HMS March Newsletter

Holly Middle School
Haley Street, Assistant Principal
Mark Mattingly, Counselor (A-L)
Kristin Godoshian, Counselor (M-Z)
Phone: (248) 328-3400
Attendance Number: (248) 328-3426
Fax: (248) 328-3404
Moving Into March!!
It’s hard to believe we’ve already reached the end of February! There is so much to celebrate, and we couldn’t be more proud of our students. They continue to demonstrate their growth as leaders, and their dedication to learning is reflected in their academic achievements. We’re excited to carry this positive momentum into the spring and look forward to all that’s ahead!
👀 7th Grade Vision Screening
Vision screenings for all 7th-grade students will take place from March 3rd to March 6th. If you have any questions or wish to opt your child out, please contact our front office.
📊 Annual Education Report (AER)
We are pleased to share our Annual Education Report (AER), which provides key insights into Holly Middle School’s educational progress for 2023-2024. This report meets federal and state reporting requirements. Please see the links below for more details:
Feb 18, 2025 AER District Report Cover Letter.docx - Google Docs.pdf
Feb 18, 2025 HMS AER Letter on HMS Letterhead (1).docx - Google Docs.pdf
🔒 Safety Reminder
If you’re picking up your child early, please bring your ID to the door. For student safety, district policy requires ID verification before a child can be released. Unfortunately, we cannot release students based on phone calls alone. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe!
🚌 Transportation Updates
Please review the attached HAS Temporary Bus Route Cancellation Schedule (March 3, 2025) for important transportation updates.HAS Temporary Bus Route Cancellation Schedule February 10 2025.pdf
🎉 Upcoming Events:
Friday, March 14th – Half Day & End of Trimester 2
As always, I’m honored to be part of your family, just as you are part of mine. Wishing you a safe and healthy weekend!
Upcoming Event for Current 8th Graders
- Freshman Orientation 3/12 6-8pm
- Presentations: Advisory teachers show a video presentation on 3/10
- Counselors visit on 3/11 and 3/12 to answer questions (Sheets due 3/19)
- Computer Schedule: 3/25 and 3/26
9th Grade Orientation @ HHS
Attention 8th Grade Families!! You will have an opportunity to see what is in store for your HS years on Wednesday, March 12th from 6-8pm, at Holly High School. Recently, an email from the HHS Counselors was sent out to all 8th-grade families detailing the event.
Families, we are here to help support your child!! If there are any topics you'd like us to connect with your child on, please reach out. We can also work with you to connect you to resources and supports in the community.
Mrs. Godoshian & Mr. Mattingly
A - L contact Mr. Mattingly, mark.mattingly@hask12.org
M - Z contact Mrs. Godoshian, kristin.godoshian@hask12.org
📢 National School Social Worker Week: Celebrating Alisha Fava! 💙
At HMS, we are incredibly fortunate to have a social worker who embodies the very best of what it means to serve students, staff, and families. This week, National School Social Worker Week, we want to take a moment to celebrate and appreciate the one and only, Alisha Fava!
From the moment you meet Ms. Fava, it’s clear that her heart is in her work. She is more than just a social worker—she is a listener, an advocate, and a champion for her students. Ms. Fava’s passion for supporting students goes beyond just a job—it’s her calling. She works to ensure that every child feels supported. She leans in, listens, and makes a difference one conversation, one connection, and one student at a time.
💙Happy National School Social Worker Week, Ms. Fava! We appreciate you! 💙
After School Tutoring
Our Academic tutoring program is being offered after school on Mondays and Thursdays. Each session will run from 2:50 - 4:00 pm and will be staffed by HMS teachers.
The expectations we have for our students in this program are as follows:
Sign up for each session in the Student Office during the school day, we will cap the number of students at 40 and it is first come first served
Be on time for each Tutoring session
Be Prepared, Bring your current classwork/homework, study guides, or missing assignments with you to each session
Be Engaged and Contribute to a positive work environment by:
Staying on task (no computer games or phones)
Avoiding distracting yourself or others
Listening to the directions and requests of the HMS Staff running the program
If you have any questions about this program, please contact your child’s counselor. Students with last names A-L will contact Mr. Mattingly (mark.mattingly@hask12.org) and students with last names M-Z will contact Mrs. Godoshian (kristin.godoshian@hask12.org).
2025 HMS Scripps Spelling Bee Winners
Congratulations to our 2025 HMS Scripps Spelling Bee winners!!
1st place goes to Emma Berger
2nd place goes to Stella Barnes
3rd place goes to Emma Ellis
Emma Berger will compete next at the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee!! Good Luck to Emma!!
(Pictured left to right Emma Ellis, Emma Berger ( center ) and Stella Barnes
2025 Broncho Bash!
Thank you to our awesome Parent Lighthouse Team for putting on another spectacular Broncho Bash event for our students! What a fun night!
Ski and Snowboard Club
6th grade Bowling Field Trip
Cedar Point Trip, June 11th!!!
Important 7th & 8th Grade Cedar Point Dates/Information
CP Trip Information Sheet going home with students: March12
CP Registration Form going home with students: March 20th
CP Student Registration: April 14-17
CP Trip: June 11
Email Kelly DeWitt with any questions
From the AD
As we near the start of spring sports at Holly HS and Holly MS, I wanted to reach out with information that can be of assistance as we prepare for the next few weeks. The official start of spring sports at Holly HS is Monday March 10th. The official start of spring sports at Holly MS is Monday March 17th. Below is a list of sports offerings we have along with contact information of our coaches. Please reach out to the specific coach with questions. Also, HS teams and parents, please mark your calendars as our Spring Meet the Teams night will be taking place on Monday March 17th at 6:00 in the HS Auditorium followed by sport specific parent meetings.
High School Spring offerings include:
--Baseball - Coach Jackson -- benny.jackson@hask12.org
--Softball - Coach Beck -- keithbeck4@gmail.com
--B-Golf - Coach Couchman -- drcouchm01@gmail.com
--B-Lacrosse (cooperative with Brandon) - Coach Stickle – tstickle65@yahoo.com (self-funded sport – SEPARATE FEE TO PARTICIPATE)
--G-Lacrosse (cooperative with Brandon) - Coach McLeod -- jmcleod0516@gmail.com (self-funded sport – SEPARATE FEE TO PARTICIPATE)
--G-Soccer – Coach Ransom – eric.ransom@nationalssoccer.com
--G-Tennis - Coach Sinclair – Sydney.sinclair@hask12.org
--B and G - Track & Field - Coach Merlo -- joseph.merlo@hask12.org
Middle School Spring offerings include:
--Track and Field – Coach Weisdorfer – matthew.weisdorfer@hask12.org – Grades 6-8
--Coed Bowling – Coach Beebe – bethbeebe@gmail.com – Grades 6-8 (self-funded sport – SEPARATE FEE TO PARTICIPATE)
--Coed Tennis – Coach Sinclair -- sydney.sinclair@hask12.org – Grades 6-8 (self-funded sport – SEPARATE FEE TO PARTICIPATE)
--Baseball – Coach Holder – laholder81@gmail.com – 8th grade only (7th graders will only be included if needed to fill the roster) -- (self-funded sport – SEPARATE FEE TO PARTICIPATE)
--Softball – Coach Murchie – murch08@gmail.com – 8th grade only (7th graders will only be included if needed to fill the roster) -- (self-funded sport – SEPARATE FEE TO PARTICIPATE)
# 1 - If your child is interested in a spring sport, the first order of business is to register them online. The FinalForms online process can be found on the athletic department website - www.hollyathletics.org. Parents - login and register your child. Then, the student must register. The online registration process MUST be completed before the start of the season but you are encouraged to complete this process soon. Coaches are able to contact parents/athletes with sport tryout info once in the system.
# 2 - Make certain a completed physical form on file in the MS or HS office. (If the student played a fall or winter sport the physical is on file and you are all set.)
# 3 - All students and parents must have the necessary forms completed and a participation physical on file with the athletic office in order to practice. Hard copies of the physical forms must be turned in to the athletic office prior to the start of the season. Also, the pay to participate fee ($125 for high school sports and $50 for middle school sponsored sports) must be paid either online using E-funds or in person at the athletic office. A separate fee is associated with self-funded sports (HS lacrosse, MS Bowling, MS Tennis, MS Baseball, and MS Softball).
Take Care,
Mr. Lombard
The Parent Lighthouse Team meets once a month. For meeting times and other PLT information please visit our site to find out how we are working to support our students and school!
Please reach out to our PLT via email for information on meetings, volunteering, and donations.
Popcorn Sales!
PLT is offering popcorn for purchase for $1.00 during lunches. The next popcorn sale date will be on Mar 20th.
Apr 24, May 15, Jun 5
Pickle Sales
PLT is also selling pickles during lunches for $1! One Friday each month. The next opportunity is March 28!
May 30
This year Breakfast and Lunch are free for ALL HAS students!! ONLY IF you've filled out your Education Benefits form!!
To see what we offer each day, check out all of the great menu options here!!
For assistance or questions please reach out to the Food Service Dept or visit their website.
Please have all appropriate paperwork and Dr authorization forms signed and fully completed. Renewal of medical alert information is required to be updated every school year.
**Students that have chronic medical conditions that require a rescue medication such as seizures, severe allergies, or asthma can self-carry and are encouraged to. The school MUST have a current medical care plan on file with Dr authorization.
See the district website for more details on our medication policy and printable forms to take to your family Dr.
Please reach out to our district nurse with any questions. jessica.morantes@hask12.org
Health Guidance
Showing up to school every day is critical for children’s well-being, engagement, and learning.
Click here for more information on when to keep your child home from school and when to send them.
Click the link above to view the UPDATED 24-25 student handbook. Please review the new cell phone policy for students.
Handbook Highlights
BACKPACK/BOOKBAGS/COAT POLICY Backpacks, book bags, and bags may not be used in the school building during school hours. Medical exceptions, which require a doctor's note identifying a need for a student to use a backpack during the school day, must be turned in at the office. At this point, the student will either be given a clear backpack or a medical tag for their bag.
To Access information on any of these topics click the button above.
- Drop off/Pick up
- Student Access to the building - times and locations
- Dropping off items for students
- Scheduling meetings
- Student sign-out procedures
- Attendance
**Parents, as a reminder, we do not require a phone call prior to your arrival if you are picking up your student early. Please just come up to the building with your ID and we will call your student at that time. We can not call them prior to your arrival. If you have a prearranged appt, see Option 1 in the student sign-out procedures instructions.**
To minimize classroom disruptions, we are asking you to communicate with your student regarding their transportation home prior to the school day whenever possible. We understand that emergencies happen, if you do need to call we ask that you call the office no later than 2pm so that we have time to relay the message. We kindly ask that you make every effort to do that before 2, it would be greatly appreciated.
Holly Area Community Coalition and Holly Area Youth Assistance are community based organizations that can provide a multitude of resources for students and families. Please visit their websites for details.
S.T.A.N.D. Club
Students Taking A New Direction, is an afterschool club where students
look at areas of concerns that they face in middle school. They take those concerns, build campaigns and bring information to their fellow peers to help them make positive life choices and to stay away from destructive decisions. The group focuses on Skill Development, Community Service, Parent Involvement, Social Activities and Safety Awareness to address these concerns. Fun, food and friends is a big part of STAND also.
STAND meets every other Wednesday after school until 4pm. – March 5th and 19th. STAND is open to all Middle School Students and they can join at any time during the year. STAND is facilitated by Ms. Lauinger, 6th grade math teacher and Mrs. Papple, Director Holly Area Community Coalition.
For more information contact Mrs. Papple – 248-328-3135
HAYA Shoe Program
HAYA has a program for students that are in need of shoes.
An application for the program is attached to this email.
If a student resides in a qualifying household, then HAYA wants to assist that student in obtaining any type of footwear they need.
The footwear can be anything from daily wear, snow boots, athletic shoes, and band or choir shoes.
Tena Alvarado
HAYA President
Important Links
Holly Middle School Webpage ( supply lists are under the "Parent/Student Resources" Tab)
Important Dates
- 3/12 - Freshman Orientation Parent Night HHS @ 6 pm- 8 pm
- 3/14 - Half Day Dismissal @ 10:58am - End of Tri 2
- 3/17 - No School Students - District PD
- 3/20 - PLT Popcorn sales @ lunch
- 3/28 - PLT Pickle Sales @ Lunch
- 3/31- 4/4- Spring Break
- 4/7 - School Resumes
Follow HMS on Social Media
Daily Announcements, pictures of HMS students in action and more, are easily accessible by following us on Facebook and Twitter!!
Website: http://www.hask12.org/schools/holly-middle-school/
Location: 14470 North Holly Road, Holly, MI, USA
Phone: 248 328 3400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Holly-Middle-School-Sherman-Campus-634705656664993/
Twitter: @HMSBronchos