Genia Johnson Dance Company, Inc
Newsletter Countdown September 8, 2024: 1...... !
Time to DANCE!!!
The wait is over—it's finally time to dance again! Our entire team of teachers and staff is bursting with excitement to kick off this brand-new season. We are thrilled to welcome back our returning dance families who bring so much energy and joy to our studio, and we can't wait to meet the new faces joining us this year. Get ready for an amazing season filled with creativity, fun, and lots of dancing! We have so many exciting plans in store, from new choreography to special events that will keep everyone moving and smiling. Let’s make this season our best one yet!
We will be sharing a newsletter each month with important dates, information and fun events.
Be on the lookout for an important email within the next week with fun teacher videos, more FAQ's, links and more.
Please LIKE and FOLLOW our studio pages on Facebook and Instagram (@GeniaJohnsonDanceCo) so that you can stay up to date with events, fun class pictures, weather closings and updates.
2024 Tri-Cities People's Choice Awards Voting is OPEN !!
Click the LINK above or scan the QR code and VOTE for Genia Johnson Dance Company, Inc in the 2024 Tri-Cities People's Choice Awards put on by the Southern Virginia Regional Chamber.
Don't forget to send the link to family members and friends and ask them for their support so
your dance studio home stays at the top of the votes!!
Vote for Genia Johnson Dance Company, Inc. for your favorite dance studio among your other favorite tri-city businesses including Mrs. Genia's hubby, the Petersburg Jeweler !
We appreciate all the family and friends that have voted for us in the past
and for all your continued support !
Help us to keep our top spot for another year in a row!! We can't do it without your votes!
GJDC 2024-25 Season Registration !
Our GJDC 2024-25 season registration is OPEN!! You can register through the parent portal, on our website, or email the office at DancinGJDC@aol.com ! Below you can find our 2024-25 Class Schedule, Dress Code, and Pre-School Program Flyer.
A Few Reminders for a Successful First Week:
Before Class...
- Parents can park in our front parking lot, back parking lot, on the side street or in the parking lot next door to us. Please drive slow and keep an eye out for dancers crossing the parking lots and street!
- If you've already completed your paperwork online or at any of the in house studio registration sessions, you are set to go! Just listen out for the dance instructors, Mrs Genia and/or Mrs Sarah to be calling out classes and which studio to shuffle on into!! The first week can be a little exciting and crazy, so just take a deep breath and we'll all jump into the flow just fine!!
- If you still need to fill out paperwork, make your way inside to the front office window and we will get you set to go!
- Make sure your dancer goes to the bathroom right before class to ensure they don't miss any of the fun activities we do after class starts! We do understand that emergencies come up and we do have helpers that can take your dancer to the bathroom if needed.
- Before class, dancers may line up outside on the sidewalk with their shoes already on right before class doors open. Helpers will also be available to help put shoes on once they enter the studio. Please do not let children wear dance shoes outside on gravel, dirt or in wet areas as it will not only mess up the shoe, but will also damage studio floors.
-Ballet shoes should be tied in a bow and then tucked into the shoe to ensure they will stay tied throughout the class. Labeling each of your dancer’s shoes with their initials or name will ensure they will get back to the right owner if they get misplaced.
-Please see the studio dress code for more details on specific brand and color of shoes needed for class and the Spring Performance at the end of the season. As a reminder: Combo I will need pink ballet shoes and black patent taps, Combo II will need pink ballet shoes and tan Mary Janes. Kinderdance and Shining Stars classes will need pink ballet shoes.
** The GJDC Company Boosters are having a sideway sale the first week of class and have numerous styles and colors of tap, jazz and ballet shoes available for purchase along with gently loved dancewear. They will be located out front of the studio!!
- For the first few weeks of our preschool age classes, we will have name cards that will be given to parent/guardians to learn names and faces of our dancers and parents to ensure safety at pickup/dropoff. When you come to pick up your dancer, please return the card to us for the next class.
During Class...
- Take a break! You deserve it!
- Feel free to watch from our viewing windows when curtains are open. You can sit in your car, run errands, or take a nap. Make some new adult friends and know that your kids are in great hands!
** We do not allow parents into the classroom unless invited for pictures, information or parent viewing days, as this is a distraction to the rest of the kids in the class and takes time away from learning. If a matter arises, we will come and get you or do a quick call.
- We do love to give our younger dance classes special treats at the end of their class from time to time. They can vary, but tend to be stickers or stamps, lollipops or fruit snacks. If your dancer has any dietary restrictions or allergies please let the front office know so we can plan accordingly. We also welcome any goodies that parents would like to bring to share with the class.
After Class...
- Practice Practice Practice !! Students will excel if they take what they learn in class and practice at home. Just like math, the more they do it, the better they get!!
- Take pictures and TAG us using the hashtag #growingupgjdc !! We love to see them on social media and would love to share them to our studio facebook page!
- Please read our newsletter updates and all emails so that you will be able to keep up with everything GJDC!! We don't want you missing out on a single thing!
GJDC Calendar of EVENTS: 2024-25
Classes Start !
Monday, September 9th, 2024
Bring A Friend Week !
October 7-12, 2024
Bring your BESTIE to dance and have fun with us in class!*
*We will have GJDC Friend Passes (waivers) that will be
passed out in classes prior to Bring A Friend Week that need
to be signed and brought with friends the week of class.
One Bestie pass per person/class.
Withdraw Deadline: Monday, October 7th, 2024
Halloween Costume Week !
Thursday, October 24- Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
Wear your costumes to class and enjoy some spooky treats ! (costumes are optional)
PARENTS! YES! We are definitely accepting snacks and goodies
for our end of class Treat Parties during Halloween week ! You are more than welcome to bring treat bags or just a bag of fruit, candy, etc. for our Halloween tables or specifically for your child's class.
Thursday, October 31st, 2024
Monday, November 11th
Costume Measuring will begin !! Please make every effort to have students in all of their classes in correct dress code. *This is available on our website.
Thanksgiving Week !
November 25-30th, 2024
71st Annual Colonial Heights Christmas Parade!
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024/7pm
(No Regular Classes) - More details to come!
Winter Break!
December 23, 2024-January 5, 2025
Studio Closings/Inclement Weather Policy
*The studio will be OPEN for all other holidays/special days and events on regular or school calendars during this time in 2024/25 unless otherwise noted above.
*In the event of inclement weather, GJDC follows Colonial Heights City AND Chesterfield County school closings. We will post on all of our social media (Facebook & Instagram) and send out a studio email by 11am of our status. We will also update on NBC12 online, Channel 8 and CBS6 when available. HOWEVER, in certain cases of one closing and not the other, we will best address the current situation and make a decision which best suits the safety of all involved.
*If schools cancel after school activities due to inclement weather and GJDC is already open, we may choose to remain open or close at an earlier time depending on the current situation. Parents must use their best judgement if classes continue and you need to venture out, depending on your location.
*Makeup classes are not available in the event of missed classes due to inclement weather.
Winter Coat & Canned Good Collection
We are collecting clean gently used coats for the winter and canned goods for the Chesterfield Food Bank! Bring them by the studio! The bins are located in the front lobby. Thanks for supporting our community!
Hi Friends! We are SO excited to kick off this season with our first 2 fundraisers! During the first week of classes, GJDC Boosters is selling Double Good Popcorn! To place an order, check out our online store. https://popup.doublegood.com/s/2em21bh7
We will also be outside of the studio at our annual sidewalk sale. We will be selling new and gently used dancewear. Stop by and see if there are any good deals for your dancer! You can pay for items with cash, credit card, Venmo or CashApp.
All of the proceeds raised from our fundraisers goes directly to dancers on the GJDC Company dance team and helps them further their dance education at conventions as well as compete at Regional and National competitions along the East Coast.
Juice Plus: One Simple Change
Healthy Start for your heart... and SO MUCH MORE!!
Interested in learning how one simple habit could dramatically impact your health !? Hard getting your kids to eat fruit and veggies??!
Juice Plus is whole food nutrition (it has a Nutrition label, NOT a supplement label!) in a capsule, with chews available for the kids! Learn how you can join the Healthy Starts for Families program and receive Juice Plus for your child for FREE with your order!!
Healthy Starts for Families Video
About Juice Plus - Bridging the Gap
Check out the products here!
Contact Us!
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 4-9:30pm
Friday: 4-8pm
Saturday: 8am-12pm
Sunday: Closed
Email: DancinGJDC@aol.com
Website: GeniaJohnsonDanceCo.com
Location: 3635 Boulevard, Colonial Heights, VA, USA
Phone: (804)524-9391
Facebook: facebook.com/GeniaJohnsonDanceCo
Instagram: @GeniaJohnsonDanceCo