Arts In Education
Lee County Schools Fall 2024
LCS Supports a Comprehensive Arts Education
Our Mission
Our Vision
🍂🍁Welcome to the Fall Edition of LCS Arts in Education!
This school year brings needed and exciting changes to Arts Education in our state.
Legislation was recently passed to include an arts graduation requirement. Additionally, this year, an arts diploma endorsement is being offered for qualifying high school seniors.🎓
New Evidence of the Benefits of Arts Education (a randomized control study) 📈
"We find that a substantial increase in arts educational experiences has remarkable impacts on students' academic, social, and emotional outcomes."
I hope you enjoy this edition of LCS Arts In Education.
Wendy Bryant
LCS Arts Education Liaison
NC Arts Graduation Requirement 🎓
Session Law SL2020-78
S681 passed in June of 2020 and became Session Law SL2020-78 in July.
This law directed the State Board of Education (SBE) to modify graduation requirements, which previously included an option to include an arts education credit, to require one credit of arts education to be completed at any time during grades six through twelve. The new requirement. begins with students entering Grade 6 in 2022-23 and, subsequently, in Grade 9 in 2025-26.
Click on the link below for more information.
Arts Proficiency Endorsement 🎓
A New Era in Education
Arts advocates and educators in North Carolina have much to celebrate with the recent introduction of the Arts Proficiency Endorsement for high school diplomas, a historic milestone that signals a significant step forward in recognizing the importance of arts education. This endorsement, sanctioned by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction under the State Board Education Policy Grad-007, is more than just a new line on a diploma—it’s a recognition of the vital role that the arts play in shaping well-rounded, future-ready students.
It legitimizes the arts as a critical component of a student’s education and provides a framework for schools to recognize and reward artistic excellence. Moreover, it sends a powerful message to students, parents, and the broader community that the arts are not just valuable but essential to a well-rounded education.
Endorsement Requirements
a. The student shall complete a minimum of four NCSCOS high school arts courses (which may include Advanced Placement). Courses using local elective codes that do not deliver the full Arts Education Standard Course of Study do not count toward the endorsement nor do community college arts courses.
b. The student shall earn an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher in each arts credit.
c. The student shall complete a minimum of 40 hours of arts-related extracurricular activities between 9th and 12th grade.
i. The student shall complete all of the required hours outside of instructional hours.
ii. The student shall not receive any course credit for participation in the activity.
iii. The student shall document the hours on the form provided by NCDPI with a short
reflection. Activities must be approved by a current or former arts education teacher
of the student.
iv. Forms must be submitted to the student’s high school guidance counselor by the
specified date.
Examples that would satisfy the requirements include, but are not limited to, attending performances, participating in community arts events, participation in local, district, or regional honor ensembles or activities, visiting museums or galleries, or interviewing local artists. Hours can be cross-curricular. Lee County Schools list of approved arts-related extracurricular activities may be found on the website, lee.k12.nc.us
New Arts Education Standard Courses of Study 📔
K-12 District Arts teachers attended training on the new Arts Education Standard Courses of Study titled Aligning Artistic Practices: Understanding the New Arts Education Standards Framework on October 17. This PD was developed by DPI Arts Education and delivered by Wendy Bryant.
The new Arts Education K-12 Standard Courses of Study for Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts, will be fully implemented at the beginning of the 2025-26 School Year.
DPI Arts Education Hub 🔌
The NC K-12 Arts Education Resource Hub is a repository for all Dance, Music, Theatre Arts, and Visual Arts supporters. The purpose of this hub is to provide a space for the arts education community to explore resources that address the K-12 Dance, Music, Theatre Arts, and Visual Arts Standard Courses of Study and access to resources that will assist with planning, instruction, and professional learning designed to support effective standard-based teaching and learning.
Music in my Ears 🎶🎷🥁Rhythm in my Feet👟
The Southern Lee High School Jazz Band and the WB Wicker Elementary Step Dance Class performed for the Board of Education on October
Southern Lee High School
led by band director, Angela Matthews
WB Wicker Elementary
led by dance teacher, Emma Terry
🎡🎶Lee County Agricultural Fair
Visual and Performing Arts take the stage!
Performances from LCHS and SLHS showcased talents for fair attendees
LCHS Show Choir
led by Orchestra director,
Alexa Hughes
Lee County High School Marching Yellow Jackets open the fair
led by band director,
Mike Wilkins
Southern Lee High School Marching Band and Color Guard
led by band director,
Angela Matthews
Lee County High School 🏆
Toni B.'s fish won 2nd place in the animal category and the popsicle placed 3rd in the still life category.
Lee County High School 🏆
Sophie W. won 2nd place in floral.
Lee County High School 🏆
Adriana T.'s key drawing placed 2nd in still life.
Lee County High School 🏆
Adriana T. "Van Gogh" copper embossing placed 2nd in non- ceramic sculpture
Southern Lee High School 🏆
Zofia P. wins Best in Show for the 9-12 Youth Art division
Digital self-portrait
🎨NC State Fair Visual Arts Winner 🏆
Zofia P. wins Blue Ribbon 🏆
🎨🏆Youth Blue Ribbon, in category 2, of the
NC Association of Agriculture Fairs'
Best In Show competition!
Congratulations, Zofia, 11th grade visual arts student of Ms. Appanaitis
at Southern Lee High School!
Pep Bands! 🏈🎵
East Lee Middle band students play for a LCHS football game 🎶
San Lee Middle band students play for their first home football game 🎶
🎶Marching Band Competitions 🎶🥁🎷
SLCH Timberwolf Throwdown 🏆
1st Place Music, 1st Place General Effects, 1st Place Percussion, 1st Place Overall! Congratulations to the Marching Cavaliers!
LCHS Rumble in the Jungle 🏆
Congratulations to the Marching Yellow Jackets!
LCHS Union Pines Viking Classic 🏆
First Place General Effect and Visual Ensemble, 2nd Place Overall in Class A
Congratulations to the Marching Yellow Jackets!
🧱🎼Brick Capital Classic Marching Band Competition 🎼🧱Hosted by LCHS
Southern Lee High School 🏆🥁
1st place drum major
1st place marching
1st place band class A
Excellent Rating
Southern Lee High School 🏆
2nd place music
2nd place general effect
Southern Lee High School 🏆
2nd place colorguard
2nd place percussion
Lee County High School 🎺
Lee County High School did not compete, as they were the host of the event
Lee County High School
Fall Theatre Performances 🎭
Lee County High School
led by theatre teacher,
Ron Coley
The Little Mermaid, Jr
Southern Lee High School
led by theatre teacher,
Sheryl Davis
💭Art For The Sky!🎨
Tramway brought Daniel Dancer back to create a mural using students and staff. His first visit was five years ago when Tramway created a tiger shark that represented their newly appointed mascot. This year, a tree of all seasons was created representing Tramway's year round schedule and an ode to their first motto when the school first opened, " Success in All Seasons" After sending Daniel an inspiration photo, he calculated how big to create the mural by the number of students/staff at Tramway. Fifth graders helped to create the outline of the design on day one. Day two, the school comes together to create the actual image. The finale was a schoolwide assembly watching our video Daniel compiled of the three days spent creating the tree of all seasons.
~Mary Beth Wiltshire, Tramway Elementary Visual Arts teacher
🎨High Schools Visual Arts Field Trips 🚌
Sanford Brush and Palette Club, Art Angels & The Ruby McSwain Foundation
Visual Arts students from LCHS Mr. Wells's & Ms. Coyne's classes and SLHS Ms. Appanaitis's & Ms. Manning's classes, attended the 59th annual Sanford Brush and Palette Club Art Show in October. Students engaged with professional artists, participated in hands-on activities, and took part in a scavenger hunt.
The visit was fully funded by the Ruby McSwain Foundation.
🏆LCS Arts Teachers Juried Work 🎨
Sanford Brush and Palette Club Art Show
Congratulations to Arts Educators for entering their work into the annual Sanford Brush and Palette Club Art Show!
Ms. Deaton, Greenwood Elementary music teacher
Tin art
Ms. Appanaitis SLSH visual arts teacher
🏆Blue Ribbon Winner
Ms. Appanaitis SLSH visual arts teacher
🏆Merit Ribbon Winner
🎻Music Teachers Attend State Conference 🎶
Ms. Deaton is pictured with college friend, Dr. Andrea M Price, now music professor at Western Carolina University
One of the joys going to the NCMEA Conference each year is networking. In addition to the many workshops I attended--the most profound of which was a Spanish immersion conference where we got to feel what it's like to be an EL learner in the music classroom--I spent over 10 hours directly engaged in conversation with friends and colleagues about music and life. Those conversations were life-giving. And I am grateful.
~Deana Deaton, music teacher at Greenwood Elementary
Ms. Davis is pictured with her cooperating teacher from undergrad and a new director that she student taught as an 8th grader
Attending the NCMEA Conference this year was a rewarding experience. It validated some of the strategies I use in the classroom while also providing new ideas and techniques for me to try. The resources and professional connections I made are invaluable. As someone new to teaching strings, it was great to get specific professional development that met my needs.
~Caleigh Davis, band and orchestra director at SanLee Middle
Ms. Kendrick
This was my very first time attending any sort of professional conference. I was absolutely blown away by all of the sessions and performances NCMEA had to offer over the course of the weekend! Our job as music educators can be tough at times. I walked away feeling encouraged to continue showing up for my students to the best of my ability. I also walked away with a large variety of resources and knowledge to apply to my own classroom. Specifically, I am eager to implement some of the new folk dances, and vocal warm ups I learned.
~Haley Kendrick, music teacher at WB Wicker Elementary
Arts Education PD
Each month arts educators meet to connect, share resources, and grow in their practice.
Teachers that attended the NCMEA conference, share teaching strategies
Visual arts teachers team up with their grade levels to write lessons based on the new SCOS
Sharing lessons for Hispanic Heritage Month
Save the Dates!
🎄Upcoming December Performances 🎹
Tramway Christmas Play (kinder)Tramway Gym12/3/24 6:30 PM
East Lee Winter Concert LCHS Auditorium12/9/24 6:30 PM
SanLee Winter Concert SLMS Gym12/17/2024 6:00 PM