Weybridge Family News
January 10th 2024

Weybridge Family News
Weybridge Elementary Calendar
Calendar notes
Tuesday, 1/14, 6:00-7:30 - FOWE meeting - childcare and pizza provided
Monday, January 20 - No school - Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance
Tuesday, January 21 - No school - Progress report work day for teachers
January 22, 28, 29 and February 4, 5 - Taiko drumming residency
Friday, January 31 - Progress reports will be sent home.
ACSD School Board Meetings - 49 Charles Ave., Middlebury
Monday, January 13, 6:30-8:30
- Friday, January 17, 6:30-8:30 - budget to be adopted by the Board
4/5 Chorus performance
Meal Order
Below you will find the form to complete before Monday morning at 7:30am for ordering breakfast and lunch for your student/s. Click on the button and help your child make their food choices for the week. Thank you
4/5 Band performance
Dear Families,
It is wonderful to be back at school. I want to thank the staff and students for the way they kept everything running smoothly despite several absences besides mine. A special thanks to Samantha for managing all the moving pieces.
Lunch volunteers: We need sign-ups next week for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Barbara will continue to be out through January 28 so your help is extra important. If you can volunteer for any of these days, please email me cjohnston@acsdvt.org or sign up directly on the calendar. If you can sign-up for the weeks ahead it would be very helpful.
Progress Reports will be sent home in students’ backpacks on January 31st. Parents should anticipate a phone call from their child’s teacher shortly thereafter. The purpose of this phone call is to follow up on students’ first semester progress reports and see if families have any questions. Thank you.
Enjoy the weekend! Christina
Volleyball in PE
Icing Containers Wanted!
In the 2-3 Classroom, we have been testing ideas for simple, inexpensive water bottle holders attached to student desks. (We often have quiet, focused work sessions interrupted with the Clunk-Clankety-Clank of metal water bottles falling onto the floor.)
After collecting ideas all summer and testing a few prototypes, we have a design that seems to work pretty well-- an old icing container attached to the desk with velcro. (Thank you, Erica Castle, for suggesting the velcro!)
Now we need more icing containers!
If you ice a cake, please save your icing containers for us!
The 2-3 class thanks you!
2/3 Art Class
Preschool & Kindergarten Enrollment!
Do you have a 3-5 year old ready for preschool? Every preschool age child in ACSD is eligible for 10 FREE hours of preschool at a pre-qualified preschool program and NOW* is the time to begin thinking ahead to the 2025-26 school year. Visit https://mbaker61.wixsite.com/uprek/partners for a list of preschools and more information. Reach out to Ashley Bessette, Universal Prek Coordinator, at abessette@acsdvt.org for support or to ask questions.
*Most preschool programs will begin enrolling in February/March for the 2025-26 school year.
Do you have a child who plans to start Kindergarten in 2025-2026? Make sure they are on our incoming student list! If your child will be 5 years old by September 1, 2025 (or you know a friend or neighbor whose child will be) please reach out to Weybridge School at 802-545-3302 or sfarrellschmitt@acsdvt.org
Here is a guide for students to know what clothing choices to make. We will be using this guide to teach students about weather and being prepared to go outside for recess each day.
ACSD Budget Engagement
A draft of the Fiscal year 2026 Budget was presented to the ACSD Board on January 6th. You can watch that presentation and find accompanying materials on our Budget Development page. A public Q+A was also held on January 9th, a recording will be posted on the budget page soon. The board is expected to continue the discussion and vote on the budget at their January 13, 2025 meeting at 6:30pm. Find details for that meeting here.
Addison Central SEPAC
Learn more about the SEPAC at https://www.addisoncentralsepac.org/.
Sign up for SEPAC updates here.WHO WE ARE:
The Addison Central Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is an organization led by parents (defined broadly) that focuses on improving the education and experiences of students with special needs and disabilities in the Addison Central School District (ACSD). (Learn more at: www.AddisonCentralSEPAC.org)
Support families through information, events, and community.
Collect community input and help district leaders understand the concerns of families and students.
Collaborate with ACSD to improve district policies and practices.
Don’t miss out on SEPAC resources and events! Sign up for updates at the link below.
The link to the bus routes are below and on the ACSD website. Please be waiting at your stop 5 minutes before the approximate bus stop time. Younger students will need their parent at pick up and drop off.
Engage and Connect!
TELEPHONE: 802-545-3302
FAX: 802-545-3305