The Hoffman Hum - 10/18/24

The Hoffman Hum! - Hoffman School's Official Family Newsletter
Friday, October 18th, 2024
¡Traduzca este boletín! 이 뉴스 레터를 번역하세요! Энэ мэдээг орчуулаарай! Przetłumacz ten biuletyn! | Переведите этот информационный бюллетень!
- Watch this short video for instructions on how to translate it into your language.
- Mire este breve video para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducirlo a su idioma.
- 귀하의 언어로 번역하는 방법에 대한 지침은이 짧은 비디오를 시청하십시오.
- Үүнийг хэрхэн богино хугацаанд өөрийн хэл рүү хөрвүүлэх зааврыг энэ видеоноос үзээрэй.
- Obejrzyj ten krótki film, aby uzyskać instrukcje, jak przetłumaczyć go na swój język.
- Посмотрите это короткое видео, чтобы узнать, как перевести его на ваш язык.
Hoffman School
Email: afranco@glenview34.org
Website: ho.glenview34.org
Location: 2000 Harrison Street, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-998-5040
Principal's Message
Happy Friday!
Thank you to everyone for coming out for Parent/Teacher Conferences this week! We appreciate having this opportunity to sit down and partner with you to ensure great outcomes for the students of Hoffman!
I also wanted to thank the PTA for providing a wonderful lunch for our teachers today. It was greatly appreciated after a day of meeting with families!
Have a great weekend!
Luke Larmee
Hoffman School Principal
Halloween Costume Guidelines
In order to help our students enjoy this holiday in a safe manner, please observe the following guidelines for their time at school. Remember that costumes should be simple and fun in nature, and easy for a child to get on and off without adult assistance.
- Students may bring their costumes to school in a bag, to change into later in the day.
- No weapons (real or look alike) this includes swords, guns, knives, lasers, etc.
No costume masks that cover the entire face (we want to be able to identify students)
- Costumes should not depict violence or gore.
Aerosol spray cans (hair spray, hair color, etc.) are not permitted in school
Costumes should avoid portraying violent characters such as Killer Clowns, “Jason”, axe-‐murderers, etc.
Glenview Public Library
Author Kate Hannigan Pizza Party Drawing
From the Glenview Public Library - Kate Hannigan, award-winning author of 14 books for children including History Comics The Great Chicago Fire: Rising From the Ashes and The League of Secret Heroes series, is visiting Glenview Public Library on Monday, November 11th from 6:30 to 7:30 PM to talk to Glenview students in grades 3 +.
As a special prelude to this highly anticipated author event, Glenview Public Library is hosting an exclusive Pizza Party with Kate Hannigan for 10 fans in grades 3-8 that attend Glenview schools on Nov. 11 at 5:45 PM.
Children will get to spend time with Ms. Hannigan and ask her questions about her books and her history as a writer all while enjoying a pizza dinner!
Fill out this form for your child's opportunity to enter the drawing. Winners will be contacted on Nov. 5th.
Supporting Our Children in Their Hardest Moments with Dr. Doug Bolton
Our children are facing emotional struggles like never before, and as parents/guardians, we often don’t know how to respond effectively. Recent brain science offers new insights into emotional regulation and provides tools to support our children in their toughest times. This workshop will equip parents with strategies to better understand and help their children during challenging moments.
The Debra Gelfand Children’s Foundation has invited Psychologist Doug Bolton to speak to all D34 families and the Glenview community on Wednesday, October 23, at 7pm at Attea Middle School (2500 Chestnut Ave). Interpretation and childcare services are available to in-person attendees.
Doug Bolton is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Director of School Consultation for Formative Psychological Services. He spent over 20 years as a psychologist and principal at North Shore Academy, a K-12 therapeutic school in Highland Park. Dr. Bolton provides consultation, supervision and professional development to caregivers, educators, and clinicians throughout northern Illinois to create communities that help foster child and adult resilience.
Hispanic Heritage / Latin American Celebratoin
Attea, Hoffman & Springmen United
Representing Venezuela J.H.L
Hoffman & Henking Teachers performing Bate Bate Chocolate
Erin's Law Presentations - Weeks of October 21st and 28th
During the weeks of October 21st, 2024 and October 28th, 2024, all classes will receive a presentation where they will learn about personal body safety. These presentations will be provided by Jillienne Guinan, school social worker, and School Psychologist, Katharine Schmidt, in order to meet the Erin’s Law mandate for the state of Illinois. Erin’s Law is a mandate in 36+ states, including Illinois; which requires schools to 1. Provide age appropriate child sexual abuse and violence prevention education to students in preschool – 12th grade, 2. Offer education to parents, 3. Offer education to teachers and staff. To learn more about Erin’s Law go to: http://www.erinslaw.org/
We are happy to be able to offer this important and valuable learning opportunity for students. If you have any questions or concerns about the content and goals of this experience, please feel free to contact Ms. Guinan, School Social Worker, Dan Polonsky, Assistant Principal for Student Services or Luke Larmee, Principal. Additionally, if you do not wish to have your child participate, please send a note to the school office (attention school social worker) or email Ms. Guinan prior to Thursday, October 17th and we will arrange for alternate activities during the presentation.
Additional information and a brief overview of the Personal Body Safety Lessons are included in this letter.
From the PTA's Newsletter...
Lou Malnati's Give Back Night
Please click below for information regarding the Lou Malnati's fundraiser.
Spirit Fridays!
Rock your school colors or spirit wear every Friday during the 2024-25 school year! Visit the spirit wear store today to stock up.
Stock the Lounge!
Help us stock the staff lounges!
Please help us by donating an item or two to help stock the staff lounges for our teachers!.
Upcoming Dates
10/23/24 - Lou Malnati's Give Back Night
10/31/24 - Classroom Fall Parties
11/5/24 - No School (Election Day)
11/8/24 - Hoffman High Five Friday
11/8/24 - PTA Meeting at Henking
School Hours
M, T, R, F
Arrival Begins: 7:35 AM
Classes Begin: 7:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM
Arrival Begins: 8:35 AM
Classes Begin: 8:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM