Beverly Cleary School
April 26, 2024
A Little Late!
A Note from Principal Presley
Last week was a wild one! It seems as the temps increase, so do the behaviors. Students are playing and learning outside, have spent almost an entire year together, and are quite frankly getting antsy. They see the end creeping near, and they are ready to go! As a result, we focused Friday's Coffee Talk around the topic of our 4 school-wide expectations: be responsible, be respectful, be kind, and be safe. We also talked the amazing assets we have in our community to being scheming how we might strategically tap into them. Upcoming dates, the basics of staffing and budgets, and next year's start and end times we also reviewed.
On Reflecting on the week, Monday, we had our monthly fire drill which was attached to the earthquake evacuation drill. It's great to see students able to navigate these with composure and a feeling of safety thanks to a lot of practice and teachers who preface, support, and debrief the drills. On Wednesday, fifth graders attended a field trip to BizTown. They had a blast and were celebrated by the staff for being such stellar humans! This week, I also had the privilege of meeting with many teachers to reflect on and celebrate their practices. This week, our student will get to experience the Phantom Tollbooth teaser on Friday, and the play will begin the following Thursday. Students blew me away last year with their performances, set creations, prop/costume work, lighting, and sound, so I'm so excited to see what's in store this year!
I hope you all had an amazing weekend!
Need to Knows
Have any cans or bottles laying around? Donate them to BCS!
I am excited to share that BCS is participating in the BottleDrop Earth Week Give this year. This is a BIG opportunity for us to earn some extra money through our ongoing BottleDrop fundraiser. Could you please help me spread the word by including the following information in the Cougar Connection each week from now until May 4 (the next 3 weeks)?
We are excited to participate in the "BottleDrop Earth Week Give" this month! Return BottleDrop Blue Bags between April 22 and May 4 to earn a 20% bonus on every bag. This is a GREAT time to clear out your cans and bottles, bring a Blue Bag to your workplace, or convince your neighbors to try it out. For more information or to get Blue Bags, email or visit our BottleDrop website. THANK YOU for supporting our school!