SVE Family Newsletter
September 2023

7:30 am - Building Opens
7:55 am - Walker Gate closes
8:00 am - Car Line Staff come inside
8:05 am - Announcements
8:10 am - Tardy Bell
1:00 pm - Transportation Changes deadline
3:00 pm - Early Check Out deadline
3:40 pm - Dismissal
You MUST bring your ID to check out students or visit the campus. NO EXCEPTIONS (district safety policy); Passports are an acceptable proof of ID. Photos of your ID on your phone are not acceptable.
Anyone picking up a student MUST be listed as an EMERGENCY CONTACT in our system. Otherwise we WILL NOT release your student to them.
Building opens for students at 7:30 am. DO NOT drop off students before 7:30 am. There is no staff on duty to monitor students before this time.
Walker gate closes at 7:55 am (if arriving at walker gate after, students will need to enter through the main office)
Stay in your vehicle in the car line
Car line staff come inside at 8:00 am
Car line students need to exit out of the passenger side of the vehicle (for safety purposes)
Tardy warning bell rings at 8:05 am
Announcements begin at 8:05 am
Tardy bell rings at 8:10 am
After 8:00 am, please park in a visitor parking spot in front of the school and walk students in.
Transportation changes need to be made no later than 1:00 pm in order to ensure students are being sent home correctly. This should be minimal so that students have a consistent way of getting home. (for safety purposes)
Dismissal begins at3:35 pm.
Download the "Here Comes the Bus" app to track the bus.
If your student is a car rider, please stay in your vehicle. Staff will load students, however they will not strap them in. If you need to strap in a student, please pull up past the #1 loading zone, so we can continue to keep the car line moving.
Stay in your vehicle.
Students will be loaded on the passenger side.
Walkers not picked up by 3:55 pm, are taken to the front office for late pick-up.
We do not have staff available to monitor students after 4:00 pm. Please DO NOT be late picking students up.
- DO NOT park in the Emergency Lane
- DO NOT walk up to staff during dismissal to pick up students in the front of the school. We will not release them to you.
- DO NOT block the pedestrian crossing to drop off or pick up students
- DO NOT block the entrance/exit of the Valley Hi Church
***Be courteous AND do not cut in the line during drop off/pick up.***
Please Follow our Traffic Flow Map 👇
9/2: Labor Day Holiday - No School
9/3: September Perfect Attendance Incentive Begins
9/6: Grandparents Day Celebration 7:30-8:15 am (SVE Cafeteria)
9/11: Patriot Day: wear red/white/blue
9/16-9/20: 4:00-5:30pm SVE Book Fair (more information to come)
9/17: SVE Open House/Title I Meeting
9/23-9/27: Safety Week: Students/Faculty/Staff will be participating in various safety drills throughout the week.
Visitor Policy
Visitors to campuses are required to have their picture IDs available at all times. Parents will not be allowed entry past the front offices of each campus, nor will they be allowed to meet with or sign out a student without a picture ID. In case of parent emergencies, when someone other than the parent picks up a student, that individual must be listed on the approved emergency contact list AND have a valid picture ID. Phone or text verifications will not be accepted. To ensure the safety and well-being of all students, proper identification and parent permission granted on the emergency contact list are the only ways to prevent unauthorized individuals from picking up students.
Attendance Lunch Incentive
Every Day Counts! If you're not here, you're not learning!
We owe it to our children to prioritize attendance: It's what our children NEED and DESERVE! Attendance is the #1 predictor in academic achievement.
Perfect Attendance Lunch Incentive is BACKKKKK! (UPDATED)
Monthly Attendance Incentive...Lunch with your student.
If your child has 98% attendance for the month, you will receive a lunch pass for you to join your child for lunch.
- Guests MUST bring their ID to be scanned (District Policy)
- ID must clear in our system (if a guest is NOT cleared through the system, they will NOT be able to join the student for lunch)
- Limit 2 guests
- During your child's regular scheduled lunch time (see times below 👇 )
- Select any Tuesday-Friday of the month to join your child(ren).
- Outside lunch will be allowed on the day you join your child for lunch
- This will begin in October for September's attendance.
***This incentive is an exception to the NO OUTSIDE food policy***
No Lunch Drop Offs
In order to maximize instructional time, students must bring their lunch with them from home or eat the free lunch provided by the school cafeteria! No lunch drop offs throughout the school day will be allowed.
Goodie Bags
Goodie bags are allowed and will be passed out at the end of the day! Students must place them in their backpack until they get home.
- Must contain ONLY pre-packaged, individually wrapped snacks!
- Candy is allowed
- NO gum
- NO toys!
Birthday Cupcakes
- Cupcakes are allowed! They must be store bought!
- Pre-K: cupcakes are NOT allowed per Pre-K and Head start guidelines.
Lunch Visits
Lunch visits will be allowed on the student’s birthday and once a month on a day that the campus principal designates for a special occasion related to district/campus goals, including student achievement, attendance, and customer service. Parents may only bring lunch for their child. Sharing meals and offering lunch to other students is not permitted. (Perfect Attendance/Student of the Month)
Get Connected!
Download the SWISD Mobile App today!
The Southwest ISD app is available to download free from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store. Download it today! 😀
This mobile app will help students, parents, and community members know what is happening around the District and on campus from their phones.
Most families use their phones as a primary means of communication, so we’ve created an app that is custom-built to our schools for smartphones. On the app, students, parents, and the community can read the latest announcements, locate staff contact information, review upcoming events, find important documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. Always be in the know, with Southwest ISD on the go!
Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3zBUR82
Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3zAa5dN
Learn more about the app here: www.swisd.net/mobileapp/
Student Early Check Outs
Late Afternoon Check-outs
To ensure a safe and smooth dismissal daily, the district has designated late afternoon check-out times for all campuses. For elementary campuses, 3:00 p.m. is the latest that a parent may sign out a student before dismissal. Any special circumstances may be discussed with and approved by the campus administration.