Montgomery Elementary News
November 4, 2016
Contact Us
Linda Overbeck, Principal
Amy Debelak, Asst. Principal
Office 686-1730
Absence Line 686-1736
FAX 792-6131
School Nurse 686-1733
Cafeteria 686-1735
Transportation 686-1785
Website: http://www.sycamoreschools.org/Domain/13
Location: 9609 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 513-686-1730
Facebook: www.facebook.com/montgomeryelementaryofficial/?fref=ts
Twitter: @Montgomery_Elem
Montgomery News
Positive Character Trait Word for the Week of 11/7/16
CARING – A caring person likes other people, looks for good in others, and exhibits kindness and compassion for others.
CARING means being charitable and helping others.
Specials Schedule for the week of November 7, 2016
Monday 11/7 C day
Tuesday 11/8 D day
Wednesday 11/9 A day
Thursday 11/10 B day
Friday 11/11 C Day
11/9 & 11/10 3rd Grade Language Arts AIR Testing
11/23, 11/24, 11/25 Thanksgiving Break - No School
The week of December 5th
All 2nd graders will take the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) the week of December 5, 2016, during the school day. For those students in the other grades, you may request that your child participate in this round of testing. This is in accordance with HB 282, which requires that school districts provide two opportunities for testing to identify students as gifted. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCORES ON KINDERGARTEN and FIRST GRADE TESTS WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION FOR PULL-OUT GIFTED SERVICES.
Parents of 2nd graders do NOT need to request testing since it is an automatic process. However, if your child is not in 2nd grade and you would like to have your child participate in the December administration of the CogAT, use the below link to request testing. The deadline to submit your request is November 30. In order to decrease disruption to your child's instruction, this testing opportunity will take place on Saturday, December 10, at Maple Dale Elementary from 9:00 until 12:00. Please note that it is the parents' responsibility to provide transportation to and from Maple Dale.
All testing requests must be submitted using the below link. Email requests cannot be accepted. If you have any questions, please email Mindy Zellner, District Gifted Coordinator, at zellnerm@sycamoreschools.org.
Click here to request CogAT Testing for December 2016
The canned food drive continues through Monday, November 14, 2016. These cans provide needed food for families in our area during the holidays. Let’s all help take care of others by providing food to families who need our support. Please bring in Thanksgiving nonperishable foods starting tomorrow. Other food items always needed are corn, green beans, peas, baked beans, fruit, soup, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, ravioli, beef stew, chili, and cereal.
Nurse Linton is also seeking volunteers on November 14 from 9:30-11:30am to help sort and box the canned good donations. Please meet in the cafeteria. If you are available to help, please email Nurse Linton or call 686-1733.
Be sure to check out the lost and found in the next couple of weeks for any of your child's lost articles! A good time to do this is when you come for your parent/teacher conference. After conferences are over our Make a Difference Committee will be donating remaining articles to our sister school, Winton Hills Academy.
Strike Up The Band For Hunger
The Sycamore High School Marching Band would like to invite you to their 2nd Annual “Strike Up The Band For Hunger” event! The Band has teamed up with Operation Give Back to help fight hunger in the Sycamore School District. Come see the SHS Marching Band perform their award winning 2016 show, “Vortex”, while helping fight hunger in the Sycamore School District. Admission to this event is a donation of two non-perishable food items. (No donation required for elementary students and younger.) This event will take place on Saturday, November 5th from 6:00pm-6:30pm at the Sycamore High School Soccer Stadium located at 7400 Cornell Road. In case of rain, the event will take place in the Sycamore High School Main Gym. (This event was originally scheduled for 11/4 but has been rescheduled due to the high probability of Sycamore making football playoffs.)
Montgomery Elementary is celebrating America Recycles Day on Tuesday, November 15th!
In order to raise awareness of the importance of recycling, your child is encouraged to participate in one or both of the following activities:
GET CRAFTY: Create an accessory out of recyclables to wear to school! This could be a hat, necklace, pin, purse, or even a bow tie. Be creative! Prizes will be handed out at recess on the 15th to everyone who comes in with a creative, recycled creation!
GET MOVING: We will have a Recycling Relay at recess on the 15th. See how savvy your sorting abilities are while you race other students to the recycling bins and win prizes for accuracy and speed!
If you have questions or want to volunteer to help during these activities, please contact Shana Berge or Kara Willis (we need volunteers)!
Go GREEN and Gold!
Please don't forget to send in your Pipkins receipts! Montgomery Elementary receives 4% back from every itemized receipt during the school year. We are off to a slow start with only $22 raised since August. We receive 4% back for all items purchased during the current school year- August 17, 2016 to May 25, 2017. No matter how big or how small your purchase, please send in your itemized receipts. There is a collection box in the main office. Questions? Contact Caroline Tyler.
Bingo Night is coming to Montgomery Elementary on Friday, November 18 from 6:30-8:00 pm. More details to come in the next few weeks.
Friday, January 27th, 2017 from 5:30pm - 9pm.
Are you looking for a happy home for your excess Halloween candy? Did you accidentally take advantage of the post-Halloween sales? Please remember the Carnival when purging your house of candy. The Carnival Committee is requesting donations of all kinds of nut-free candy. Candy can be turned in to the box located in the main office by the PTO mailboxes.