Welcome, my name is Rosa Johnson and I am excited to be your 3rd grade Teacher at Wilkesboro Elementary School. My career in education started out as a Tutor. Next, I became a Teachers Assistant. Then, I became a Teacher and have been teaching for 13 years now. This is my first year in 3rd grade. It all started when I received my Associates Degree in Arts at WCC and then went on to earned my Bachelor's Degree in education K-6 at Lees-McRae College.
About My Family...
I have been happily married for 26 years to my best friend. I have 4 children and 2 grandchildren. The picture attached is of my husband, myself, and my three sons. My daughter and her family live on an AirForce Base in Anchorage Alaska. My families favorite things to do together are: hiking, camping, fishing, tubing, swimming, and just sitting around the fire pit sharing stories and fun ideas.
About this Year
We are excited to start our year here at WES. Your child will be learning all kinds of great and interesting things this year. In Third Grade, your child will continue to learn and grow using our familiar progams, LetterLand, Wit & Wisdom, and HMH. As you know, Science, Social Studies, and Health are always full of excitement. I look forward to meeting each one of my students and their parents/guardians and becoming one big Classroom Family 🌻
Day 1- PE
Day 2- Art
Day 3- PE
Day 4-Music
Day 5- PE
Day 6- Media
Mrs. Johnsons' Classroom Wish List
My Favorites
Color: I like all of them
Drink: Coke Cola or Hot White Chocolate Mocha coffee
Snack: Chex Mix or White chocolate Snickers
Candy: Hi-Chews or Tootsie Rolls
Restaurant: Zaxby's or Koto's
Shopping: Amazon or Walmart
Animal: Sea Turtles
Flower: Sunflower
Mrs. Johnson is Here to Help
Below is my contact information. Please feel free to use my school email, school phone, Dojo, or SeeSaw to ask questions or find out information. If I cannot answer your questions, I will find someone who can.
Email: johnsonr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: 336-838-4261
Rosa Johnson
Rosa is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters