MN National Guard BTYR Bulletin
July 2024 - Celebrating our nation
Replenex named Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company
Replenex, a distributor of cutting tools, abrasives, adhesives, safety products, and industrial supplies, was recognized as a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company for its efforts in supporting the military community at a proclamation event in Eden Prairie on June 11.
“We are pleased to welcome Replenex, a company founded by a veteran, to our Beyond the Yellow Ribbon network,” said Army Lt. Col. Joseph Sanganoo, Minnesota National Guard’s Family Programs Officer and the representative who spoke at the event. “We look forward to growing our partnership today and well into the future.”
Sanganoo also shared his personal story, what inspired him to join the military more than 30 years ago, and why it’s important to support the military community. Sara Wigdahl, Replenex chief culture advocate, shared her personal experience, that included the immense pride and challenges, of being the mother of a Marine Corps service member.
Army Col. Sidney R. Cohen, the grandfather of Matt Cohen, Replenex president and CEO, established the company 78 years ago. The Army recognized Col. Cohen’s veteran status, which enabled him to make successful bids to purchase its surplus industrial supplies.
“Without that opportunity, who knows where our family and this business would be today,” Matt Cohen said. “Being a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company not only honors my grandfather’s military service, but also recognizes the support Replenex provides to military families, veterans, and the community. This recognition is a daily reminder to honor and support our military community.”
After Brad Lindsay, Commissioner for the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, read Governor Tim Walz's proclamation recognizing Replenex as a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company, Matt signed the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Statement of Support. This statement is part of ESGR’s program that encourages employers to act as advocates for employee participation in the military.
Also known as BTYR, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon’s mission is to establish and sustain a comprehensive community and corporate support network that connects and coordinates agencies, organizations, and resources to meet the needs of Minnesota’s military veterans, service members, and families in all military branches. To learn more about BTYR, visit the BTYR website and see more photos from the proclamation event on the BTYR page on Facebook.
City of Minneapolis aims to be part of Beyond the Yellow Ribbon network
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon outreach coordinators Taylor Kristoffe-Jones and Stefanie Hurt met with representatives from the City of Minneapolis at a BTYR kick off on June 17. This marks the beginning of the city’s journey to meeting the requirements and undergoing the process to become a BTYR city and be part of BTYR’s community network.
Theme for sate fair, appreciation game announced
This year, the theme for the Minnesota State Fair's Military Appreciation Day on Aug. 27 is "Honoring Military Spouses." Current service members and their spouses can participate in a special ceremony at the state fair. See the flyer for more information. Register using the QR code or click on this link.
Show discusses community, service with BTYR guests
The Mississippi River Valley/Cottage Grove Beyond the Yellow Ribbon was recognized at the BTYR conference in April for its efforts in supporting the military community in its local area.
Focus on family wellness
To learn more, e-mail Holistic Health & Fitness at H2F-Internal-Project-Management@army.mil.
Department of Veterans Affairs to host mental health summit
See flyer for more details.
Summer water safety tips
- The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers Vessel Safety Checks. For more information, go to https://cgaux.org/vsc/.
- In 2021, a federal law went into effect requiring operators of watercrafts less than 26 feet to wear a kill switch.
- Water safety instructors recommend that parents have children wear swimsuits in neon pink or neon orange to be more visible in water. See chart below.
For more summer safety tips in the water and out, go to Get #SummerReady | Ready.gov.
Commentary: Resilient people pick themselves up again and again
By Air Force Chaplain (Maj.) Keith Beckwith
Minnesota National Guard State Chaplain
Do know the significance of the name Samuel Pierpont Langley? Not a name you easily remember. He attempted to be the first to get controlled flight off the ground.
Langley attempted flight on Oct. 7, 1903. His huge 54-foot-long flying machine had two 48-foot wings -- one in front and one in back. It was launched from a catapult on the Potomac River, and it fell like a sack of cement into the water. On Dec. 8, he tried again. This time, the rear wing caved in before it got off its catapult.
Nine days later, brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright flew a trim little biplane, with almost no recognition, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Their advantage was that they had mastered the problem of controlling the movement of their plane, and they had preceded their work with four years of careful experimentation with kites and gliders.
Why is this important? It highlights that ingenuity is not solely based on the amount of financial backing or notoriety. Sometimes, the greatest resilient actions and behavior come from frustration and trial and error. Some of the greatest moments in history are elevated from some of the most frustrating times of failure and missed opportunities. We often look at failure as a moment in time when we were not enough. Instead, what if failure and frustration were a springboard to something even greater?
Weekend drill childcare program offered
See flyer for more details. For childcare providers, go to upwards.com/provide-care.
Child & Youth Program Events
For upcoming events, sign up here. Visit also the Family Programs website and follow the Family Programs Facebook page and Child & Youth Program Facebook page.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Networks and Partners Events
Baseball night
The Minnesota Twins is a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon organization.
Pine City Beyond the Yellow Ribbon annual bike run
Isanti County Beyond the Yellow Ribbon volleyball tournament
South Central Beyond the Yellow Ribbon sponsors VetsFest
Family Day and car show at 934th Airlift Wing
Big Lake Beyond the Yellow Ribbon fishing event
Fundraiser sponsored by Meals from the Heart
Rosemount Beyond the Yellow Ribbon golf tournament
Lower St. Croix Beyond the Yellow Ribbon annual music event
Big Lake Beyond the Yellow Ribbon to host Ribs for the Ribbon
Reach out.
The mission of Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is to establish and sustain a comprehensive community and corporate support network that connects and coordinates agencies, organizations, and resources to meet the needs of Minnesota's veterans, service members, and families in all military branches.
The BTYR Bulletin informs, connects, and supports Minnesota's military community and its many partners across the state.
E-mail: ng.mn.mnarng.list.j9-beyond-the-yellow-ribbon@army.mil
Follow: Twitter (X) @BTYRmn and Facebook
Visit: BTYR website
Download: Minnesota National Guard app.
Resources: Minnesota National Guard Family Programs
BTYR Bulletin editor: cristina.f.oxtra.nfg@army.mil