The Arrow [Template]
Month YYYY
![The Arrow [Template] Month YYYY](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/17de/thumb-de1aa5d6a913c755d0c4bca614cbbc70.png)
November 18-November 22
Week 14
Dear Doerre Families,
We’ve made it to the last week before Thanksgiving break, and it’s packed with exciting events including the launch of Doerre Basketball season and our second quarter PRIDE Games competition this Thursday!
As we head into this week, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for our incredible teachers and staff who work tirelessly to make Doerre a supportive and enriching place for our students. I also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to you, our families, for your continued support of Doerre and your students. Your partnership and encouragement play a vital role in our school’s success.
If you’d like to join me in sharing your appreciation for our amazing educators, please feel free to give them a shout-out using this gratitude form.
Thank you again, and let’s make this week a great one!
Doerre Intermediate Principal,
Annie Welday-Zimney
11/20- Boys' Basketball vs. Schindewolf- 8th Home, 7th Away
11/21- Q2 PRIDE Games
11/21- Girls' Basketball vs. Schindewolf-8th Home, 7th Away
11/22-11/23- Orchestra Region 9 Clinic and Concerts
11/25-11/29- Thanksgiving Break
Check out some photos below from this past week!
Band Performs at the Veteran's Day Program!
Choir Performs at the Veteran's Day Program!
Band and Choir behind the scenes, waiting to perform!
Meet the Doerre Assistant Principals
Mr. Brendon Bell
Supports students with last names A - F
Mr. Alex Ryan
Supports students with last names G - M
Ms. Christian Mullins
Supports students with last names N - Z
Meet the Doerre Intermediate Counselors
Mrs. Mueller
Mr. Murchison
Mrs. Prevost
School Information- New this Week!
Warriors of the Week
Each week, we will showcase three amazing students (one from each grade level) that are recognized by their teachers for being exceptional and showcasing our P.R.I.D.E. core values. Congratulations to these amazing students for setting the Warrior Way Standard of Excellence at Doerre Intermediate.
This week, we are excited to recognize the following students:
6th Grade W.o.W.- Miles Beard
7th Grade W.o.W.- Amar'e McKinley
8th Grade W.o.W.- Kobe Altamirano
Quarter 2 PRIDE GAMES!
We are excited to announce our next PRIDE Games, coupled with a fun Dress-Up Day theme! Here's what you need to know:
PRIDE GAMES will take place on Thursday, November 21.
🎉 Theme:
- Students Dress Like Teachers
- Teachers Dress Like Students
👊 PRIDE Games Activity:
- Rock, Paper, Scissors Showdown!
- On Monday, classes will play the game during class time and submit their class winner's name.
- We will follow the same format as the first PRIDE Games: grade levels will gather in the main gym to crown the ultimate champion!
🕒 Schedule:
- The event will take place during the last hour of school on Thursday, Nov. 21 (see schedule below)
Let’s come together to celebrate teamwork, creativity, and PRIDE! We encourage everyone to participate in the dress-up theme and cheer on their class representatives during the games.
Quarter One Grade Repair
This year, our quarter 1 grade repair process for core content classes will be a bit different. Ms. Mullins will be meeting with students who have failed a core content class for Q1 one-on-one over the next two weeks to discuss their grades. Following these meetings, each student will be assigned a self-paced Schoology course that they need to complete before Thanksgiving break.
Students can work on these assignments at home and during Pride periods in the weeks of November 11-15 and November 18-22. We truly appreciate your assistance in helping our students improve their grades.
Thank you for your partnership!
QSE 2/Final Exam Schedule
More information coming soon! Please check back in the November 30th edition of The Arrow for the final exam/QSE Testing schedule for all courses. We are working on gathering testing dates from all teams, and will share them with families soon. In the meantime, if you have questions about an upcoming test date as we near our holiday break, please reach out to your teacher directly. This year, only high school courses without a QSE will be taking a final exam.
Below you will find the final exam dates for high school courses (without a QSE Exam) offered at Doerre. Because most finals are longer exams, the dates below indicate the date that a test will start and finish during testing week:
- 12/9-12/10- Art 1 Final Exam
- 12/11-12/12 FCS Final Exam
- 12/12-12/13- PHS Final Exam
- 12/16-12/17- STEM Final Exam
- 12/17-12/18- DDMP Final Exam
- 12/18- PBMF Final Exam
Quarter 2 PBIS Behavior Incentive
Our Q2 Behavior Incentive will take place on Thursday, December 19 to celebrate our many amazing students at Doerre that uphold our Warrior Way Standard of Excellence each and every day! Students voted on what they wanted for their Q2 Incentive, and Choice Rooms won! Here is the criteria for students to be able to participate:
- No ISS/OSS between Dec. 2 and Dec. 19.
- No Failing Grades- Any students still failing a class at the grade pull on December 18 will be assigned to a "catch up" room to work on missing assignments during the Q2 Incentive Party.
- Students will make selections of their choice rooms after Thanksgiving Break. More information coming soon!
Daily Announcements
Did your student hear something on the announcements and can’t remember all the details? HERE is a link to the daily announcements for Quarter One that are read each day during PRIDE.
The Arrow Archive 2024-2025
Now that The Arrow is in SMORE each week, the newsletter that is sent is a new document each week instead of a Google Document that was used in previous years. Parents can view previous issues of The Arrow by accessing them in this The Arrow Archive 2024-2025 document.
Doerre School Store!
Our school store is officially open every Wednesday and students are loving it! Thank you to the Doerre PTO for helping fund this great student incentive. How does the school store work? Students receive red tickets (Doerre Dollars) from their teachers for being caught showing our P.R.I.D.E. core values around campus. Then each Wednesday, students can spend their tickets at the school store. We are still looking for more donations! For more information on how to donate items for the store, please email Christina Daniels at cdaniels2@kleinisd.net.
School Store Set Up
School Store in action during Lunch
School Store Item List
General School Information
REMINDER- 2024-2025 Dress Code Expectations
Parents- we need your help! At Doerre Intermediate, we dress for success! However, as we get more weeks into the school year, we are noticing more students out of dress code. Please take a moment to review THIS LETTER regarding expectations for the 24-25 school year at Doerre Intermediate.
Students that come to school out of dress code will be given an opportunity to correct the dress code infraction. If they are unable to fix the infraction, they may be asked to change clothes. Multiple dress code infractions may result in disciplinary consequences.
If you have any questions regarding dress code, please reach out to your child’s administrator.
Picture Day Pictures Ready!
School pictures are ready! To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number. All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Tutorials Process!
To ensure all students are safely supervised, we do not student allow entry unless their teacher is present. Between 8:00 and 8:25, students can enter the building for tutorials through the secondary front door (the entrance nearest the handicap parking spots). Students must present their student ID and sign in, indicating where they will attend. Students will only be permitted to attend tutorials for teachers who have marked themselves present.
We are publishing the tutorial schedule for your reference Doerre Tutorial Schedule. Additionally, we are now publishing the teacher tutorial sign in page as well so that parents will know if a teacher is present for tutorials when they drop their student off in the morning. You will find access to that sign in page HERE.
After 8:25, students will not be able to enter the building until the bell rings at 8:35, allowing our staff time to prepare for the school day and report to their morning duty stations.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Parking and PM Dismissal Procedure Reminders
HERE are detailed instructions for both drop off and pick up for car riders at Doerre Intermediate.
Please note, The bus lot is off-limits for parking during the school day unless given a special Doerre parking tag. We have noticed more cars in the bus lot around dismissal time, and ask that families partner with us in ensuring that the bus lot is left open for our busses to park. See administration if needed.
Due to safety concerns, parents will no longer be granted access to the main parking lot until 3:45. Parents who arrive prior to 3:45 will wait in line outside of the parking lot down through Theiss Mail Rt.
The cones will be removed at 3:45, and parents may then move up in the line.
Parents are to enter only via Theiss Mail Rt. The tennis court entrance is for those with a Klein ISD or Doerre Car Tag. Please be kind to the crossing guards. 🙂
The back faculty lot is off-limits for parent pick-up as all spots are assigned to faculty and staff.
There are FOUR front lanes for car rider PM pick-up.
Lines 1 and 2 (closest to the grassy area) are for those exiting back to Theiss Mail Rt.
Lines 3 and 4 (closest to the school) are for those exiting via the tennis courts.
Thank you for your support as we strive to make Doerre as safe as possible for our students, parents, faculty and staff. If you have any questions or concerns about morning drop off or afternoon pickup, please reach out to your child’s administrator.
Schedule Changes and Class Leveling
At this time, counselors are making as few schedule changes as possible and only for extenuating circumstances. If you have any questions about a specific schedule change, please reach out to your child's counselor.
Please note that moving forward, all requested schedule changes will require collaboration between the teacher/parent through a parent conference. Administrators and counselors are available to help support any conferences or conversations about class concerns.
"Warrior Waves"
A Warrior Wave is a positive student referral. The student, a parent/guardian, Mrs. WZ, and the student's AP will receive an email notification of the award. There will also be monthly recognition and certificates for all students who earn a #WarriorWave. Each week, we will use the #WarriorWave nominations to choose a Warrior of the Week for each grade level. We are excited about this new way to celebrate our many students who exemplify our #DoerrePRIDE Core Values every day and set the Warrior Way Standard of Excellence at Doerre Intermediate. Parents, if you receive a Warrior Wave in your email- its a celebration!! Below you will see an example of what the Warrior Wave certificate looks like.
Tardy Policy
Beginning this week, APs will begin issuing discipline for tardies. Here is the tardy policy at Doerre Intermediate:
Tardies Reset Each Week
1-2 Tardies- Warning
3 Tardies- Parent Contact and 1 Day Lunch Detention
4 Tardies- Parent Contact and 1 Hour Before School Detention or After School Detention
5 or more Tardies- Parent Contact and 1 Day of ISS
Please encourage your student to get to class on time. Also, be on the lookout for a proactive tardy communication system where you will get tardy updates for your child on Wednesdays and Fridays if they have already accrued more than two tardies for the week.
Cell Phone Policy
Doerre is cell phone free for the instructional day. To ensure instructional time is maximized and personal distractions are minimized, students are not permitted to use cell phones/personal devices/wireless earbuds during the instructional day. Students may have access to their phones up to 8:56am and after 4:15pm. Phones are allowed in the cafe at lunch but will be monitored. Students must conceal their phones before walking to and leaving the cafe.
24-25 Doerre Intermediate Cell Phone Expectations
Doerre is also Airpod free at all times. **Only wired headphones may be used with a student's tablet for instructional purposes only at the direction of the teacher.**
If students are caught with a cell phone in class or in the hallway, they will be given a cell phone referral to report to their AP office. At the AP office, the student will have to turn in their cell phone. Parent will also be contacted. After 3 cell phone infractions, students will be given additional discipline consequences for failure to adhere to the no cell phone policy. Students who are found to have cell phones out in the hallway will immediately have them confiscated and will be unable to pick them up until dismissal.
Student ID Information
Students should have received their school issued IDs on the first day of school in class.
Students are expected to have their IDs on a lanyard, around their neck, and visible at all times.
IDs may be taken off during physical activity but required to be put back around neck.
Students who do not have their ID will be required to acquire a temporary ID. A $1 fee will be added to the students school cash account.
Students who lose their ID may request a new one. The student will be provided with a new ID, lanyard, and sleeve. A $5 fee will be added to their school cash account.
Here are this year's standard lanyard colors-
6th Grade- Black
7th Grade- Red
8th Grade- Yellow
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Lunch will take place during 4th period for all grade levels.
During 4th period, 7th and 8th grade students will be dismissed to lunch at the appropriate bell. Please see the graphic below for which classes will eat A, B, and C lunch.
If you need to bring your child lunch, please know what lunch period they have and deliver it to the front office with their first and last name on it.
**Please do NOT Door Dash, Grub Hub, Uber Eats, etc. food to the school for your child.**
Car Rider Drop Off and Pick Up Details
HERE are detailed instructions for both drop off and pick up for car riders at Doerre Intermediate.
Thank you for your support as we strive to make Doerre as safe as possible for our students, parents, faculty and staff. If you have any questions or concerns about morning drop off or afternoon pickup, please reach out to your child’s administrator.
Clinic Information
The state of Texas for enrollment in 7th Grade requires the following updated vaccinations: Tdap, Meningococcal. Please provide updated vaccination records to the Doerre Clinic prior to the first day of school.
If your child will need a prescribed medication while at school, there has been a change to Klein ISD procedures. Prescribed medications will need a written order by a licensed healthcare provider. Clinic staff will not be able to use the prescription label as proof of the written medical order, as in the past. The licensed healthcare provider can use the Klein ISD Medication Authorization form, an action plan, or a letter from their office to provide their signed consent.
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Rogers in the clinic at srogers1@kleinisd.net or 832-249-5678.
SchoolCash Online
All fees and fines, as well as other school purchases, can be done through SchoolCash Online.
Please use the link here to access SchoolCash Online.
PRIDE Expectations
PRIDE is a built in period after 5th period that will rotate each week. This time is used for intervention, reteaching, social skills, character education, and other assigned activities. This week, we will transition to fifth period PRIDE.
November 17th-November 22nd- 5th Period PRIDE- PRIDE GAMES WEEK!
- Monday, 11/18- PRIDE Prep Checklist & Character Ed Lesson
- Rock/Paper/Scissors Class Competition!
- Tuesday, 11/19- Homework Day
- Wednesday, 11/20- IXL- Math
- Thursday, 11/21- Teacher Led Review/PRIDE GAMES!
- Friday, 11/22- IXL- Reading
Doerre Campus Safety and Security Updates
Parents, please be aware, when you visit Doerre you will be asked to show your ID and state your child's name at the entrance door. In order to avoid delays upon your arrival, please have this information ready at the front doors. Staff and parents should not let visitors in without going through the door bell/video process.
2024-2025 Safety and Security Letter
Parents, please review the following Safety and Security Letter for more information on campus safety at Doerre Intermediate. Student safety is of utmost importance at Doerre Intermediate. We are dedicated to providing a secure and nurturing environment for all our students. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s alpha assistant principal.
Schoology & Skyward Information for Families
PTO News & Information
At Doerre Intermediate, we LOVE our amazing PTO! With their help, we are able to put on awesome events, reward students for the amazing things they do throughout the year, and make the Doerre staff feel the appreciation and support that they deserve. It is our hope that every teacher and parent at Doerre will join the PTO for the 24-25 school year.
Click on the link or use the QR code to join. https://doerrepto.membershiptoolkit.com/
This year, the PTO is bringing back the Community Golf Classic as a fundraiser! See the information below on how you can sponsor and get involved for the Doerre Warriors golf tournament in the Spring of 2025.
Doerre Yearbook Information
Check out the information below on how to pre-order your 24-25 Doerre Yearbook and pay for an 8th grade ad for your student! Also, the Warrior Art contest for the cover of the yearbook is officially open!
Doerre 24-25 Yearbook Photos
Hello Doerre Warrior Parents and Guardians! I would like your help in making our 24-25 Yearbook a fantastic memory for our kids to look back on! This year, we have a Google Doc form that makes organizing and creating super easy. The QR code will take you to the Google form, or you can find a link below.
If you are at any of your children's sporting events, fine arts, or club events, please snap some photos are share them! If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kristine Ramirez at Kristine.PTO@gmail.com.
Google Form Link Below.
Extra-Curricular Updates
COMING SOON! Doerre Basketball Information!
Basketball season is upon us! We are currently working to gather the basketball schedules for all our Doerre teams, and will update this section with Basketball information as we are able to gather it.
Clubs & Organizations List
Please check out the following list of Doerre Clubs & Organizations with sponsors and meeting days/time. If you have any questions about a specific club or organization, please reach out to the sponsor directly. As the school year continues, we will continue to update meeting times and locations.
Doerre Intermediate proudly demonstrates and cultivates the core values of P.R.I.D.E. We are Prepared, Respectful, have Integrity, honor Diversity, and strive for Excellence.
- Prepared - Be Ready
- Respectful - Value self and others
- Integrity - Do what is right
- Diversity - Include everyone
- Excellence - Go above and beyond