RJ Richey Family Newsletter
Week of March 24th
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RJR Important Dates & Parent Info to Remember:
March 24: No School for Students / Staff Development for BCISD staff
March 25: 5th grade BMS Band instrument selection night from 5PM-7PM @ BMS
March 29: Donald Fawcett Community Service Day & Fish Fry @8:30am
April 3: Spring Picture Day & Class Group pictures
April 7: World's Best Chocolate comes to RJ / Student-led fundraiser begins (more details to come)
April 16: 3rd-5th STAAR Reading Testing
April 17: Campus-wide STAAR make-up testing
April 18: School Holiday: No School for students / staff
April 21: No School for students / BCISD Staff Development Day
April 24: 5th grade STAAR Science Testing
April 25: 5th grade STAAR Makeup Testing
May 1: 3rd-5th STAAR Math Testing
May 2: Campus-wide STAAR make-up testing
May 5: (1/2) 5th grade Graduation Trip iFly
May 7: Next Up 5th Grade Program
May 8: (1/2) 5th grade Graduation Trip iFly
May 9: RJ Field Day
May 13: SGE 2nd grade visits RJ
May 14: 5th GT field trip & 3rd grade Thinkery Field Trip (Beckner, Sappington, Smith, Sahibzada)
May 15: 3rd grade Thinkery Field Trip (Chapa, VanKlavern, Gould, Jones)
May 20: Senior Walk @ RJ & 5th grade Grad walk/ceremony (TBD)
May 21: End of Year Class Parties (TBD) & Early Release for Summer @ 12:25
H-E-B & RJR partner to celebrate Earth Month
H-E-B celebrates Earth Month with expanded community support across Texas:
Help RJ when 1st place, competing for a $500 gift card for our school!
RJ Richey has joined with Burnet H-E-B to bolster recycling across Texas!
H-E-B, in partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful, established H-E-B Community Recycling Grants in 2021. Since then, the organizations have selected projects that focus on increasing access to recycling in rural and underserved communities by funding infrastructure improvements, and educational recycling resources.
RJ will host an H-E-B recycling container where students can bring in their plastic bag recycling to help contribute to the Recycling Challenge across Texas. Our challenge will run from March 3rd to April 4th!
Spring Picture Day is Coming: April 3rd
RJ Celebrates UIL Participants
We LOVE recognizing and honoring our students for their achievements and for how they go above and beyond with Spirit, Pride, and Honor! Thank you to all of our UIL Bulldogs that represented RJ so well!
Take a look at all of our students we celebrated at our UIL reception this week:
RJ Bulldogs Support BHS Powerlifters Going to State
We LOVE sharing our Spirit, Pride, and Honor at RJ to send off our BHS athletic teams! This week we cheered on our BHS Powerlifting Girls and Boys headed to State!
RJR Parent Reminders
Morning Drop-Off & Arrival Procedure Reminders:
It's that time of year where not only our students need a few reminders about school procedures and expectations. Parents, we need your help in our car lines, both morning and afternoon, to keep both our students and staff members feeling safe.
Please take a moment to refresh yourself on Morning Drop-Off Requirements:
Morning Arrival Routines
- RJR doors open at 7:15am each morning. Students should not be dropped of earlier than 7:15 a.m. due to lack of supervision & for safety reasons. Please do NOT have your child out of a car until RJ staff members are visible outside and doors are open for students.
- There are NO student walk-ups allowed for arrival in the morning. Students dropped off should only occur in the car rider line and not by parking or in the parking lot. The crosswalk is NOT to be utilized by students that are dropped off in the parking lot in an attempt for parents to surpass the car drop-off line.
- Should you need to park to walk your child into the campus, our front office opens at 7:25. Please park in a parking spot and walk with your child to the front office. *please walk your student up to the campus and do NOT send him/her to walk alone.* Our cars are constantly moving and are focused on drop-off areas and are not always paying attention to any crossing traffic.
Order Your R.J. Richey Yearbook Online Now
Our RJ Yearbook Online Ordering is Open Now!
Check out the direct Strawbridge link below to order your yearbook now!
- be sure to order yours now while supplies last and before the price increase at the end of March!
- ALL yearbook sales will be online only and no cash orders are accepted this year through the office
- all yearbooks will be shipped and delivered to school, and parents will be notified when they are coming home with their students in early May
5th graders interested in BMS Band Parent Info:
Dear 5th Grade Parents,
Please read the following information from our Middle School Band Directors:
It’s that time of year when you are getting ready to decide which electives your child will take in middle school. We realize that this is an important decision for both you and your child and that middle school is a big step in your child’s life. We hope that you will consider band as one of your child's electives.
This year we are busy building our middle school band program into one of the premier band programs in the Texas Hill Country. Next year over 200 Burnet Middle School students will be part of the band, and they will have opportunities and experiences only available through band. We hope that your child will be part of the excitement.
If you would like to sign up for band, just:
1. Choose band on the online elective choice sheet.
2. Stop by one of our instrument selection nights at the middle school band room (Door D12).
- Thursday, March 6th, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
- Tuesday, March 25th, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
See the attached flyer for more information. If you have any questions please call or email us at the middle school.
Thank You!
Brian Pranger, MS Head Band Director
Attachment: Band Flyer for 5th Grade.pdf
Attendance Matters Parent Information & Incentive:
Attendance Incentive Partner @ RJ Richey
RJ Parents,
We know that attendance is hard for students and parents, especially during the winter months where weather and illness can effect us all. We thank all of our Bulldog families that prioritize student health and wellness first but also help to ensure students are at school when they can be.
We are excited to partner with Itsy-Bit Aracade & Game Room to host additional Perfect Attendance Rewards for our students for the upcoming 5th & 6th Six-Weeks of our school year!
Thank you to Itsy-Bit Micro Arcade in Burnet for helping us to offer additional incentives for our Bulldogs!
RJR Parent Frequently Used Links
Transportation change request process:
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to:
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
RJR 24-25 Parent School Procedure Brochure:
RJR 24-25 Parent Procedure Brochure
Have questions about arrival, dismissal, transportation changes, visitor procedures, etc?
Always find RJ Richey School Information about daily school procedures here:
Parent & Community Flyers for Around BCISD & Burnet
Updated Wednesday Night Live Information:
Free After School Program information here:
Always find More RJ & BCISD Parent Quick Links Here:
RJ Richey Elementary School
7:15am Front Doors Open
7:15am Student Drop Off/Breakfast7:25am Front Office Opens
7:45am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email: rjr-transportation@burnetcisd.net
3:25pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Website: https://rjr.burnetcisd.net/
Location: R J Richey Elementary School, East Graves Street, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: 512-756-2609
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rjrichey