Welcome Back! I hope you had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to a great year with our students. We have several updates for you and many opportunities to review compliance and procedures including IEP work sessions and monthly office hours. I am looking forward to a fabulous year ahead and appreciate all that you do.
Nereida Gutierrez
Director, Special Education
Please review the following presentation for important dates and procedures
Optional Monthly SPED Certificated Office Hours:
The purpose of SpEd office hours is to review IEP compliance and current topics in SpEd.
Optional Office Hours 4 - 5 p.m. via zoom (sign up in Vector prior to the event)
August 23, 2023
September 14, 2023
October 5, 2023
November 2, 2023
December 7, 2023
February 8, 2024
March 7, 2024
April 11, 2024
May 2, 2024
Optional IEP Work Sessions
Beginning August 28, 2023
Are you new to VUSD? Are you an existing VUSD ed specialist who wants an overview of VUSD special ed procedures? If so, then please join the Special Ed Department monthly optional office hours.
(All sessions are Voluntary)
SEIS Basics
IEP Writing
SAI Minutes
Running an IEP meeting
High Profile IEPs
Please sign up in Vector for all office hours- Vector Instructions
SpEd Guidelines Shared Drive
We have a shared google drive called "SpEd Guidelines" that stores all of our office hour notes and important documents. Please take some time to explore the drive if you haven't already.
New Interpreter Request Form:
Yvonne's Friday Tips!
Previously on Friday Tips...
08/21/23 - New Students
08/18/23 - SEIS Training, 60 Day Timeline, What to do if an Annual and TRI are due on Separate Dates
08/11/23 - Caseload Management, New Students from a Non SEIS District
Debra Harris – x 92908 – Preschool, Elementary, Non-Public/Private schools
Yvonne Fortin – x 92910 - Middle school, High School, Adult Transition
How to sign up in Vector
Please note: you must get approval from your site administrator to attend any out of district trainings using the following form
Certificated: If you require a sub, please contact your site office manager for a school business sub. (Due to the shortage of subs, there is no guarantee that a sub will be available. Also, no school business subs are approved on Mondays and Fridays)
If you’d like to attend a webinar, please submit a Webinar Approval Form
Please fill out a form for any travel outside of the District: Out of District Travel Form
CAA/AltELPAC - contact Kinga Nagorny at kinganagorny@vistausd.org
Supplemental Interventions - contact Eric Walker at ericwalker@vistausd.org
SEIS Assistance
- Elementary contact- Debra Harris at debraharris@vistausd.org
- - Middle and High School contact- Yvonne Fortin at yvonnefortin@vistausd.org
Transportation Forms - contact Doris Cruz at doriscruz@vistausd.org
Vector - contact Dafnee Ramirez at dafneeramirez@vistausd.org
Unique/N2Y Licenses - contact Kinga Nagorny at kinganagorny@vistausd.org
WJ Protocols - contact Dafnee Ramirez at dafneeramirez@vistausd.org
Special Education Supervisor School Site & Department Support 2023-2024
Legally Compliant IEPs Using the Special Education Information System (SEIS)
This informative session covers the basics: what, where, when, and how of IEPs and the SEIS IEP Program. We will explain best practices and requirements for timelines, IEPs, and ITPs. We will
go over how to use the SEIS IEP Program for IEPs, DRDPs, go over the forms available in the program, goal libraries, and how to access student information for your caseload. Time will be allotted for participants to practice using the computerized IEP program with one of their current IEPs.
September 20, 2023 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PT
Webinar Approval Information
Please note: you must get approval from your site administrator to attend any out of district trainings using the following form:
Out of District Travel Form (FYI: this document is housed in your Cloud Connect under "Forms")
Certificated: If you require a sub, please contact your site office manager for a school business sub. (Due to the shortage of subs, there is no guarantee that a sub will be available. Also, no school business subs are approved on Mondays and Fridays)
If you’d like to attend a webinar, please submit a Webinar Approval Form
ESY 2023 Highlights
It was a great summer!
We want to thank the ESY Team! We have had a great 4 weeks of ESY. The students worked hard on their IEP goals, had some fun, and enjoyed our theme days and Friday flag ceremonies. We appreciate all of you!
VUSD Board Meeting
At the August 10th, 2023 Board Meeting. The School Board presented Mary Carruthers and
Cliesha Hodo a commendation on behalf of the ESY Certificated and Classified staff for their notable work during ESY.
Thank you ESY Team
Mary Carruthers- Education Specialist (VAPA)
Cliesha Hodo, SH Instructional Assistant (VATC)
Karolyn Wasung, Child Nutrition Services
VUSD Special Education Staff
Bill Foley, Steffanie Rupp, Nereida Gutierrez, Mary Carruthers, Cliesha Hodo, and Katherine Abraham
Nereida Gutierrez - Director, x92902
Steffanie Rupp - Coordinator, x92905
Rachel Schmidt - Principal, California Avenue School, x82000
Katherine Abraham - Principal, Vista Adult Transition Program, x83000
Jennifer Gruman - Program Supervisor (Non public schools. residential placements), x92909
William Foley - Program Supervisor (K-12 specialized programs), x92906
Kinga Nagorny - Program Supervisor (Elementary) x92904
Dr. Charyn Berg - Program Supervisor (Secondary) x92907
Dafnee Ramirez - Administrative Secretary, x92902
Debra Harris - Data Tech (elementary, private school, non-public), x92908
Yvonne Fortin - Data Tech (middle and high school), x92910
Doris Cruz - Community Liaison, x92914
Kathleen May - Behavior Specialist TOSA
Kristen Perry - Behavior Specialist TOSA
Eric Walker - Transition TOSA
For additional school district information please review Dr. Doyle's community update.
Contact Information
Special Education Department
Phone: 760- 726-2170 ext. 92900
Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm