Timberwolf Times
Navigating the Path to Success
February 14th, 2025
On the STMS Calendar
- 2/17 - 2/21, No School
- 2/24 - First Day of Wrestling, Gym, 3;15 - 5:30
- 2/25 - META Meeting , rm 8 & 20, 3:15 - 4:15
- 2/25- Club Live General Meeting, rm 4, 3:15 - 4:15
- 2/26- Ballet Folkloric Club, activity room, 2:15-3:15
- 2/26- PIQE 6 - 7:30, zoom, see link below
- 2/26 - STHS Incoming Freshman Night @ STMS MPR 5:00 - 7:00
- 2/27 - META meeting, rm 8 & 20, 3:15 - 4:15
- 2/28 - Club Live General Meeting, 3:15 - 4:15, room 4
- 3/1 - Nordic races @ Boreal
- 3/1 - Wrestling @ Eagle Valley Middle School
South Tahoe High School Information for 8th Graders
Dear 8th Grade Parents:
STHS counselors will be at STMS to register all 8th grade students for their classes for next year beginning the week of March 3- 7. Attached please find the STHS presentation regarding high school next year. The 9th Grade Course Registration form is also attached. Please look this over with your student to help determine which classes they will be taking next year.
STHS counselors will also be hosting a registration presentation at STMS in the MPR on Thursday, February 27 from 5:30-6:30 pm. If you are interested in learning how to create a four year plan for your student, please bring your student and a laptop/Chromebook and our Edxcelerate partners will be in attendance to walk you through the process from 6:30 - 7:00 pm.
8th Grade Parent/Student Presentation Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kbugxqidj4kDa6Ic2GFK9lZAxFKCBo05J2PL4S0aSmE/edit?usp=sharing
South Tahoe High School 2025-2026 Course Catalog
Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE)
STMS PTA Fundraiser
The South Tahoe Middle School PTA is proud to announce our partnership with ShopRaise, an innovative and easy way to turn your everyday shopping at over 1,500 participating retailers into support for our cause.
ShopRaise is an easy way to make philanthropy part of your online shopping experience. From groceries and apparel to technology and travel – a percentage of almost everything you buy goes to support our cause. Best of all, the program is free, you pay nothing more for the items you buy, and you get access to all the best coupons and deals.
Please help us support and promote our program by doing these 3 simple things:
- Click on the link below to get the ShopRaise app
- Use the tools in the mobile app to share it with family and friends
- Shop online to support us and help us reach our fundraising goals
Click on the link below to get started. With your help, we can make a difference in the lives of the community we serve!
Thank you so much,
Questions: email cdeluca@ltusd.org
In Spanish:
El South Tahoe Middle School PTA se enorgullece en anunciar nuestra asociación con ShopRaise, una manera innovadora y fácil de convertir sus compras diarias en más de 1.500 minoristas participantes en apoyo a nuestra causa.
ShopRaise es una forma sencilla de hacer que la generosidad forme parte de su experiencia de compra en línea. Desde comestibles y ropa hasta tecnología y viajes, un porcentaje de casi todo lo que compras se destina a apoyar nuestra causa. Lo mejor de todo es que el programa es gratuito, no pagas nada más por los artículos que compras y tienes acceso a los mejores cupones y ofertas.
Por favor, ayúdanos a apoyar y promover nuestro programa haciendo estas 3 simples cosas:
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener la aplicación ShopRaise
Utilice las herramientas de la aplicación móvil para compartirla con familiares y amigos.
Compre en línea para apoyarnos y ayudarnos a alcanzar nuestros objetivos de recaudación de fondos.
Haz clic en el siguiente enlace para empezar. Con tu ayuda, podemos marcar la diferencia en la vida de la comunidad a la que servimos.
Muchas Gracias
Preguntas: correo electrónico cdeluca@ltusd.org
Fostering Kindness at South Tahoe Middle School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We want to emphasize the importance of kindness and respect at South Tahoe Middle School. Please take the time to talk with your child about the impact of their words and actions on others.
Please be assured that we take reports of bullying seriously. When incidents are reported, we investigate thoroughly and assign appropriate consequences.
Thank you for your partnership in creating a positive and supportive school environment.
kindness is contagious!
Timberwolf Way Raffle Drawing
Congrats to the following students for winning our weekly “The Timberwolf Way P.R.I.D.E.” raffle drawing.
P.R.I.D.E. stands for Positive, Respectful, Integrity, Determined and Engaged. These students (and many others) demonstrated one or more of these traits at STMS! They each received a small gift card for winning the raffle. Great job doing things "The Timberwolf Way"!
STMS 2024-2025 Code of Conduct
STMS Counselors Corner
Who's my Counselor?
Your counselor is based on your last name.
If your last name starts with:
- A-L your counselor is Alyna Vera, avera@ltusd.org
- M-Z your counselor is Nicole Zunino, nzunino@ltusd.org
School Nutrition Services
STMS Athletics
Nordic Race Schedule
January 10, 2025 Kirkwood Relay (Home race....need VOLUNTEERS): NOON
January 24, 2025 Truckee Sprints Freestyle Freestyle Sprint: NOON
February 7, 2025 Sugar Bowl Freestyle: NOON
(Auburn Ski Club Training Center)
Wrestling Schedule
March 1st - Eagle Valley Middle School
March 8th - Douglas High School
March 22nd - Pershing County High School
Athletics 2024-2025
Tentative Dates for Athletics for 24-25 and Coaches Email Contact Information
Cross Country 8/26 - 10/17
Madelyn Rios (mrios@ltusd.org) Christian Clark (cclark@ltusd.org )
Girls Basketball 8/26 - 10/19
David Finnegan (dfinnegan@ltusd.org) Antonio Aldea-Mansilla (amansilla@ltusd.org )
Boys Basketball 10/21- 12/14
Volleyball 12/16 - 2/13
Leah Knight ( leahknight90@gmail.com)
Katy Cavanaugh ( KCavanaugh@ltusd.org )
Nordic 12/16 - 3/6
Rosie Hackett (roseannewhackett@gmail.com)
Emily Erkkila ( e3erkkila@gmail.com )
Wrestling 2/17- 3/22
Robert Hooks (robert.johnhook@gmail.com)
Ryan Wallace (Rwallace@ltusd.org )
Track 3/24- 5/21
Madelyn Rios (mrios@ltusd.org)
- Katy Cavanaugh( KCavanaugh@ltusd.org )
- Christian Clark (cclark@ltusd.org)
- Cheri Von Bargen (cvonbargen@ltusd.org )
Important information regarding participation in athletics at STMS Registration for 24-25 is open for all sports..
If your student would like to participate in athletics at STMS, please make sure to complete their registration on RegisterMyAthlete.com. If your student-athlete has already participated in sport at STMS please use the same account to register for a sport in 24-25. If not, please create an account and follow steps to register.
Remember you must have a physical to participate in athletics in LTUSD. Physicals are good for the three years at STMS.
South Tahoe Schools are listed under the state of NEVADA.
If you have any questions, please contact Athletic Administrator, Assistant Principal, Tom Brown at STMS (tbrown@ltusd.org), Athletic Director, Kevin MacCarry ( kmaccarry@ltusd.org ) or the Athletics Secretary Ms. Flores (gfloresmartinez@ltusd.org ) .
STMS Bell Schedules
Important Dates
The Courage Project
The Courage Project
Hello South Tahoe Middle School Families,
We’re so excited that winter is here and the snow is falling! We’d like to offer our community a chance to bring a little extra support and adventure into our children's lives—at no cost to families. With the challenges many of our kids are facing, they are eager for fresh air and new ways to build resilience and confidence.
The Courage Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by a child psychologist, offers free alpine and nordic skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing adventures, and mindfulness activities for kids ages 8-14. Our activities are carefully designed to help children increase emotional intelligence, build confidence, and develop coping strategies for challenges like fear of failure, perfectionism, anxiety, and more.
Here’s what we have coming up for winter 2024:
Winter Schedule:
Mindful Art Progression (Hosted by the TDRPD Community Arts Center)
Start the new year with creativity and mindfulness! Join Coach Makaylin for a 4-week art progression focusing on watercolor, acrylic, and pastel techniques. Open to kids 8 and up.
Tuesdays in January:
January 7th, 4:00 PM
January 14th, 4:00 PM
January 21st, 4:00 PM
January 28th, 4:00 PM
Nordic Skiing with Nevada Nordic
A community-supported event to bring cross-country skiing to North Lake Tahoe!
Sunday, January 26th, 9:00 AM
Sunday, March 16th, 9:00 AM
Alpine Skiing with Achieve Tahoe
Achieve Tahoe helps build confidence and independence in people with disabilities through skiing and snowboarding.
Sunday, January 12th, 12:00 PM
Sunday, March 9th, 12:00 PM
Snowboarding with Ski Ducks
SkiDUCK enriches the lives of at-risk and minority youth by teaching skiing and snowboarding. Join us for these community-building days!
Sunday, February 9th, time TBA
Sunday, March 30th, time TBA
Sunday, April 6th, time TBA
If you're interested in signing up your child for any of these free events, please visit our website at www.courageproject.org/schedule for more details. For any questions, feel free to contact me directly at makaylin@courageproject.org.
Thank you for helping us spread the word!
Warm regards,
Makaylin Davidson-Nash
Program Director | The Courage Project
Bread and Broth Program
Community Events and Resources
Contact Us
- Cindy Martinez, Principal, 1780
- Monica Candelario, Administrative Assistant, 1781
- Tom Brown, Assistant Principal, 1784
- Andrew Lubrano, Dean of Students, 1791
- Kevin MacCarry, Athletic Director, 1737
- Guadalupe Flores Martinez - Student Relations Office/Athletics Administrative Assistant, 1782
- Perla Tapia, Attendance/Registrar, 1779
- Connie Alcamo, School Nurse, 1792
- Nicole Zunino, Counselor (M-Z), 1790
- Alyna Vera, Counselor (A - L),1783
STMS, Home of the Timberwolves!
- IG - @STMStwolves
- tiktok - @STMStimberwolves
Email: tbrown@ltusd.org
Website: https://stms.ltusd.org
Location: 2940 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
Phone: 1-530-541-6404
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078879865788
Twitter: @STMStwolves
Navigate ~ Discover ~ Cultivate ~ Achieve
Website: ltusd.org
Location: 1021 Al Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
Phone: 5305412850