New Home Elementary
September Notes
We have had a great start to the new year!
Our students have done an amazing job learning the expectations and procedures for our new school building. We are proud of our Leopards for demonstrating our core character pillars: Leopards are Safe, Leopards are Respectful, Leopards are Responsible, and Leopards can do anything with hard work!
Drop Off and Dismissal
- Our Drop Off and Pick Up has started to run smoothly. We learned a lot from the first few days of school. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to perfect this process.
- One thing we need from parents is to keep the lot next to 211 and in front of the school clear. Please do not park in the dirt and walk up to get your student. It is a safety issue as we are not able to properly monitor that lot. Please get into the line and we will get you in and out of the paved drive as soon as we can.
- Rainy days will take longer, but we will get everyone safely to cars. People walking up will make the process harder. Please use the dismissal procedures in place.
Pep Rally Information 2024
All Pep Rallies will be in the High School gym except Homecoming week. High School pep rally normal start time will be 2:15 on Friday. One elementary class will be bused to the gym to attend each indoor scheduled pep rally. All students who travel on the bus to the gym MUST return on the bus to the elementary for dismissal. If you choose to have your child attend the pep rally and stay with you, please check them out in the office with Mrs. Beck before they leave for the pep rally so they can ride with you to the gym.
8/30 vs. Cooper Liberty: “Make Em See Stars”- Mini Cheer Leaders
9/6 vs. Ropes: “Knockout the Eagels”- 3rd Grade
9/13 vs. Muleshoe: “Can’t Touch This”- 2nd Grade
9/20 vs. Denver City: “Homecoming”- ALL GRADES (Early Dismissal)
9/27 vs. Roscoe: “Don’t Sleep On Us”- 5th Grade
10/11 vs. Abernathy: “Bet on the Leopards”- 1st Grade
10/18 vs. Floydada: “Pink Out”- Kindergarten
10/25 vs. Post: “Friday Night Fright”- 4th Grade
11/1 vs. New Deal: “Go Loco for the Leopards”- Pre-K
- 11/8 vs. Olton: “Leopards are out of this world (Blackout)”- TBD
Important Information!!!!
All Pre-K - 5th Grade students need to have this form filled out by Wednesday, September 18th
Spirit Week- September 16 - 20
Monday: Sports Day (wear your jersey)
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Class Colors
- PreK- Pink
- Kinder- Red
- 1st- Orange
- 2nd- Yellow
- 3rd- Green
- 4th- Blue
- 5th- Purple
Thursday: Country vs. Country Club
Friday: School Pride
Fall Festival- September 17th
- 6:00- Fall Festival on grass field
- 8:15- Introduction of Cheerleaders and Football Players
- 8:30- Lighting of the NH
New Home Homecoming Parade- September 20
Our Homecoming Parade will be held Friday, September 20th beginning at 10:00 AM followed by a Pep Rally at the NEW football field. Early dismissal 12:30
Homecoming Football Game- New Home vs. Hale Center September 20 @ 7:00
As the school year continues, we will start to see more sickness. Please follow these guidelines to help stop the spread of germs.
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Kaldenberg
Welcome back!
I am beyond thrilled to be back at school! I enjoy seeing all of my students, meeting our new friends, and getting to hear all about their summer.
One of my favorite things to do is eat lunch with all the kids. Next week, I will start pulling groups into a room we have off of the cafeteria so we can eat, visit, and get to know each other.
During September, we will look at who I am and what the school counselor does, review our character pillars: Safe, Respectful, and Responsible, and look at healthy coping skills we can use when we have all sorts of emotions.
Upcoming Dates
9/2- No School
9/16 - 9/20- Homecoming Week
9/27- End of 1st six weeks
New Home Elementary
Principal, Kelly S. Baum
Phone: (806)924-5452