Franklin Flier
August, 2018
Contact the Office
School Hours
7:40 Breakfast bell
8:00 1st bell8:10 2nd bell classes begin
2:40 School ends
Staff Email
Are you prepared to sign up for entrance conferences?
Entrance conferences are the first step in building a relationship between teachers, students and families. During the conference you can discuss your child’s strengths, set goals for the upcoming year, and drop off school supplies.
We have changed the process for finding out your child’s teacher and signing up for your child’s entrance conference. We will now be using an online system, Parent Portal, which will allow families to:
Update contact information
Provide weather related emergency plans
Make payments to student lunch accounts
Register for school conferences
Indicate permission for media releases/field trips/technology use/etc.
Every family will need to have a Parent Portal account, and Linda Gravley is available to assist families with their account.
If you:
already have an account and can access your account, move to item #2.
already have an account, but you do not remember your username and password you can email ICSUPPORT@ISD77.ORG.
need to set-up an account, you will need to stop into the Franklin office between 7:30-3:30 beginning August 16 so that Linda Gravley can assist you. You must have a form of identification with you when you do this.
Once you have a Parent Portal account, you will need to complete the Census Verification. The Census Verification link in the Parent Portal will walk you through this process. This is a critical step as it replaces all the paperwork you have completed in past years. If you need help with this, please visit Linda Gravley in the Franklin Office beginning August 16.
On August 21, you will receive an email giving you directions to find out your child’s teacher and sign-up for an entrance conference. You must have the Census Verification completed to receive this email.
If you do not have access to a computer, or if you need help with any of these steps, please visit Linda Gravley in the Franklin office between 7:30-3:30 beginning August 16.
Know someone who would be a good playground supervisor?
We are looking to hire people who will be a good fit to supervise and support our students when they are on the playground.
Supervision is 11:15-1:00 and $12.36/hr. We have some flexibility in scheduling if candidates are not available every day. If you, or someone you know, is a good fit for this position please email Travis Olson at tolson1@isd77.org to learn more.
Can you spot the difference between this picture...
and this one?
Who are the Franklin teachers this year?
Kindergarten: Ann Weber*, Jen Blaschko, Amy Delaney, Michelle Dehnke, Ashley Fries
First Grade: Amy Baer*, Miranda Hoffmann, Melanie Hayes, Danielle YungerbergSecond Grade: Kristin Landgraff*, Beth Arndt, Amber Blasl, Dawn Dahline
Third Grade: Tania Fugazzi, Salena Gahler, Katie Soine
Fourth Grade: Drea Brown*, Betty Alders, Michaela Hansen, Megan Sandhurst
Fifth Grade: Rose Heim*, Mallory Howk, Mandi Kopischke, Mike Nagel
K-3 Intervention: Lexy Wenzel*
English Learners: Vesna Bozhinoska, Jodi McBride
Special Education: Jenni Haug, Lisa Kindred, Lisa Kuiper, Marlene Stein-Greiner, Kayla Steinberg, Jen Stenzel
Phy Ed: Dianne Johns, Amanda Kroehler
Art: Rachael Wick
Music: Jonathan Shevy
Media: Katie Botten
Counselor: Jen Berg
Continuous Improvement Coach: Tabatha Miller
Have you checked out the school supply list?
3rd, 4th & 5th grade SHOULD NOT get items that are bold & marked with '*'. We will have different items for these students at Franklin when the year starts.
This is the link to the district web page, but it does not have the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade items that should not be purchased.
- 8 ct. washable markers
- 4 dry erase markers
- 3 boxes of 24 count regular size crayons
- 8 large glue sticks
- 1 bottle of glue
- 12 sharpened pencils
- 1 pink eraser
- 1 wide-lined notebook
- 1 package of napkins
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 box of snacks
- Gym shoes
- Large backpack (no wheels please)
Grade 1
- 1 box of broad tip, classic, washable markers
- 4 dry erase markers (black)
- 2 boxes of 24 count crayons
- 24 yellow, sharpened pencils
- 2 yellow highlighters
- 2 large erasers
- 1 bottle of glue
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 scissors
- 1 wide-lined notebook
- 3 pocket folders (multiple solid colors)
- 1 dry eraser or old clean sock
- School box/art box
- 1 box of tissues
- Gym shoes
- Real coins for Math (20 pennies, 10 dimes, 15 nickels, 4 quarters)
- Large backpack (no wheels please)
- Washable markers
- 4 dry erase markers
- 24 count box of crayons
- 24 sharpened pencils
- Colored pencils
- 1 large eraser AND pencil top erasers
- 1 bottle of glue
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 scissors
- Ruler (centimeters & inches)
- 2 wide-lined notebooks
- 5 pocket folders (multiple solid colors)
- Art box
- 1 box of tissues
- Gym shoes
- Large backpack (no wheels please)
Grade 3
- Washable markers
- 6 dry erase markers
- 24 count box of crayons
- 24 pencils
- Colored pencils
- 2 highlighters
- 1 large eraser or pencil top erasers
- 1 bottle of glue
- 2 glue sticks
- Ruler (centimeters & inches)
- 1 scissors
- 4 wide-lined notebooks
- 1 package wide-lined loose-leaf paper
- *5 pocket folders (multiple solid colors)
- 1 three ring binder (1 inch size)
- School box/*pencil pouch
- 1 dry eraser or old clean sock
- 1 box of tissues
- Gym shoes
- Large backpack (no wheels please)
- Washable markers – wide tip
- 4 BLACK dry erase markers
- 1 dry eraser or old clean sock
- 4 pack of highlighters (multiple colors)
- 36 yellow pencils (no mechanical)
- Colored pencils
- Red, black, and blue pen
- Eraser
- 1 bottle of glue
- 2 glue sticks
- Ruler (centimeters & inches)
- Scissors
- *6 pocket folders (multiple solid colors)
- 6 wide-lined spiral notebooks (multiple solid colors)
- *1 three ring binder (1 inch size)
- School box/*pencil pouch
- 2 boxes of tissues
- Gym shoes
- Large Backpack (no wheels please)
Grade 5
- Washable markers
- 6 dry erase markers
- 5 highlighters
- Crayons
- 36 pencils
- Colored pencils
- Eraser
- Blue, black, and red pen
- 1 bottle of glue
- 2 glue sticks
- 5 wide-lined notebooks (multiple solid colors)
- *5 pocket folders (multiple solid colors)
- 1 package loose-leaf wide lined paper
- *1 three ring binder (1 inch size)
- Scissors
- Ruler (centimeters & inches)
- School box/*pencil pouch
- Dry eraser or old clean sock
- 2 boxes of tissues
- Gym shoes
- Large Backpack (no wheels please)
Have you visited the playground lately?
What's Peach Jar?
Mankato Area Public Schools is launching a new electronic flyer communication tool called “Peachjar.” To view school-approved digital flyers, simply click the Peachjar button on the Franklin website homepage which is located under Family Information or use the button at the top.
This green initiative will save our schools paper and reduce copy costs. On top of that, posting school flyers in this electronic backpack removes a significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff, and volunteers. Families will have the capability to view flyers at anytime simply by clicking on the link on the website
All flyers will be posted in digital format and families will receive an email notification when a flyer is distributed. Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure families are well informed about school programs, activities, and events.
Looking for ways to support you as a parent?
What is #MAPSready?
Have you been saving....
How can families reach the bus companies?
Students who are on a bus in the morning to school ride on Palmer buses. The Palmer offices can be reached 507.386.0210.
Students who are on a bus after ExCEL ride on Yaeger buses. The Yaeger offices can be reached at 507.345.5470.
Want to give a shout out?
We are inviting families to email Mr. Olson when their child(ren) have a successful experience outside of school. The celebration will then be included in the morning school wide announcement. Ideas of things that families might want announced: winning a soccer tournament, moving up to a new tae kwon do belt, participating in the regional science fair, etc. If you have something that you'd like us to recognize your child(ren) for, email tolson1@isd77.k12.mn.us:
Child's Name
Child's Teacher
The Child's achievement
Dates to remember
Thursday, August 16 Get help to register for Parent Portal
Tuesday, August 21 Entrance Conference registration
Tuesday, September 4 & Wednesday, September 5 Entrance Conferences
Thursday, September 6 First day of school for students
Tuesday, September 11 PTO meeting at 6:30
Friday, September 14 School Pictures
Tuesday, September 18 Two hour late start
Tuesday, September 18 Theme day- Rainbow Day
Tuesday, October 9 Two hour late start
Wednesday, October 10 Walk/Bike to school day
Friday, October 12 Franklin Festival
Thursday, October 18-Friday, October 19 No school
Wednesday, October 24 Fall Box Tops due
Thursday, November 1 PTO Woot Woot Wagon
Friday, November 2 No school
Tuesday, November 6 PTO Meeting at 6:30
Tuesday, November 13 Two hour late start
Tuesday, November 13 Theme day
Tuesday, November 20-Friday, November 23 No school
Tuesday, December 11 Two hour late start
Monday, December 24-January 1 No school
About Us
Safety First
Our Responsibility
Always Try Your Best
Respect Yourself and Others
Email: tolson1@isd77.org
Website: http://www.fe.isd77.org/
Location: 1000 North Broad Street, Mankato, MN, United States
Phone: (507) 345.4287
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183476102015128/
Twitter: @FranklinSoar