School Board Notes
November 2018
The Meetings in Review
Dr. Susan Angstadt, Director of Pupil Services, presented building usage charts in an effort to inform the Board of School Directors how each school building in the district is being used this year to provide the various programs and services to our students. This was conducted as a follow-up to the presentation that Superintendent Dr. David Zerbe provided at the special meeting on November 8, 2018 where he presented a summary of the same, along with additional information that can be found here. Dr. Angstadt's detailed presentation is part of a larger information gathering and sharing process that began on November 8 in an effort to help the Board of School Directors determine the best path forward given the projected $14 Million in repairs and renovations at Arrowhead Elementary School in the next few years.
Methacton High School Hackathon
Our science department chair, Mr. Steve Savitz, along with four of our students —Julia Jablonski, Zoe LaPaglia, Joe Masciantonio, and Stephen Brow , participated in the Hackathon at the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit.
The purpose of a Hackathon is for student groups to compete against each other to design or build something. This competition was focused on building an app to track, detect, identify, and access information about the Spotted Lanternfly in an attempt to prevent the invasive insect from having a potentially greater negative impact on Pennsylvania businesses and agriculture.
Dr. Zerbe added that this is just another example of STEM activities in the district that focus on communications, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
Mr. Edward Furman with Maillie CPA firm, the District’s auditors, presented the 2017-2018 financial audit , which was accepted by the Board of School Directors at this month’s meeting. Mr. Furman reported that there were no material findings or concerns and that Methacton School District is in a positive financial position. Director of Business Services, Mr. Timothy Bricker, informed the Board of School Directors of the budgetary surplus from the 2017-2018 fiscal year of $2,584,905. Mr. Bricker explained that revenue had exceeded projections by $857,642 mostly from an increase in interest income, and that expenditures were less by about $1,727,262 mostly due to unpaid days due to a teachers’ strike, resulting in $485,728 and associated reduction in PSERS (pension) contributions of $380,165. The Board of School Directors passed a resolution in May 2018 allocating any surplus from the 2017-2018 fiscal year to the Master Plan capital projects fund. This fund was established to help defray costs associated with projected $80 Million in maintenance and renovations over the next 10 years. The Board of School Directors discussed potential alternative options with the resulting surplus. It was recommended by Dr. Zerbe that the matter be moved to the Finance Committee of the Board in January 2019 for a recommendation for the Board to consider.
Award of Excellence
Worcester Elementary School Principal Ms. Brucker, helped recognize the extraordinary efforts of several of her staff. Ms. Massi, Instructional Assistant and Ms. Wright, Emotional Support Teacher, both of Worcester Elementary were recognized for their dedication and support of students, faculty, staff, and the Methacton Community. We are pleased to have them as part of our Methacton family.
Methacton Education Foundation
The Methacton Education Foundation presented the Methacton School District with a check for $3,650 to help support the High School Marching Band trip to the Liberty Bowl. In addition, $450 of that check will go to support the district's STEM efforts by funding memberships for Methacton Science Teachers in the Montgomery County Science Teachers Association.
Dr. Zerbe shared a summary of the updates to the strategic plan. A process to review the plan and seek additional input from district constituents began in September and resulted in a number of recommendations that are now woven into the plan.
Specifically, there are additional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) strategies: academic and extra-curricular access objectives, additional communication objectives and strategies, additional physical and programmatic safety measures, further input into the master planning process, a focus on scheduling for improved outcomes and efficiencies, and new hiring objectives and strategies to attract, retain and develop our talent pool.
Dr. Zerbe shared that the presentation and updated documents along with a revised method to track and communicate progress toward goals will be posted to the district website and a communication will go out informing the public when available. In addition to the Strategic Plan, the Pennsylvania Department of Education required Comprehensive Plan was also presented and approved by the Board.
All other items listed on the November 27, 2018 agenda were approved.
November 20, 2018 Work Session Meeting
November 27, 2018 Regular School Board Meeting
Board Notes
Phone: 610-489-5000
Twitter: @methacton