The PAW Print
August 28, 2022
Please Label Students Lunch Boxes and Belongings
Information on School Breakfast and Lunches
While meals are not free for all students, SMCPS is still offering the free and reduced meal program based on the status determined from the meal benefit application. Students who qualify based on income or direct certification will still receive free or reduced meals this school year. A new application must be submitted for this school year to qualify. Please use the link below to apply.
@nokidhungrymd #schoollunch #mealbenefits #freemeals #freebreakfast
Reminder: Student Activity Fee
Parent Drop Off
PARENT AM DROP OFF AND PM PICK UP: Please complete your form as soon as possible.
7:15 Begin parent drop off
7:38 Cafeteria Doors locked for drop-off. Students arriving after 7:38 should use the main doors. No sign in required. (not tardy)
7:45 Students arriving after 7:45 will need a parent to sign them in (tardy)
The map below indicates the parent drop-off/pick-up route. Please enter from Rt. 5 and turn right traveling through the parking lot past the tennis court/basketball court. The line will then follow along the sidewalk next to the brick Park and Rec building and turn in front of the school in front of the cafeteria. Once directed by a staff member, students will exit their cars on the sidewalk side of the vehicle. They should then proceed into the cafeteria and sit on one of the designated spots until dismissed to classes. Students should not leave their vehicle until indicated to do so by a MBMS staff member. Morning drop-off will begin at 7:15 AM.
Additionally, this process will be followed in the afternoon but in reverse. Students will be called to the cafeteria prior to the release of students riding the buses. Parents will remain in their cars in the pick-up line. Once a staff member has verified the parent's ID, the student will be called from the cafeteria to their car. Please do not park and text your child to come out to meet you. Again, students will not be released from the cafeteria until prompted by staff. The process is put in place to keep the students safe.
An attached form is for parents to complete. This will indicate to us who needs to be dismissed from class for the afternoon parent pickup on a daily basis Please complete and return to Ms. Kirby.
Please be patient. This process can take a few extra minutes until everyone understands and becomes familiar with the process.
Please Note: Siblings under 18 cannot check out siblings without parent permission.
***COMPASS and SAIL students will be dropped off in the parking lot behind the school beginning at 7:25 and picked up beginning at 2:30.
Student Resource Accountability
Additional Information on Student Resource Accountability
My School Bucks and the Media Center: Please see the following files for more information about how My School Bucks
Secondary Link:
School Volunteers
Here Comes the Bus
Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table during Open House, signed up, participated in our fundraiser and visited the food trucks. If missed us and would like to become a member, please let us know at and we will send a form home with your student. Congratulations to the Winners of the Raffles at Open House! Kim Edwards
Holly Gardner
Crystal Tellechea
Erin McDermott
Amy Cocimano
- Our next fundraiser is Joe Corbi and will start on Monday 8/29. The fundraiser packet will be sent home with the students on Monday.
- Our first member meeting will be on 9/14 at 3pm in the Media Center.