Granada Hills HOA Newsletter
February 2025
Neighborhood News and Announcements
It's Time
Dear Granada Hills Residents,
I am writing to you with a sincere request to take part in your neighborhood community this year, this month, today. I love living here, and just about everyone I speak to feels the same. We really are a hidden gem. Many moved here because of the beauty of the 'hood, and often because there is no mandatory HOA. While we don the term "HOA" in our name, we are more of a casual neighborhood association made up of caring volunteers. Our efforts are focused primarily on keeping our park and shared spaces clean & safe, and building community among residents here in Granada. It sounds pretty simple, and it is, but it takes a lot more work than you might think.
This year, we hosted our annual HOA meeting down at the park on a Sunday afternoon, in an effort to make it as easy as possible for residents to attend and get involved. Other than board members, we had ten households represented at the meeting. We have over 465 households in Granada. So if we are to be an organization that helps to bring people together and continues work that residents care about, we need to do better.
It's time. I'd like to challenge each person receiving this newsletter to commit to something this year - some way of giving, volunteering, and helping us to keep our neighborhood vibrant and strong. The time is now to lean in and get involved. Here's how:
- Renew your HOA membership, and encourage others to join as well
- Learn about volunteer opportunities HERE
- Let us know your area of interest (board@granadahillshoa.org)
This neighborhood is what it is due to a long line of dedicated volunteers over the past 40+ years. The more folks take part in our community, the stronger we become. Thank you. I look forward working alongside of each of you.
Sara Headden
(on behalf of the entire Granada Hills HOA Volunteer Board)
New Year, New Tennis Access
One of the perks of being an active member of the HOA is access to our very own tennis court. The court has become a popular spot for tennis and pickleball players! Members can access the court through a reservation system and access code to the gate. Each year, the gate code is updated to ensure that only current members are using the court. If you are interested in reserving a time on the court, please reach out to tenniscourt@granadahillshoa.org and we will get you set up!
Neighborly News
Kat and Dave Sherby, long time Granada residents and HOA volunteers, are being highlighted by Central Texas Gardener for their impressive gardens and outdoor space. They have put lots of love and elbow grease into making their home and yard a place that they love spending time in, and it shows! Visit the link below to learn more and watch for them on TV on Central Texas Gardener on April 12th!
Glimpses of Granada Hills
Nicolle Ramia is an accomplished photographer who spends her mornings strolling through the streets of Granada Hills, capturing so much of its beauty with her camera. She has graciously shared some of her work here, as a reminder of how special this place is.
Check out more of Nicolle's work at https://www.facebook.com/FourHeartsMarketingandEvents
Upcoming Events
HOA Annual Membership Meeting - February 17, 2025, 6:30pm
The Granada Hills HOA Board meets once a month, usually on the third Monday, to discuss updates and needs of the neighborhood, respond to requests from committees, plan events, and vote on any expenditures or other changes. If you would like to attend a meeting, reach out to board@granadahills.org.
It's My Park Day - March 1, 2025, 9am-12pm
We will be participating in our own version of It's My Park Day, right here at our neighborhood park! Bring your shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, and garden tools. We will be planting, pulling weeds, spreading mulch, and cleaning up the pool area. Come roll up your sleeves and help us to beautify our cherished shared space!
Talk to your neighbors about the HOA
Thank you for becoming a member of the HOA! Your membership and participation is what helps keep our neighborhood running smoothly. As a reminder, your dues pay for….
- Community events, like 4th of July, It's My Park Day & Movie Nights
- Holiday events like the Easter Celebration, Trunk-or-Treat, Craft Fair and Santa in the Park
- Park improvements: Mural, Granada Hills sign, gaga pit, etc.
- Lawn care, tree care, and landscaping in shared park spaces
- Lights around the basketball and tennis court
- Streetlights at Gallant Fox (north and south) and FM 1826, making those intersections safer
- Water in shared park spaces
- Playscape maintenance and improvements
- Tennis court upkeep (and new pickleball lines)
- Property taxes and garbage collection for the park
- Port-a-potty at the park
- Neighborhood safety efforts, like the radar feedback speed limit sign
- Welcome gifts for new families moving in
- And many other things we all enjoy and benefit from
We are a volunteer-run organization, and we rely on volunteer memberships to cover costs. Please help us increase membership and make Granada Hills even better! Be sure to talk to your neighbors about the work that we do and encourage them to join or get involved. Membership forms can be found at https://www.granadahillshoa.org/membership.
Help Welcome New Neighbors to GH!
Are you a small business owner, a creator, or just someone with connections? We are looking for donations of local products to include in the welcome bags (locally grown honey, wine, snacks, coupons, Granada Hills branded items, etc.) or cash donations to allow us to purchase items from our online Granada Hills Store. To contribute, please email us at board@granadahillshoa.org.
Find Us on Facebook
Did you know that Granada Hills is on Facebook? To stay up to date on issues and events in the 'hood, please be sure to join our Granada Hills Neighborhood & Pool Community Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GranadaHillsCommunity
Block Parties
Having a block party is a great way to bring neighbors together and build community. If you would like to plan a block party for your street, the HOA would love to support your initiative! Please reach out to board@granadahillshoa.org to discuss how we can support your efforts.
Neighborhood Advertisements
The Circle C Varsity generation is a city run program open to anyone that would like to attend, 50+ are welcome. The service is free, courtesy of city of Austin.
Please contact Maria Del Carmen, Activities Specialist for the program, at Maria.DelCarmen@austintexas.gov with questions.
Erin Frazier, a Granada resident, just opened up her very own dance studio in South Austin! Come check out their array of classes!
Want to place an ad? Reach out to board@granadahillshoa.org for more information and pricing. Kids' advertising is FREE!