News from CCSD15 Board of Education
January 10, 2019
Student Achievement Report
This year’s Student Achievement Report presented Jan. 8 provides information that highlights outcomes for students in District 15. The report is directly aligned the Illinois accountability system, the Every Student Succeeds (ESSA) Act, which emphasizes a holistic understanding of student performance beyond test scores.
The presentation highlighted the following:
- Student achievement and growth on the Illinois state achievement tests
- District impact on multiple indicators including English Learner growth, attendance, and school climate
- Progress towards closing the achievement gap
- Equitable access to D15 programs and services
- Goals connected to the D15 strategic plan
Moment of Silence for Teacher Holly Pighini
Mrs. Pighini started teaching in District 15 in 1998. She spent her years in District 15 teaching at Winston Campus and Frank C. Whiteley Elementary Schools, and also spent time as the Assistant Principal at Lake Louise Elementary School. She cared deeply about her students and touched many lives during her career in District 15.
Mrs. Pighini will be greatly missed. Our deepest sympathy is extended to her friends and family.
Facilities & Boundary Studies Continue
At its Jan. 8 meeting, the Board of Education continued its discussion with STR Partners regarding possible boundary changes to better meet the needs of the schools and larger communities we serve.
STR Partners, the District's architectural firm, presented several preliminary boundary scenarios at the Jan. 8 meeting, largely based upon previous work done by the Boundaries Task Force. STR also provided a maximized capacity for each building by identifying space within the existing facilities that may be renovated into classroom space to meet changing enrollment demands.
The scenarios incorporated a variety of elements including full-day kindergarten, adjustments in program locations, a more streamlined feeder pattern and a middle school (6-8) option. Although the scenarios continue to evolve and improve, none fully meet the needs of the District at this time.
The Board's next step is to invite school boundary consultation firm RSP Associates to a future meeting to potentially assist with the process moving forward.
Seven Teachers Recognized for National Board Certification
The Board of Education congratulated the following educators who achieved or renewed this prestigious recognition in 2019:
- Allison Hudson, Virginia Lake Elementary School
- Susan Major, Virginia Lake Elementary School
- Irene Salman, Virginia Lake Elementary School
- Tamara Wilson, Thomas Jefferson Elementary School
- Susan Esbrook, Gray M. Sanborn Elementary School (renewal)
- Lauren Lukowski, Gray M. Sanborn Elementary School (renewal)
- Lynda Maxwell, Kimball Hill Elementary School (renewal)
Due Diligence Extension Requested for Park Place Property
The Board entered into a Real Estate Purchase Agreement for the vacant storefront building at Rand and Dundee Roads on June 25, 2019, with tentative plans to convert the space into an elementary school. In October, the Board extended the due diligence period of the contract, which is set to expire on Jan. 15.
If the property owner agrees to the terms of the requested extension, the Board will have an additional 90 days of due diligence.
Willow Bend Students Lead Pledge of Allegiance
Willow Bend's Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Green Team "Respectables" students led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance at its Jan. 8 meeting.
Through Willow Bend's PBIS system, student leaders known as "The Respectables" analyze school data, plan and write "cool tools" among other diverse activities. The students appeared at the Board meeting with PBIS Green Team coaches Theresa Drogos and Katie Caldera.
Kindergarten and New Student Registration is Open!
If you do not have children currently enrolled in District 15 schools, use this link to register your incoming kindergartener or new student.
If you have children currently enrolled in District 15 schools, or if your child is a current D15 preschool student, please use this link to register your incoming kindergarten student AND your existing students simultaneously.
(*Existing families currently enrolled in District 15 schools who do not need to register an incoming kindergartener will be asked to complete online registration in the spring.)
Parents needing assistance completing online registration may attend an in-person help session from 5-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 14 at Winston Campus and Willow Bend Schools. These help sessions are optional, and open to anyone district-wide who needs help completing the registration process.
New this year, English language proficiency testing will NOT take place during the in-person help sessions. Instead, parents will be able to sign up for an appointment to be tested at a later date.
More information about registration is available on our website.
Community Consolidated School District 15 Board of Education
Location: 580 North 1st Bank Drive, Palatine, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-3000
Twitter: @D15Schools