Erieview News
May 31, 2024
Good afternoon Erieview families,
Thank-you, again, to our wonderful, hard working PTA for a week of fun events. A special shout out to Mr. Buczak and Mrs. McDavid for organizing our all school field day. Fourth grade has been celebrating their final full week at Erieview, complete with a special breakfast. We are so fortunate to have such dedicated families that support us!
Over the summer months you will receive an email notifying you to complete your student's back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school. This is a one-stop shop for updating your child’s emergency and medical information as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
- Maria Szarek - (440) 933-4829
- Theresa Martin - (440) 933-0984
If your student has medication in the school clinic, please pick up before the end of the year. Medications cannot be stored over summer. Any Medications that are not picked up will be disposed. An Adult will need to pick up medications, students are not able to transport medications. Have a Safe and Heathy Summer! Thank you!
Redwood and Erieview Nurses
Field Day fun!
Welcome Incoming Kindergartners!
Summer Meetups: We are planning a few informal playground meetups over the summer for kids and families. Please join the private Facebook page for the Erievew Class of 2037 to get information about these opportunities and to meet some of their classmates before the start of the 24-25 school year.
Please direct any questions to:
Natalie Ata
(440) 263-4795
Fourth Grade Breakfast
Upcoming events:
6/3-4th gr. party~North lot 1:00-3:00
6/5-last day of school for students
6/5-talent show 9:00 am
6/5-4th grade "Clap Out!"
Have a wonderful summer!