D91 Employee News:
August 23, 2024
From The Superintendent's Desk
Welcome Back to School
Next week, students across the district will start school, and I couldn’t be more excited for the new school year! The beginning of school is always a special time filled with anticipation and new beginnings.
Last year, I spent the morning of the first day of school at Linden Park. As I welcomed students, I was filled with a flood of memories and emotions. I vividly remember when my daughter, Karly, started her first year of high school. Like many students, she was filled with excitement, mixed with the hesitation that often comes with stepping into the unknown. As a parent, I couldn’t help but worry about all the changes she would face on that first day. But that evening, Karly came home with a smile on her face, eager to tell me about her history teacher, Mr. Francis.
Mr. Francis stood at the door, welcoming each student to his class. But it wasn’t just a generic greeting. He called each student by name and mentioned something personal about them. When Karly walked in, Mr. Francis asked her how soccer was going and wondered if she planned to try out for basketball. He made her feel seen, valued and cared for. I’m still trying to figure out how he knew the names and interests of students he had never met.
The start of each school year is filled with many firsts and this school year is no different. It will be our first year of the Intervention Model. It will be the first time teachers come back from Christmas break to a non-teaching day. This year will be the first year of dedicated literacy leadership training for school teams. It will also be the first year of targeted staff development opportunities for all staff members in November and January.
I am grateful to each of you for your tireless work on behalf of our students. Your dedication and commitment show in everything you do. We will continue to pursue our core values:
Courage to advocate for and support students, teachers, and staff;
Compassion to respond to the unique needs of students, teachers, and staff; and the
Conviction to commit and persist in finding the best way to help and support students, teachers, and staff.
I am thankful for all of you. We have incredible teachers and staff who help and support every child each day. It is challenging work that each of you embraces with dedication and heart. Your commitment to our students is unmatched. I am humbled by and grateful for the tireless dedication each of you has for our students. I am excited for this year, and the amazing things that lie ahead. Let our journey of learning and growth begin – happy new year!
Karla LaOrange
Superintendent, Idaho Falls School District 91
Virtual Math Meetups for Secondary Math Educators
The State Department of Education planned some professional development events this school year for secondary mathematics educators. There are three virtual collaborative groups starting in September.
Idaho Math Transitions
This Meetup will focus on solutions to a variety of problems of practice high schools are experiencing as they implement the Idaho Math Transitions framework.
This group will meet the third Monday of each month, 4:40 to 5:45 pm September through May. January and February will be on the fourth Monday due to holidays. Register here.
Data Science Teaching Collaborative
This Meetup will focus on incorporating fundamental data skills into mathematics course to empower students.
This group will be facilitated by Data Science 4 Everyone from the University of Chicago. This group will meet the first Thursday of each month, 4:30 to 5:45 pm September through May. January will be on the second Thursday due to winter breaks. Register here.
Work-based Mathematics Instruction
This Meetup will focus on incorporating work-based learning into mathematics lessons, including integrating contexts from Career-Technical programs.
This group will meet the second Wednesday of each month, 4:30 to 5:45 pm September through May. Register here.
Upcoming Dates
- Aug 26: Elementary Schools Back to School Night 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
- Aug 27: First day of school for K-6th, 7th, 9th, and Emerson HS Students
- Aug 27: Middle and High Schools Back to School Night 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
- Aug 28: First day of school for 8th, 10th - 12th
- Aug 30: ALL students will be dismissed from school one hour early
- Sept 2: Labor Day, No School
- Sept 3: First day of school for Pre-K
- Sept 6: First Intervention School Day for Middle and High Schools
Happening In D91!
Getting Back Together
Thank you to all our staff that came to our Welcome Back meeting on Wednesday. It was great to see you all there and at the picnic later that night. We also want to thank the many businesses that donated prizes for our all-staff picnic. They include: The Bakers Dozen, The Museum of Idaho, Buffalo Wild Wings, The Snakebite Restaurant, Great Harvest Bread Company, Dick's Sporting Goods, Garcia's Mexican Restaurant, and Wingstop. We are grateful to them for helping us show you how much we appreciate all that you do.
Fall Sports Seasons Begin
High school sports are back!!! Golf teed off the fall season earlier this week. Both Idaho Falls boys and girls picked up wins over Hillcrest on Tuesday. Skyline golf also started its season on Tuesday down in Blackfoot. This weekend the volleyball and soccer seasons officially get started. Football and Cross Country get going next week.
Teton Toyota Car Giveaway
Thank you to all the schools that have reached out about selling raffle tickets for our Teton Toyota Car giveaway. If you want to sell tickets for your school or group, contact Katlyn Lopez at the IT office to get the tickets. If you would like to schedule the car to appear at an event at your school, contact Dylan Barfuss at the District Office. Remember, ALL the money from the tickets you sell goes to your school or organization. Prize drawing is in April, so take advantage of this generous offer from Teton Toyota to raise funds.
Highlights From HR & Payroll
How to Request a Substitute
There have been some questions about how teachers request a substitute. This is how you do it.
1. Log into app.readysub.com
2. Absences
3. Post an absence
4. Select Single Day or Multi Day
5. Enter Job Date
6. Select Schedule (half day, full day, etc.)
7. Verify/Edit Start/End time
8. Job Reason
9. Room & Report to (optional)- Next
10. Post to Pool (sends job to all subs) Request Substitutes (subs in your preferred list) Assign to Substitute (pre-arranged subs) No Substitute Required (if you will not need a sub)
11. Next
12. Add notes and attachments
13. Review everything is correct
14. POST JOB (you will receive an email confirmation if posted correctly)
(208-612-7654) 6-9:30 M-F
New Way to Clock in/out, Submit Time-Off Requests
D91 is now using TimeClockPlus (TCP) for clocking in and out of work. Each building will have two TCP devices hanging on the wall, typically in a centralized office location or kitchen area. They are black, about a foot wide with a badge reader and a large screen.
Please see the TCP training within SafeSchools, located within Single Sign On, to learn more about submitting time-off requests in TCP. They will no longer be submitted through Skyward.
Reach out to the IT department help desk at 208 525- 7556 ext. 50556 or submit a help ticket with your SSO with any questions or issues you may have.
Upgrade to Windows 11
The District is upgrading to Windows 11 on all student and lab devices. We are encouraging all staff members to also upgrade to Windows 11 so everyone can be on the same page.
Staff members have the option to either do an in-place upgrade from their software center, or they can submit a help ticket to IT for a FIT member to come to them.
We would like all staff members to upgraded to Windows 11 by the end of September.
New Job Postings this Week
Westside Elementary: Resource Room Aid- Part-time
Westside Elementary: El Tutor Part-time
Ethel Boyes Elementary: Resource Room Aide-Part-time
Ethel Boyes Elementary: Kindergarten Classroom Aide-Limited Full-time
Eagle Rock Middle School: Certified ESL/Spanish Teacher
Eagle Rock Middle School: Resource Room Aide-Limited Full-time
Edgemont Elementary: Title I Tutor-Limited Full-time
Theresa Bunker Elementary: EL Tutor Part-time
Dora Erickson Elementary: Resource Room Aide-Limited Full-time
Dora Erickson Elementary: Kindergarten Classroom Aide Limited Full-time
Idaho Falls High School: Special Program Aide/DACC-Limited Full-time
See all current openings here.