ThunderRidge Weekly Update
January 17, 2025
Important Dates
January 17-18: Winter Play - Murder's in the Heir - 7:00pm - Auditorium
January 17: Professional Development Day - NO STUDENTS
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
January 21: Continental League Honor Music Festival - 7:00pm - Boettcher Concert Hall
January 24: Registration for 25-26 School Year Closes
February 13: Parent/Teacher Conferences - more information to come
February 13: Senior Parent Information Night - more information to come
February 14: Professional Development Day - NO STUDENTS
February 20: Grizzly Path - Find your calling: Post High School Info Night - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Bell Schedule Jan. 20 - 24, 2025
Monday - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday - Green Day
Wednesday - Blue Day
Thursday - Green Day
Friday - Blue Day - NO PLC
Classes begin at 8:25am on PLC days. If your student needs to arrive at school prior to 8:25am, they may go to the Library or Commons until class begins. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria.
ThunderRidge Athletics
Click the image above to keep up with all ThunderRidge Athletics information.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook @ThunderRidge Athletics.
Winter Play: Murder's in the Heir
Almost every character in this hilarious mystery has the weapon, opportunity, and motive to commit the unseen murder. And it’s up to you to decide who actually did it!
Simon's lawyer, Lois van Zandt, reveals that he has bequeathed vast fortunes to his befuddled niece Fiona, her playboy son Jordan, his great-niece Paula and his grandson Simon III, as well as to his many servants. Then Lois delivers the news that within hours his will becomes invalid. Of course, the rejected heirs are not pleased, and Simon is discovered murdered. Simon III is determined to find his grandfather’s killer, with the help of detective Michelle Davis. At intermission, the audience votes and determines the killer!
Fri-Sat, Jan. 17-18th at 7pm
Purchase tickets online
Adult $13.00 // Senior or Military $12.00 // Student $11.00
Continental League Honor Music Festival
Tickets on Sale
If you are looking for something to do, come out and support our music students at the Continental League Music Festival at Boettcher Concert Hall, Tuesday, January 21st at 7:00pm. This is a combined effort to create a concert of the highest caliber in the district.
Tickets can be pre-purchased from this link.
We hope to see you there!
Purchase Your Grizzly Gives Bundle Now
The Sophomore Leadership Team is excited to announce that Grizzly Gives Week will take place this year from March 3rd to March 11th! We’ve got an amazing lineup of events and activities, all aimed at making a positive impact.
Over the years, through our partnership with Caruso Family Charities, ThunderRidge has supported many families who are caring for a seriously ill child. The funds we raise go directly to the Caruso Family Charities to help cover essential needs like medical bills, rent/mortgage, food, and transportation, as well as support for other siblings in these families. These siblings often face unique challenges, as they have to pause much of their own lives to support their family. Caruso Family Charities works hard to ensure that these siblings also receive special attention, offering opportunities like sports, music lessons, play rehearsals, and more to keep them engaged and supported.
To help us reach our fundraising goal, we’re offering a Grizzly Gives Bundle for just $30! The bundle includes a t-shirt and activity band, along with access to all of our exciting events, including 3v3 Basketball, Bingo Night, Sadie’s Dance, and much more!
The sale ends on January 29th, and shirts/activity bands will be available for pickup in February.
For more information or if you have any questions, feel free to contact Thomas Sullivan at tmsullivan@dcsdk12.org.
Thank you for your support! Let’s make this Grizzly Gives Week the best one yet!
Round 2 of Open Enrollment for 25-26 School Year Opens January 22
Do you know someone who is interested in attending ThunderRidge High School for the 2025-2026 school year? The second round of open enrollment for DCSD opens January 22nd at 8:00am. Visit the DCSD website to apply.
Please reach out to Tiffany Klenke, Registrar, at tklenke@dcsdk12.org with any questions.
2nd Semester Parking: Juniors and Seniors Only
Puchase your parking permit by January 31st.
Juniors and Seniors - a limited number of parking permits are available for purchase on a first come, first serve basis through January 31, 2025. If you will be getting your driver's license at any time during the spring semester, now is the time to purchase your permit.
To purchase, scan the QR code, or visit myschoolbucks to complete the application and pay. Permits can be picked up at the upper security kiosk 48 hours after purchase.
If you purchased a permit at the beginning of the school year, you do NOT need to purchase one now. This is for those that did not purchase one at the beginning of the year.
Buy Your TRHS Planner While Supplies Last
Need help staying organized in the second semester?
Buy your TRHS Planner on MySchoolBucks for only $7.00, and stop by the Finance Office during school hours to pick it up.
Available while supplies last. Get yours today!
Call for Judges: Senior Boards
ThunderRidge High School is issuing a call for judges to assess seniors regarding their Oral Presentation, Portfolio Presentation, and Product Review of their Senior Project on Friday, April 11, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The Senior Board will listen and evaluate students presenting their Senior Projects. This will be a positive and fun learning experience where you will see our students at their very best. All community members are invited to assist in this project as the seniors prepare for their time to shine.
Training and lunch will be provided on Senior Board Day.
Information for the Class of 2025
Senior Project Progress Check
The table below highlights where students should be in the Senior Project process. If they are struggling or confused about any of these components, please have them reach out to their English or Advisement teachers. In order to manage your time, aim to be done, or close to being done, with your project by the end of Spring Break.
Deadline to submit Senior Ad extended
The deadline to purchase a Senior Advertisement has been extended! The absolute last day that we can accept submissions is Friday, January 24th, so please submit your advertisement before that deadline.
Information on how to purchase an advertisement can be found at the link below:
Please contact the Yearbook Adviser, Sarah Schneider, at sluebking@dcsdk12.org if you have any questions.
Counselors' Corner
This past week in the counseling office, TRHS Counselors saw 266 students to provide support with academic planning, social emotional issues, and post secondary planning. Counselors have been busy helping students choose their courses for the 25-26 school year, emphasizing the importance of rigor, balance, and post secondary readiness. Students have until January 24th to finalize course requests, as they will roll over the master schedule planning at that time.
Resource for Seniors & Parents: Outlier College Prep Course
This course can be helpful to students, educators, or parents. When enrolled in the course, students will learn how to best navigate all of the ins and outs of academia, financial aid, campus life, and how to avoid college’s common pitfalls. Information includes chapters on mapping out a college path and understanding the intricacies of financial aid that are particularly valuable for high school students and parents. Anyone can register for the course here for free.
TRHS Career Exploration series continues! This series provides students the chance to hear about careers in a broad variety of industries around our area. Every Tuesday we host a different career speaker who shares with us about their job, their career journey, the skills and interests needed, and much more. Click here to sign up!
January 21, 10:20am-10:55am: Renee Pawloski - Interior Design/Color Analyst for Color Savvy Studio
January 28, 10:20am-10:55am: Evelyn Peterson, ASCENT/TREP Program - opportunity to earn a full year of college tuition paid
Mindful Minute - Stay warm physically and mentally this winter
Cold winter days can lead to feeling down and isolated. Mindfulness can ease wintertime challenges by reducing stress, improving mood, and enhancing focus. It helps combat seasonal blues by fostering gratitude and awareness of small joys, like cozy moments or winter's beauty. Mindfulness promotes self-care, keeping you present and resilient during colder, darker months.
Check out this article, detailing 11 mindful practices to counter the winter blues.
For all things Counseling, including college information and scholarships,
check out the full Counseling newsletter!
This Week in Tuesday Grizzly Hour
Students designed a vision board that focused on five short-term goals, both academically and personally. The freshmen created a virtual collage of pictures and phrases that will help them conceptualize these goals. -Mr. Cohen
Students started working on their Skills worksheet to help prepare for their final report. They will begin working on their final report on February 4th. Their final report for the Sophomore project will be due on Tuesday, April 1st. Their final product will be presented April 22nd. - Mrs. Brant
Seniors reviewed what components of the Senior Project should be completed and which components they should be currently working on.
Reminder: Mentor Agreement Forms were due at the beginning of December. If your student has not submitted this form, they need to do so as soon as possible. - Ms. Vande Vusse
Community Events and Fundraisers
Student volunteers needed for Eldorado Elementary Family Dance Feb. 28th
Sign up here We are in need of 15 outgoing and energetic high school volunteers for our annual family dance "Around the World" at Eldorado Elementary on Friday, Feb. 28th. Volunteers will be on site from 5:30pm -8:30pm and help with various activities such as setup/clean up, games, greeting families, Panther Mascot etc. Please email Sarah Demers at secretary.pto.eldorado@gmail.com with any questions.
Childcare student volunteers needed for PTO/SAC meetings
We are looking for 2 volunteers to help with childcare during each PTO/SAC meeting for the 2024-2025 school year at Eldorado Elementary. Meetings run from 6:00-8:30pm. Volunteers arrive 10-15 minutes early (5:45pm) to get set up (you will have access to PE equipment). Please sign up for any/all slots that you are available to help!
Please bring any volunteer forms needing to be completed and we will get those filled out at the end of the night. Please email Sarah Demers at secretary.pto.eldorado@gmail.com with any questions.
Grizzly Hour and Seminar Grading and Attendance Information
Tuesday Grizzly Hour (Advisement)
Students receive a Pass (P) or Fail (F) grade for Advisement based on 30% completion of work AND 70% attendance.
Thursday Grizzly Hour (Access)
This class is a Pass (P) or Fail (F) class based on 70% attendance.
Seminar (Tuesday and Thursday)
This class is a Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) grade based on 70% attendance.
About Us
Principal: Sean Patterson
Mission Statement:
Empowering Grizzlies through curiosity, compassion, courage, community and service.
Website: trhs.dcsdk12.org
Location: 1991 West Wildcat Reserve Parkway, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA
Phone: 303.387.2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TRHSGrizzlies?mibextid+LQQJ4d
X (formerly Twitter): @TRidgeGrizzlies