Inside CKS
October 4, 2024

The 7th and 8th Graders joined MSJ for Mass with Bishop McDermott today!
From the desk of Mrs. Millard...
Next Friday, the staff of CKS and MSJ will be joining together for our annual Faith Formation Day. Many of you may ask what is “Faith Formation.” While intrinsically, we know it has to do with understanding and being a more complete Catholic, what does it mean?
In looking further into what Faith Formation is, I came across the idea that it is comprised of six fundamental tasks…
Learn the Faith
Celebrate the Faith
Choose the Faith
Pray the Faith
Share the Faith
Live the Faith
All of these speak to why Faith Formation is important, but the one that resonated with me is celebrating faith. There are many ways to celebrate our faith; first and foremost is at Mass where we pray, hear God’s Word, and receive the Eucharist (or blessing). At CKS, celebrating Mass at Christ the King Church is the culmination of our week. It is a time to gather together and listen to the Word of God and learn his lessons. It is a time to sing and pray. It is a time to reflect.
I know that there are many faiths within our school walls, but going to Mass unites us as a community and helps us to be disciples of Christ.
Ask your children what going to Mass means to them…you may get a response that surprises you.
Reminder: Please turn in Fall raffle tickets as they are sold!
This is so they can be processed and you can get credit for the ones you sold!
Lunch Menu - 10/7 to 10/11
Schedule of Games
Grades 3 & 4
10/5/2024 3/4 CKS v Killington @ RRCM 9:00 am
10/12/2024 3/4 CKS v Proctor 2 @ RRCM 12:00 am
10/18/2024 3/4 CKS v MRU @ Clarendon Elementary 4:30 pm
Grades 5 & 6
10/5/2024 5/6 CKS v MRU @ Home (Abatiell Field, Meadow St.)11:00 am
10/8/2024 5/6 CKS v Fair Haven Boys @ Fair Haven (Last Field) 4:30 pm
10/16/2024 5/6 CKS v West Rutland COED @ West Rutland High School 4:30 pm
Middle School
10/7/2024 7/8 CKS v Fair Haven Boys @ Fair Haven (Track) 4:30 pm
10/9/2024 7/8 CKS v MRU @ MRU 4:30 pm
10/17/2024 7/8 CKS v Barstow @ Home (St. Peters) 4:30 pm
10/18/2024 7/8 CKS v Proctor @ Home (St. Peters) 4:30 pm
10/21/2024 7/8 CKS v Barstow @ Barstow 4:00 pm
10/6/2024 3/4 CKS v Barstow @ RRCC 10:00-11:00 am
10/13/2024 3/4 CKS v Rutland REC @ RRCC 10:00-11:00 am
10/20/2024 3/4 CKS v Barstow @ RHS Alumni Field 9:00-10:00 am
Monday, October 7 - 5th Grade at Starbase
Tuesday, October 8 - Applebee's Dining to Donate Event
Friday, October 11 - Faith Formation Day - No School - Teacher In Service
Monday, October 14 - Columbus (Indigenous People’s) Day - No School
Monday, October 21 - 5th Grade at Starbase
Tuesday, October 29 - Stuff-a-Bus Kick off!
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween and CKS Trunk or Treat - More info to follow!
Friday, November 1 - All Saints Day Mass
Saturday, November 2 - Pasta Dinner and Raffle Drawing
Tuesday, November 5 - Election Day - CKS is a polling place!
November 7 & 8 - Parent/Teacher conferences - Early Dismissal - 12:00 m
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day
November 18-22 - Book Fair
Wednesday, November 20 - CKS Thanksgiving Lunch
About Us!
Email: cks@cksrutland.org
Website: cksrutland.org
Location: 60 South Main Street, Rutland, VT, USA
Phone: (802) 773-0500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christthekingschoolrutland
Christ the King Catholic School instills the moral values of Christ
and develops the whole person spiritually, academically,
and physically in building a foundation for life.