Inspired Learning, Leading, Living
#IL3 Newsletter Friday, November 5th, 2021
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Video Summary/Resumen de video
La Dra. Sally Sugg, Superintendente de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Shelby habla con la Sra. Nancy Page, Coordinadora de MMTS sobre nuestro Plan de Aprendizaje Socioemocional en el Condado de Shelby. Los temas mensuales de SEL incluyen relaciones entre estudiantes y maestros, autoconciencia por empatía, autogestión, conciencia social, habilidades para relacionarse, toma de decisiones responsable y más.
A Message About Food Service in SCPS/Un mensaje sobre el servicio de alimentos en el condado de Shelby
Thank you so much for supporting our school nutrition program by having your children eat at school. All meals continue to be free to students this year.
As you may have seen in the news, school nutrition programs across the country are experiencing shortages of food and supplies. Our planned menus must change based on what specific food products we are able to obtain each week. To help you plan better for your student each day, we will begin posting our menus online on a weekly basis until these shortages subside. The menus will be posted on Thursday to show the menu for the upcoming week. If you already received a printed copy of the November menu, you would want to check back with the website each Thursday and not rely on the full monthly menu.
We are also experiencing shortages of all paper/disposable supply products including the cups we use to provide water during lunch. If your student can bring a water bottle to school, this would help significantly.
If you have any questions, please contact the School Nutrition Food Service Office at 502-633-2375.
Muchas gracias por apoyar nuestro programa de nutrición escolar al hacer que sus hijos coman en la escuela. Todas las comidas siguen siendo gratuitas para los estudiantes este año.
Como puede haber visto en las noticias, los programas de nutrición escolar en todo el país están experimentando escasez de alimentos y suministros. Nuestros menús planificados deben cambiar en función de los productos alimenticios específicos que podamos obtener cada semana. Para ayudarlo a planificar mejor para su estudiante cada día, comenzaremos a publicar nuestros menús en línea semanalmente hasta que disminuya esta escasez. Los menús se publicarán el jueves para mostrar el menú de la próxima semana. Si ya recibió una copia impresa del menú de noviembre, le recomendamos que vuelva a consultar el sitio web todos los jueves y no dependa del menú mensual completo.
También estamos experimentando escasez de todos los productos de papel / suministros desechables, incluidos los vasos que usamos para proporcionar agua durante el almuerzo. Si su estudiante puede traer una botella de agua a la escuela, esto sería de gran ayuda.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Oficina de Servicios de Alimentos de Nutrición Escolar al 502-633-2375.
Helping Students Regain Executive Function Skills
We have received several requests from teachers and parents to help our students regain executive function skills. Executive functioning skills are time management, organization, prioritization, working memory, impulse control, flexibility, and empathy.
How can you help at home?
Time management. Have a written, regular family routine with general times listed. Refer to it often.
Organization. There are several things you can do to support this area. Make family to-do lists and check them off as they are complete. Make sure you include the child when making the list and checking it off. Have a set time to review school agendas to make sure students are able to manage their workloads.
Prioritization. Using the organizational tools above, have reflecting conversations on which activity to do first. Model order of importance whenever possible.
Working Memory. There are several things to develop working memory.
Visualization. Have kids visualize how to complete a task before they start.
Play cards/games (Crazy Eights, Uno, Go Fish, War, Concentration)
Chunk information into smaller bites whenever possible.
Impulse control.
Physical exercise and involvement in organized sports is one of the best ways to develop impulse control.
Teach your child to label their feelings and emotions.
Ask your child to repeat back directions.
Establish household rules/expectations with consistency
Be a good role model.
Practice deep breathing
Play games like Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, Follow the Leader
Flexibility. When kids develop flexible thinking skills they are better able to solve problems, engage in positive peer interactions, and focus in school. When they learn to shift their thoughts in the face of new information, they can work through change and transitions. It takes time to develop this important skill set, but it helps kids thrive for years to come.
Change the rules. Try changing the rules to your favorite board games. Your child might fight this at first, but by making small changes, he will learn that he can bend. My son and I make small changes to the rules to make games more fun, and this has improved his ability to solve problems. When kids learn that rules aren’t always set in stone, they begin to approach problems from new directions.
Teach self-talk. Self-talk is a great way to work through a problem. Teach your child to take a few deep breaths, state the problem, consider at least three solutions and choose one. When kids learn to talk their way through problems, they experience less frustration and are better able to cope with unexpected change.
Get a joke book. Rigid thinkers tend to struggle to understand jokes. They also have trouble making up their own jokes and puns. Joke books can be a great way to talk about the different meanings of words and think about how changing the meaning of a word makes it funny.
Empathy. Empathize with your child and model empathy with others.
Make caring for others a high priority and set high ethical expectations.
Have family meetings.
Discuss ethical dilemmas.
Encourage empathy for peers and teachers.
Pumpkin Patch
Mushy Mess
Ed Rising
WMS Students
SCATC Students
SCL3 Community Leaders
board member Mike Hesketh kicks off this morning’s community partnership meeting with
@shelbycountysch Profile of a Graduate
Shelby County Public Schools
Misión: Preparar estudiantes sabios que dominen los estándares, lideren con el ejemplo y adopten la responsabilidad social.
Vision: Inspired Learning, Leading, and Living
Visión: aprendizaje, liderazgo y vida inspirados
Location: 1155 W. Main Street Shelbyville KY 40065
Phone: 502.633.2375
Twitter: @shelbycountysch