Principal Perry Family Message
Dear Rolesville High School Families,
As we enter Week 5 of the school year, I am pleased to see the continued growth and enthusiasm from our students and staff alike. The start of the year has been filled with new opportunities for learning, engagement, and community building, and I want to thank you for your ongoing support. Your partnership plays a critical role in the success of our students, and together, we will continue to foster a positive and productive learning environment for all. I look forward to what the coming weeks have in store as we work toward a successful school year.
Please see the information below. Thanks!
Tardy Students
Please encourage your child to be on time for class. This is becoming an issue in particular with our student drivers and students who are being dropped off. This week, students will report directly to first period and it is important that instructional time is not missed.
Student Expectations
Please feel free to review these with your child if you find it necessary.
PTSA Information
If you are planning to take the PSAT, unless you received an email from Chloe Brondyke, the exam will cost $15.30. Payments will be made on School Cash Online Portal. Starting tomorrow, please log in to your School Cash Online Portal and make this payment by September 20 to secure your place taking the PSAT.
Performing Arts Boosters
The Performing Arts Department needs your help! Please fill out the form below with your interest level.
Student Parking Passes / Off Campus Lunch Passes
If you have a student who drives to school, please ensure that they have a valid parking pass and encourage them to park in the designated area. Students who park on campus without the required parking permit can be subject to towing. Signs have been placed on campus indicating where towed vehicles can be retrieved. It's important to note that the cost of towing will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner. We have had multiple cars towed from the parking lots. Students have been warned, announcements have been made, and emails have been sent to parents. No parking pass = No parking.
Students must have an off campus lunch pass to leave campus for lunch. ALL other students must stay in the cafeteria or a designated location during lunches. Students that have a pass and drive are responsible for knowing who rides in their vehicle. Drivers can have passes confiscated for having students with no pass in their vehicles.
Student Dress Code
A friendly reminder to all students to adhere to the dress code on a daily basis. Please refrain from wearing clothing that is excessively short or revealing of private areas. If a student is found to be in violation of the dress code, they will be asked to make the necessary corrections.
Please encourage your son/daughter to adhere to the dress code policies of NO HATS (do rags included), NO HOODS UP (no headgear unless for religious purposes), NO SUNGLASSES, IN THE BUILDING! Most are following the guidelines but we have a few habitual offenders that are making enforcement of this policy an issue.
Breakfast & Lunch
Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, full-paid breakfast will be $1.75 and lunch will be $3.50. Families still need to complete the 2024-25 meal benefits application, which will be available online at Paper copies will be available for pick up at the school office. For families who completed the 2023-24 meal benefits application, the eligibility benefit will be effective for their student's first 30 school days of the 2023-24 school year.
Click to Solicitud en línea para las comidas escolares Gratis/Precio Reducido: Español
Bag Policy for Athletics
Like all WCPSS High Schools, Rolesville High School is enforcing a clear bag policy. Please know that this is only one safety measure we are putting in place to help with keeping our students, staff, and visitors safe. This information is also on the Go Fan page when tickets are being purchased.
Game/Athletics Schedules
On-line ticket link=
Students and spectators must sit in the stands during the game. While there will be potential gatherings at halftime and postgame, large gatherings will not be allowed during the game.
There will be no re-entry and spectators will not be admitted free during the second half of the contest.
As normal, Backpacks and smoking (vapes as well) will not be allowed.
Inappropriate and unruly behavior will be removed from the game and may result in suspension from school events.
No refund for being removed for various violations
We ask that only CLEAR bags be brought into athletic events
Younger students at athletic events
Effective on 9/6, all middle school aged students must be accompanied by a supervising adult, age 18 or older, to be admitted into any Rolesville High School sporting event. If a student is not accompanied by an adult, they will not be granted admission to the game, regardless of if a ticket has already been purchased. As a reminder all WCPSS and North Carolina High School Athletic Association rules and policies must be followed during the event.
Football Friday (HOMECOMING)
This week's home football game against against Wakefield will feature enhanced security measures. To ensure everyone's safety, we will be increasing security and officer presence at the event, along with implementing weapons detection systems.
Thank your,
Phelan Perry, Principal
Morning Carpool Update
Rolesville High School Administrative Team
Phelan Perry, Principal
Chloe Tyler, Assistant Principal | Grade 9, Last Names A-K
Jarrett Marlin, Assistant Principal | Grade 9 , Last Names L-Z
Jessica Chambliss, Assistant Principal | Grades 10-12, Last Names A-D
Brandon Garland, Assistant Principal | Grades 10-12, Last Names E-K
Kate Rogers-Giuffre, Assistant Principal | Grade 10-12, Last Names L-Q
Kelly Nilles, Assistant Principal | Grade 10-12, Last Names Ro-Z
Shaqualla Dunbar, Administrative Intern | Intervention
Rolesville High School Rams
Main Office: 919.554.6303
School Hours: 7:25 a.m. 2:18 p.m.
Address: 1099 East Young Street, Rolesville NC 27571
Our Mission
Rolesville High School will provide a relevant and engaging education and will graduate students who are collaborative, creative, effective communicators, and critical thinkers.
Our Vision
Rolesville High School students will be prepared to reach their full potential and lead productive lives in a complex and changing world.