Te Kura o Te Pāroa
• 34 Paroa Road, RD 1, Whakatane 3191
Principals Message
“Mā te mahi tahi ka ora ai te taitamaiti”
“Working together to support the achievement and success of Maori.”
In this month's school newsletter, I would like to acknowledge and thank you the whānau and the community of Te Kura o Te Pāroa. Thank you for your unwavering support, your level of engagement, and the trust you have placed on us the kaiako to educate your tamariki mokopuna. We strive to make the best decisions we believe could benefit the achievement and success of all our Maori students.
Finally, whānau have a great holiday break. Enjoy your beautiful tamariki and we look forward to seeing everyone next term.
Nga Mihi Ramia Honatana
Nga Pūmanawa o Te Kura o Te Pāroa
This week the awards were awarded to our Rumaki purapura and Takawaenga whānau.
Week 9 recipients.
Waiotehauorangatonutanga Faga - Mauri Matauranga. Ko ngā matauranga kei roto i te tāhūhū o te Whare. Koia nei ngā rangi tūhāhā. Kia raranga ake i te kupu, e whakatakoto ai ngā kōrero tuku iho, ā kui mā ā koro mā.
Jesse Wiremu - Mauri Ora. Ko te poipoi i te kupu kōrero ki roto i te manawa o te tamaiti, e ora ai te wairua, kia mau i ngā tikanga o te akomanga me te Kura hoki.
Mareikura Savage - Mauri Tangata. He kōtiro hei whakaringaringa i ngā tikanga o te akomanga me te Kura.
Wairangi Te Ao Marere - Mauri Matauranga. He tama whakapau kaha ki ngā mahi katoa ahakoa te Kaupapa.
Annzita Te Kuru - Mauri Tangata. He Kotiro whakapau kaha ki te manaaki me te awhi i ngā tangata katoa o te akomanga. He ngakau awhina mōna.
Poutokomana Boynton - Palmer - Mauri Matauranga. He tama kaha ki te haere mai ki te kura naianei.
Ihimaia Herewini-Clay - Mauri Tū. He kotiro tino kaha ki te mahi hakinakina
Riki Foster - Mauri Matauranga. He Kotiro whakapau kaha ki te mahi tuhituhi.
Week 10 Recipients.
Kelsey Samson - for showing leadership and mauri tu in kapa haka.
Carlo Shaw - for being a good example of mauri tangata by showing confidence and pride in all his mahi.
Keanu-Mei Carson-Reriti - Confidence in Panui a waha (Whānau Engagement)
Ngatai Heitia - Numicon- Sharing his learning with his Mum (Whānau Engagement)
Rico Hunt - Mauri Tu - stands proud and confident while doing te pepeha o te kura and presenting in front of our whānau during Matariki Day.
Avery Hudson - Mauri Matauranga - consistently shows whole body listening during learning time and actively participates and contributes to our learning discussions.
Neveah Rameka Pouwhare- For showing all of our school values every day, and for being a supportive class member.
Kobi Wharewera Ballard - For showing all of our school values every day, and for being a supportive class member.
Te Waipounamu Black - Mauri Tū for being a leader and role-model in our school.
Kymani-Leigh Tawhai Hauwaho - Mauri Tū for increasing your confidence and level of participation in school-wide events.
Blaque Kaiwhata -Mauri Tangata for showing aroha and awhi towards others.
Matariki Celebrations
It was great to see whānau come along and celebrate Matariki with their tamariki last Thursday.
Matariki classroom cake decorating.
As part of our Matariki celebrations, each class was provided with a cake to decorate for their assigned star. This planned activity aims to engage students in learning about the significance of Matariki and to foster a sense of community within our school. By taking part in this creative task, students have the opportunity to showcase their artistic skills and celebrate together as a team. We look forward to seeing the beautiful and unique cakes that each class will create in honor of Matariki.
Student Online Behaviour
Unfortunately, it has come to my attention this week that we have had examples of students misusing their personal devices and using personal phones during school hours. Students are not allowed to bring phones to school. If a phone is required for the student to communicate with their whānau the phone is to be left at the school office.
Phones are not allowed to be used during play breaks, in the classroom, at Kapa Haka practice, or sporting excursions.
If kaiako and staff, see a phone they will be confiscated.
Therefore, whānau I need your help:
-Please check that your child hasn’t brought their phone to kura.
-Please check their social media platforms.
-Please monitor the sites they are going on at home.
Family link is a free app that has been used by a member of staff at our kura. She highly recommends the use of this app for her tamariki.
Even though these incidents may occur outside of school hours and off school premises, the repercussions are still felt within the school community. By keeping an eye on how your child behaves online, you can help prevent these negative behaviours from occurring.
Te Kura o Te Pāroa promotes safe and responsible use of digital technology as a shared responsibility. At Te Kura o Te Pāroa, we maintain a safe and responsible digital environment by: Setting and sharing clear requirements and expectations about acceptable and unacceptable digital use.
Behaviour Management Plan. (Major Behaviours)
The school’s behaviour Management Plan -Te Ara Tika Plan has been carefully designed to ensure a fair, consistent and effective approach to managing behaviours within our kura. It is important that we all familiarize ourselves with this information.
All reported incidents require a thorough investigation and a number of interviews with students by a Senior Management leader or the principal. This approach ensures that the information received is accurate and fair for all involved.
Contact will be made to the child’s family to discuss the issue and plan the next steps forward.
Rangitaiki Kapa Haka Festival - Term Three
Who: We have six roopu representing Te Kura o Te Pāroa this year.
When: 6th and 7th of August, 2024.
Where: Ron Hardie Recreation Centre, 111 Onslow Street, Kawerau
This year our festival will be hosted by Te Whata Tau o Pūtauaki.
Please contact Kaareen@twtop.school.nz.
Sports Notices
BOP Cross Country Finals - Tuesday 25th June
We would like to acknowledge and congratulate Ihimaia Herewini-Clay who placed 28th in the finals.
Tackle 5’s - Chiefs Region Finals Day - Wednesday 26th June
Nga MAURI katoa!!!
I tū pakari, i tū toa, i tū maea nga tima e rua mo te keemu RUTU 5 / Tackle 5's. Na mātou ano hei kanohi mo te kura.
Nga mihi nui rawa atu kia Pauline Brown rāua ko Jesse Clay mo wā korua awhi. Waimarie katoa nga tamariki a māua ko whāea Faith ano i a kōrua. Rawe te kite i nga whānau e tautoko ana hoki.
Kotiro 9th
Tama 19th
Our tamariki are amazing
Up and coming events
Week 1/2
Basketball - Friday 26th July or 2nd Aug
Week 3
EBOP 7’s Football, Netball & Rugby - Thursday 8th August
Week 4
Amazing Race - Thursday 15th August
Week 5
Jessie Savage - Tuesday 20th August
Week 9
EBOP Volleyball Festival Day - Thursday 19th September
Week 9
EBOP Gutter board - Friday 20th September
Student Attendance
Kia ora parents!
A big shout-out to all our amazing teachers, tamariki, and whānau for making the Attendance Challenge such a success! Thanks to your efforts, our school attendance is getting really close to the Ministry of Education's goal! That's something to celebrate!
Special congratulations to Whaea Reremoana and Te Pakora for winning this term's $100 prizes for their akomanga with the best attendance. We'll be running the Attendance Challenge again next term, so get ready for some more fun ways to stay on top of school attendance!
Special congratulations also to Whaea Aroha, Whaea Bethan, Whaea Te Rumate, Whaea Edna and Whaea Rahora with 100% attendance this term.
Whānau please contact the kura when your tamaiti is away.
When you are reporting absences please give students full name, class, reason and how many days away.
Ways of reporting student absences are:
Ring the school office - 3086652.
Send Txt message to 0274471900.
Send via skool loop app.
Send message to classroom teachers.
Every day counts.
Attendance + Attitude = Success.
School Policies
Review Instructions
In term 2 we are reviewing topics in the Employer Responsibility Policy section. See the full Review and Board Assurances Schedule
Who reviews our policies and procedures?
- All reviews are open to board members, staff, students, and the school community (parents/caregivers/whānau).
- Anyone can review any policy/procedure that has a review button.
The board is responsible for board-level overarching policies. The table below shows which topics the board should review. Note that other reviewers can review these topics too; they're not exclusively for the board.
Get started
The review opens Monday 29 April: to start reviewing, click on a topic name below, then click the Start your review button. If a link is inactive, your school doesn't have the topic.
Note that if you'd like to provide feedback on a topic that's not listed below, you can still do so if it has a review button.
Up and coming events
Term 2
5 July - Term 2 ends
Term 3
22 July - Term 3 starts
23 to 26 July - Life Education
31 July - Y7 Boostrix Vaccination
6th & 7th Aug - Rangitaiki Kapa haka festival
Sept -Written reports weeks 9.
Sept - Parent interviews week 10.
Term 4 -
14 Oct - Term 4 starts
16 Oct - Class/Individual School Photos
Whanau engagement day
Prize giving day
Health checks at Kura
The nurse from Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa will come into the kura every Tuesday from 10am to do student health checks, vision and hearing testing. If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652 or go onto Skool Loop to complete the permission form.
Rheumatic Fever - Strep Throat.
Rheumatic fever commonly appears in school age children, it is a preventable disease by identifying sore throats caused by strep throat. Treatment is a course of an appropriate antibiotic. Team of trained professionals can ensure the prevention of this disease through early detection and are based in schools within Kawerau and the surrounding areas including Whakatane.
Nurses from Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauroa come into the kura every Monday from 1-2pm to do free throat swabs and basic skin assessments.
If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652.
Bus messages
Students who are on private vehicles need to be collected from kura before 3.15pm.
Students on Private Vehicles
Tamariki pick/drop off
Please DO NOT park across the road when dropping off or collecting tamariki. You need to drive around into the bus bay area.
Drop off and pick up times in the bus bay area :
AM: Between 8am-9am
PM: Between 2.40pm and 3pm.
Some parents are still parking across the road waiting to collect their tamariki in the afternoons. We do not want to see any near misses or fatal accidents with any of our tamariki outside the kura.
Class DoJo
Your child's teachers will need to invite you to join their class. They can either invite you by text, email, or send home a parent code. Easily stay connected with your child's classrooms on ClassDojo.
Skoop Loop
The app is completely free to use for schools and parents.
Student absences can be sent from your mobile phone.
Permission forms can be completed.
Keep up to date on what's happening in the kura by downloading the app now.
2024 Term Dates & Public Holidays
School Contact Details
Email: office@paroa.school.nz
Website: www.paroa.school.nz
Location: 34 Paroa Road, Whakatane 3191
Phone: 073086652
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/910834023142312