Bulldog Update August 11, 2024

August 11, 2024
I type this newsletter with fingers filled with nerves, joy, and hope for the new school year.
Below you will find important information to help you ease back into the routine of school.
Meet Your Administration Team
Ms. Stockwell
8th grade
Mrs. Myers
Asst. Principal
7th grade
Mr. McHargue ("Mr. Mac")
Asst. Principal
6th grade
Open House- All Students
Open House
Teachers Gearing Up For The School Year
Teachers from Barr and Walnut gathered to grow their craft at Professional Learning on August 7, 2024. The training centered on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and how the middle schools in GIPS can use collaboration across buildings to best serve all of our students through guaranteed and viable curriculum.
School Supplies
What do you need for school supplies?! Here is what is recommended but not required:
All students
Pencils (need a pencil every day!)
2, 1” binders
4 composition notebooks
Tennis shoes for PE
Wired headphones/earbuds (bluetooth earbuds not allowed)
6th grade
Pencil pouch
Pocket folders
7th grade
Pocket folders (ELA)
Loose leaf papers (Social Studies)
8th grade
Graph paper
Pocket folder
Supply lists can also be found on online HERE.
Breakfast and lunch meals will be available to all students at no cost at all of our schools for the 2024-25 school year!
Due to current needs and qualifications, GIPS has qualified for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) across the district. CEP provides an alternative funding source supported by federal reimbursement in order to provide meals at no cost to every student at Grand Island Public Schools.What does “Meals at No Cost” mean for Middle Schools and GISH?
- Breakfast & Lunch will be available to all students at no cost at all three middle schools and Grand Island Senior High.
- CEP only covers “fully reimbursable meals” as defined by the state.
- A la carte items will still be available for purchase.
- To cover a la carte items, families will still be able to use LINQConnect to track and update balances just like last year.
Explore the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page for more information.
Need to Know's
Phones Away
Phones need to be off (at 7:45 A.M.) and stored in student's locker (at 8:10 A.M.). Phones are also not allowed at school activities or on the bus.
District policy will be followed regarding personal electronic communication devices (ECDs)*.
Please note the consequences for violation of district rules, state/federal law or school board policy:
- 1st Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by the student from the principal by the end of the day, unless the device is needed longer for examination by school or district IT personnel. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
- 2nd Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by the student at the end of the day along with parent contact. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
- 3rd Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by a parent at the end of the day along with parent contact. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
- 4th Office Referral: Insubordination - 1 Day OSS
- 5th Office Referral: Insubordination – Individual student/parent plan
(See full policy HERE.)
*ECDs include: cell phones, smart watches, tablets etc...
Dress Code
Please remember the school dress code (below), and please note that "spaghetti straps" are not allowed. We appreciate your help in having students "Dress for Success!"
- Keep covered from top of chest to mid-thigh
- Keep undergarments covered (spaghetti straps not allowed)
- Hats and hoods need to stay off or down
- Anything with profanity, alcohol, drugs/Illegal substances, gangs, etc. is not allowed
- IDs need to be worn everyday!
Water Bottles
Water bottles are allowed at school so that students can stay hydrated throughout the day. Please make sure to use clear water bottles and that only water is in the bottles.
Also, cups will no longer be provided during lunch, so students are encouraged to bring water bottles.
School Starts
School starts for 6th graders on Wed., Aug. 14 - early dismissal: 8:15 am - 2:15 pm
All Students (6th-8th) attend on Thurs., Aug. 15 - regular dismissal: 8:15 am - 3:45 pm
Drop off and Pick Up
Drop Off
Doors open at 7:45 (do not arrive any earlier as there is not supervision before 7:45).
Each grade will wait in respective areas (and they can eat school breakfast while they wait!). Please drop off in the following locations (and students will wait in the following areas):
6th Grade
Door 23 into the cafeteria on the east side (students wait in the cafeteria)
7th Grade
Door 3 on the west side (near the auditorium and old gym) (students will wait in the old gym)
8th Grade
Door 8 on the west side (north of main entrance) (students wait in the new gym)
Pick Up
6th grade: on east side (cafeteria side)
7th & 8th grade: on west side (near main entrance)
Students who walk or ride home are asked to leave right away.
We need your help! Read the following carefully.
- East Side of Building- The right lane is for drop off and pick up. The left lane is the drive thru lane where traffic needs to be moving continually!
- West Side of Building- The right lane is for drop off and pick up. The left lane is the drive thru lane where traffic needs to be moving continually!
Thanks in advance for your help in making our parking lots safer!
Here is the District Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Stay Updated!
Please check your texts or emails for the latest Bulldog Update!
As the school year gets started, the weekly updates will be sent Sunday afternoons to help you plan for the upcoming week.