IECHS Weekly Newsletter
February 3 , 2025
✏️ This week is School Counselor Appreciation Week. Please make plans to show Ms. Putney some love.
Upcoming Events
✏️ Ms. Putney will be meeting with all sophomores for IECHS course registration over the next week and juniors the following week. Leaders are expected to review their registration forms with their families, sign them, and return them to Ms. Putney by the given due date: Sophomores-> February 5th, Juniors-> February 13th.
✏️ IECHS will host Poetry Outloud on February 6th at 6:00.
✏️ Progress reports will go home on February 7th.
✏️ We will host an informal school dance on February 7th during 4th period. All students are invited to attend.
✏️ We wish our Quiz Bowl luck as they compete this Saturday.
✏️ Next week is Love the Bus Week. Please show your support for our bus drivers!
✏️ Our next PTSO meeting is February 12th at 5:30.
✏️ We will celebrate SRO Appreciation Day on February 13th. Please reach out to Officer Cabacar to let him know you appreciate him.
✏️ Friday, February 14th is a Teacher Workday, and there will be no IECHS classes. If leaders need transportation to their ECU courses, they must reach out to Mr. Grant.
NC Driving School is offering Driver’s Ed virtually from February 17th to March 6th, Monday through Thursday 7-9:30pm. Please note leaders cannot miss a day of instruction, so make sure they can attend all classes. To take the class, Leaders must be 14 and a half by February 17th. If interested leaders should email Ms. Miller at millerl4@pitt.k12.nc.us if they would like to sign up. The deadline to sign up is February 10th.
Senior Corner
🎓LOTS of new scholarships have been posted to the IECHS Student Services Website!
🎓Have you been accepted into colleges? If so, PLEASE share the good news with us!!!!
Click here to check out Senior Opportunities throughout the year!
Click here to check out scholarship information throughout the school year!
❗Important Dates ❗
✏️Senior Trip (Orlando, Florida - April 4 - April 7, 2025)
✏️Senior Awards Night- May 5th at 6:00; JH Rose High School Auditorium
✏️Graduation Practice- May 21 at 3:00 (all graduating seniors and junior marshals must attend)
✏️Graduation- May 22 at 5:00; ECU Student Center
Carnation Fundraiser
To show our gratitude to our bus drivers during Love the Bus Week we are hosting our 2nd annual carnation fundraiser.
IECHS PTSO Carnation Fundraiser
Valentine's Day is approaching! Show love for IECHS by sending a carnation and a special message to friends, family, someone special, or to brighten someone's day. The PTSO will deliver all orders on Feb. 13th. Order your carnations today and let the spirit of Valentine's Day blossom.
Does your student need volunteer hours?
4th Annual Volunteer Expo is Feb. 1st @ Greenville Convention Center 9 am-12 pm
45+ Non-profit organizations will be set up to provide information about their work around Pitt County. Even elected office officials will attend this event!
Quick Reminders
The PTSO Meeting is on February 12th at 5:30 at IECHS, but online attendance is available. We plan on hosting a community conversation in March and would like families from all over to participate so please be sure to keep an eye out for that information next month.