McCord Messenger
May 10, 2024
Medication Pick Up
Please make arrangements with Nurse Shannon to pick up any prescription medications, over the counter medications, epi pens and inhalers. Anything not picked up on the last day of school will be disposed of on 5/23/2024. Thanks.
Best Regards,
Shannon Johnson, RN, BSN, LSN
Worthington School Nurse
McCord Middle School
Granby Elementary School
Worthington Hills Elementary School
Enrichment Camp
We are thrilled to be offering a one of a kind Enrichment Camp through the city of Worthington Parks and Recreation this summer!! **Program link HERE
I am a 20+ year fashion industry professional (originally from Ohio) who partnered with a Kent State University fashion professor to create an enrichment camp that teaches ALL things fashion. It's the perfect blend of academic principles paired with real world hands-on activities.
We piloted the camp in Hudson, Ohio in 2023 and have since expanded to after school programs in the Northeast, Ohio area. We are thrilled to be sharing with the communities in the Columbus area this summer 2024. Our Columbus camps will be led by Marji Wachowiak, a KSU fashion professor and supported by current fashion university students from KSU as well as CCAD.
We are passionate about sharing our love for fashion along with teaching kids about sustainability while giving them a creative space to build their confidence and be a part of a community with conscience.
OUR WEBSITE: WWW.TheUpcycleAcademy.Com
Thank you so much!!! I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Krista Allison
The Upcycle Academy
WABFE Newsletter
The May WABFE newsletter is now available HERE. Please share this with your school community.
Gifted Learners Parent Presentation
The Gifted Coordinators of Central Ohio and the Worthington Gifted Services Dept are inviting parents/guardians to attend a special presentation by Emily Kircher-Morris, host of the Neurodiversity Podcast, on Monday, June 3rd, 7 PM - 8 PM, Worthington Kilbourne HS Auditorium.
Presentation Description:
Processing and managing emotions is hard for even the most level-headed of us. For gifted and twice-exceptional kids and teens, dealing with "all the feels" can be exhausting. The skills needed to develop emotional regulation can be developed over time with guidance and compassion from parents and educators. Emily will break down the 4-step process of emotional regulation so we can help our kids who are "a little bit extra" find healthy ways to manage their emotions.
Click HERE for more information and for link to register for this free event.
DEI Newsletter
The New Website Is Coming...How To Be Ready!
The design phase of the new website is almost complete!
Over the next few months, the Communications Team will be combing through the old sites and migrating needed material to the new site for the launch in mid-July.
One of the goals for the new website is a cleaner, more user-friendly experience, so that means we need to get rid of unused and dated content.
Please make sure you are saving anything you may need from the current website, and watch for upcoming email updates on the new Worthington Schools Site.
Do you have something that you've always wanted to see on the school website? Now is the time to ask! Be sure to email Don Taylor with your ideas.
-All Middle School Wrestlers
-Free and Open to Any MS Boy or Girl
-Held at WKHS (Aux Gym)
Tuesday 5/14- 4:30-6:00p
Thursday 5/16- 4:30-6:00p
Tuesday 5/21- 4:30-6:00p
Thursday 5/23- 4:30-6:00p
Tuesday 5/28- 9:30-11:30a, Open Mat/Lift
Thursday 5/30- 9:30-11:30a, Open Mat/Lift
Summer Camp Opportunities
WKHS Summer Sports Camps
Go Wolves,
Jeff Todd
Athletic Director
Worthington Kilbourne High School
1499 Hard Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235
Follow us on Twitter @WKHSWolves