Parent Connection
April 2024 Issue
College and Career Readiness
What Parents Need To Know Now
REMINDER! Join us at one of the remaining sessions of College and Career Readiness: What Parents Need to Know Now.
If you are a parent/guardian of a rising 4th through 10th grade student, you don't want to miss this. The HCPS Counseling Office will be sharing information about career exploration, apprenticeship opportunities, and the dual enrollment program.
If you can't attend one of the in-person events, join the Virtual Lunch & Learn on Thursday, April 11, at 12:00 p.m. by clicking here.
Real Talk: Career Coaches
Take some time to hear about our 12 new career coaches, funded by the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and offered by the Susquehanna Workforce Network, assigned to middle and high schools, who are helping our students explore and discover skills and information they need to be successful in their future career choice.
April Wellness Wednesday Lunch & Learn
Establishing Healthy Boundaries
When: April 10, 2024, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Where: Online (Zoom)
Register: http://cookcenter.info/Apr10Harford
Take advantage of free resources and on-demand e-courses. You can also receive answers to your questions with the Ask A Therapist feature…check it out at ParentGuidance.org today!
March Lunch & Learn Recording Available
Your Child's Anxiety
During this session, Jenna Riemersma shared simple strategies to help parents respond to their child’s anxiety: notice the anxiety, what is the anxiety telling you, and what does your child need?
Many parents feel alone in their concerns about their child's happiness and well-being, with more than 50% worrying about their child's struggles but not knowing how to talk to them. To understand how to help a child with anxiety, it's important to observe and identify their triggers, how their anxiety manifests, and their coping mechanisms, and to view their behavior as a signal that they need connection, predictability, safety, and compassion.
Take time this week to talk to your child about their anxiety and ask them how they feel. Make sure to create a calm and safe space for your child to express their emotions and feelings without judgment.
You can access the recording here:https://cookcenter.info/Mar20HarfordReplay.
Congratulations to the March Most Valuable Parent Award Winner!
Top Tip from Mary Beth
Mary Beth Stapleton founded the HCPS Parent Academy and has over 30 years experience working on behalf of children and families. Mary Beth and her family live in northern Harford County.
Taking a Closer Look – Your Child’s Academic Progress
It’s the end of the 3rd quarter, and your family is almost to the end of the school year! This is a good time of year to make sure you are clear about your child’s academic progress.
Is your child performing at grade level? Are there ways he or she can improve and get on track before the end of the year? To coordinate your efforts with your child’s school to improve your child’s progress, consider which subject areas your child is doing well in, which need extra help, and which ones he or she is accelerating in. Here is a link to what your child should be learning by subject area: https://www.hcps.org/departments/curriculum/default.aspx.
If your child faces specific challenges, work closely with your child’s teacher to develop a plan to address learning gaps. Be clear about what resources are available to support your child’s academic progress. If structured tutoring is needed, here is resource you can investigate: https://www.hcps.org/students/tutoring.aspx.
If your child is showing potential for performing at remarkably high levels, reach out to your child’s school to discuss how to support his or her accelerated progress. Several years ago, in middle school, my son was accelerating in Reading, English, and Language Arts, and his teacher was great at finding extracurricular activities to challenge him, while making sure he received special support in the classroom to keep him in engaged.
Another new resource to help you track what your child should be learning is the new Canvas for parents learning tool: https://harford.instructure.com/courses/90232.
As always, make sure to have ongoing conversations with your child’s teacher(s) about his or her progress, and if additional support is needed, how you can make sure those resources are provided to your child.
I wish you and your family and successful 4th quarter!
Senior Activities
HCPS Class of 2024
Capstone and Senior Recognition Events
Mark your calendar!
The Office of Career & Technical Education and Magnet Programs is pleased to announce the 2024 Capstone and Senior Recognition Ceremonies for HCPS Magnet and Signature programs. Events take place 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. throughout the month of May. Please see the full schedule of events for details about the dates, programs, and locations.
Scholarships – Class of 2024
Harford County Education Foundation holds several scholarship awards for graduating seniors attending Harford County Public Schools, and many of them are due soon. Check this link out and help your senior apply: https://harfordeducation.org/college-career-readiness/scholarship-central/.
In addition, there is a page on hcps.org where students can see available scholarships and access links to apply. And, new on this page - subscribe to scholarship postings! Check it out!
Thrive by Five Early Childhood Summit
The Parent Academy is proud to sponsor the upcoming Thrive by Five Early Childhood Summit for parents/guardians of children ages birth through five and childcare providers. During April 8-10, 2024, registrants will participate in up to 13, 25-minute sessions. Spots are open to the first 260 registered.
Register HERE.
Littles University
March Book and Video Message: The Wonky Donkey
Littles University Scholars, grab your copy of "The Wonky Donkey," courtesy of our amazing partners at the Harford County Education Foundation! Why doesn't Mrs. Lader have her copy of the book? Tune in to find out!
Register Today to Receive the Book for April!
Hey Little University Scholars! Harford County Education Foundation is excited to bring you the next free book, "Only One You" by Linda Kranz.
Order your copy by April 17 (while supply lasts)! Then visit Mrs. Lader on the HCPS Facebook page on April 24 for a special video!
Visit https://harfordeducation.org/littlesuniversity/ to register for a copy of next month’s book and grow your Littles home library!
This program is provided free for children aged birth to 5 who reside in Harford County. One book per family.
Harford County SECAC
Next Meeting: Thursday, April 11, 2024
Harford County SECAC and HCPS Partners for Success (P4S) invite you to participate virtually in the Thursday, April 11, 2024 SECAC meeting with the topic of "Advocacy. Collaboration. Communication - How to Build Strong School Partnerships." This presentation will cover all grades from K to 12! This is a ZOOM meeting; please join them from the comfort of wherever you are.
Partners for Success Monthly Update
April Issue
Check out the latest issue of the Partners for Success newsletter.
Local Summer Camp Opportunities
Share Your Feedback with the Board of Education
Did you know the Board of Education of Harford County asks for public feedback when new policies or revisions to existing policies are presented and discussed at Board Business Meetings? Provide your feedback on the policy by the deadline listed on the webpage! https://hcps.org/boe/hottopics/default.aspx
Student Artwork Included in Upcoming Art Exhibition & Family Event
Family Friendly School Award Program
Congratulations to the March winner...
Havre de Grace Middle School!!
Nominate You School for the April 2024 Award
Nomination window closes at midnight on Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
Harford County Public Library Events
Check out what's happening in January!
The Harford County Public Library offers so many educational, fun, and FREE events at each of its branches year-round. Be sure to visit the events page of their website to see what's happening in April!
Community Resources
- Harford County Public Library
- Harford County Parks and Recreation
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Harford & Cecil Counties
Additional resources may be found in the Harford County Community Services Resource Guide.
Stay Connected!
Also, bookmark the Parent Academy webpage on hcps.org where all workshops and Real Talks are archived, and where you can find information on other Parent Academy sponsored programs, like Family Friendly Schools.
Parent Connection Archive
HCPS Parent Academy
HCPS parents are students’ first and best teachers.
Email: ParentAcademy@hcps.org
Website: https://www.hcps.org/parents/ParentAcademy/Default.aspx
Location: 102 South Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD, USA
Phone: 410-588-5263
Facebook: facebook.com/HCPSParentAcademy