Hawk's Tale Newsletter
October 24th, 2024
Dates to Remember
10/24 - PTO Book Fair 3:30-7:15 (During Conferences) *see flyer and links below*
10/24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:15
10/24 - PTO Family Night Out @ Stuc's Pizza (Douglas St. Location - ALL DAY)
10/24 - Appleton West Drama Club Trick or Treat Trail 6PM-7PM *see flyer below*
10/25 - NO SCHOOL
10/29 - Picture Retake Day
10/30 - Houdini Spirit Store Order Deadline - See Link Below!
10/31 - Black and Orange Day - NO COSTUMES
11/9 - PTO Fall Vendor Fair 9am-2pm
11/14 - PTO Meeting 6:00 (LMC)
Newsletter Information - Input Appreciated!
Tell us what you want to see in future newsletters!
Based upon parent/family feedback our Hawks' Tale family newsletter has been streamlined to be a one-stop shop (only one email!) of ALL the Houdini School and PTO news and opportunities. To best meet your family’s needs, what information would you like to see in our weekly news?
Handbook Highlights
From our Houdini School Family Handbook
Due to School Wellness Policy #458, we will no longer allow treats to be brought in and shared with the class. Please refer to your classroom teacher and know we will still recognize our special birthday student in a non-food manner.
Recognition for a special occasion without treats - (taken from AASD School Wellness Policy #458)
- Recognitions for special occasions (birthdays, holidays, etc.) during the school day (starting at midnight the day before through a half-hour after students are dismissed for the day) will not include students bringing in snacks/treats from outside of the District for other students and will instead take place through non-food practices.
Last Call for Lost & Found Items!
Our lost & found is filling up! If your student is missing any personal items, please stop in to take a look. Any items left at the end of the school day on Friday, November 1st will be donated to charity the following Monday.
Picture Retake Day Sign Up
There's Still Time!
Please click the link below to sign your student up for Picture Retake Day on Tuesday, October 29th.
Pictures will be taken between 8:45am-11:30am.
Click Here to Sign Your Student Up For Retake Day!
*Students not signed up through this link will not be able to participate in retake day*