Principal Nolan's Notes
January 29, 2025
Hello, Hampshire Families!
A new month is almost upon us with many important celebrations of learning on the horizon. Yesterday, HES took time to recognize and celebrate the 100th Day of School. Thanks to our dedicated staff and your work to stay connected to your child’s education, students are 100 days better at reading, writing, and math. They are 100 days better at listening, focusing their brains, and treating each other with respect. We are all 100 days smarter!
Since returning from the holiday break, classrooms have worked hard to revisit schoolwide and classroom expectations that help HES maintain a safe and positive learning environment for all students. Students will shop with their PAWS cards tomorrow! Take a minute to ask your student(s) how he/she demonstrates PAWS expectations in all areas of school including the lunchroom, hallways, bathroom, playground, and classroom. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read about this week’s updates and information.
i-Ready & Top Banana Award
What an amazing week of i-Ready work at HES! We had classrooms that earned more than 2,000 minutes this week between both subjects and passed 95% or more of their lessons. Incredible! Thank you for your efforts at home to connect to your child's i-Ready progress. We know this work will pay off as we work toward our i-Ready goals and begin to think about preparing students for the next grade level or middle school. Way to go, Whip-Purs, and keep up the great work!
Congratulations to this week's classroom winners in the KG-2nd grade division:
- Reading - Mrs. Bolander's 2nd grade class
- Math - Mrs. Galyon's 1st grade class
Congratulations to this week's classroom winners in the 3rd-5th grade division:
- Reading - Mrs. Rath's 3rd grade class
- Math - Miss McQuade's 4th grade class
Mrs. Bolander's 2nd grade
Mrs. Galyon's 1st grade
Mrs. Rath's 3rd grade
Valentine's Day
HES classrooms will host Valentine’s Day parties on Friday, 2/14. As a reminder, students may bring in valentines for their classmates. Often times valentines include some type of food/candy item. Please communicate with your child(ren)’s teacher to be aware of allergies before sending in any food. If you wish, valentines can include things such as pencils, pens, rings, stickers, temporary tattoos, etc. We are looking forward to celebrating kindness and caring at HES!
HSO Bingo News
BINGO will be here before we know it!
On Saturday, 2/8, HSO is hosting Bingo Night at Hampshire Middle School from 4:00-6:00 PM. Please read below for important details from HSO.
Skip the line and order ahead!
Don't forget to order your bingo cards! This is for HES families only. Pre-sale forms were sent home with your child.
Raffle Basket Donations!
If you haven't already, take a look around the house to see if there's an item you can donate to your child's classroom basket. The kids love seeing their own room represented during the raffle. A sign up was sent from your child's classroom teacher.
Doing some winter cleaning?
We'd be happy to take any new items for our bingo prize stash. This can be for kids or adults. Email hsopresident321@gmail.com if there's anything you can donate.
The HSO appreciates all you do for our school!
Community News
Please see the following attachments for more information about Jr. Whip-Purs Youth Football, Jr. Whip-Purs Youth Cheerleading, Valentine's Programs, and Girl Scouts.
Important Dates
2/5 - Late Start 10:00 AM
2/5 - HSO Wacky Wednesday (Color Day - wear your favorite color)
2/8 - HSO Bingo Night 4:00-6:00 PM (HMS Main Gym)
2/12 - 5th grade concert 6:00 PM
2/14 - Valentine's Day parties
2/17 - NO SCHOOL
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns. I'm happy to help however I can!
Jen Nolan
Hampshire Elementary School Principal